ScummVM API documentation
DM::DisplayMan Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 DisplayMan (DMEngine *dmEngine)
void loadWallSet (WallSet set)
void loadFloorSet (FloorSet set)
void loadIntoBitmap (uint16 index, byte *destBitmap)
void setUpScreens (uint16 width, uint16 height)
void loadGraphics ()
void initializeGraphicData ()
void loadCurrentMapGraphics ()
void allocateFlippedWallBitmaps ()
void drawDoorBitmap (Frame *frame)
void drawDoorFrameBitmapFlippedHorizontally (byte *bitmap, Frame *frame)
void drawDoorButton (int16 doorButtonOrdinal, DoorButton doorButton)
uint16 getPixelWidth (uint16 index)
 Gives the width of an IMG0 type item.
uint16 getPixelHeight (uint16 index)
 Gives the height of an IMG1 type item.
void copyBitmapAndFlipHorizontal (byte *srcBitmap, byte *destBitmap, uint16 byteWidth, uint16 height)
void drawFloorOrnament (uint16 floorOrnOrdinal, ViewFloor viewFloorIndex)
void drawDoor (uint16 doorThingIndex, DoorState doorState, int16 *doorNativeBitmapIndices, int16 byteCount, DoorOrnament doorOrnament, DoorFrames *doorFrames)
void drawDoorOrnament (int16 doorOrnOdinal, DoorOrnament doorOrnament)
void drawCeilingPit (int16 nativeBitmapIndex, Frame *frame, int16 mapX, int16 mapY, bool flipHorizontal)
void blitToViewport (byte *bitmap, Box &box, int16 byteWidth, Color transparent, int16 height)
void blitToViewport (byte *bitmap, int16 *box, int16 byteWidth, Color transparent, int16 height)
void blitToScreen (byte *bitmap, const Box *box, int16 byteWidth, Color transparent, int16 height)
void blitToBitmap (byte *srcBitmap, byte *destBitmap, const Box &box, uint16 srcX, uint16 srcY, uint16 srcByteWidth, uint16 destByteWidth, Color transparent, int16 srcHeight, int16 destHight)
void blitBoxFilledWithMaskedBitmap (byte *src, byte *dest, byte *mask, byte *tmp, Box &box, int16 lastUnitIndex, int16 firstUnitIndex, int16 destByteWidth, Color transparent, int16 xPos, int16 yPos, int16 destHeight, int16 height2)
void blitToBitmapShrinkWithPalChange (byte *srcBitmap, byte *destBitmap, int16 srcPixelWidth, int16 srcHight, int16 destPixelWidth, int16 destHeight, byte *palChange)
void flipBitmapHorizontal (byte *bitmap, uint16 byteWidth, uint16 height)
void flipBitmapVertical (byte *bitmap, uint16 byteWidth, uint16 height)
byte * getExplosionBitmap (uint16 explosionAspIndex, uint16 scale, int16 &returnByteWidth, int16 &returnHeight)
void fillBitmap (byte *bitmap, Color color, uint16 byteWidth, uint16 height)
void fillScreen (Color color)
void fillScreenBox (Box &box, Color color)
void fillBoxBitmap (byte *destBitmap, Box &box, Color color, int16 byteWidth, int16 height)
void drawDungeon (Direction dir, int16 posX, int16 posY)
void drawFloorAndCeiling ()
void updateScreen ()
void drawViewport (int16 palSwitchingRequestedState)
byte * getNativeBitmapOrGraphic (uint16 index)
Common::MemoryReadStream getCompressedData (uint16 index)
uint32 getCompressedDataSize (uint16 index)
void drawField (FieldAspect *fieldAspect, Box &box)
int16 getScaledBitmapByteCount (int16 byteWidth, int16 height, int16 scale)
int16 getScaledDimension (int16 dimension, int16 scale)
void drawObjectsCreaturesProjectilesExplosions (Thing thingParam, Direction directionParam, int16 mapXpos, int16 mapYpos, int16 viewSquareIndex, CellOrder orderedViewCellOrdinals)
uint16 getNormalizedByteWidth (uint16 byteWidth)
uint16 getVerticalOffsetM23 (uint16 val)
uint16 getHorizontalOffsetM22 (uint16 val)
bool isDerivedBitmapInCache (int16 derivedBitmapIndex)
byte * getDerivedBitmap (int16 derivedBitmapIndex)
void addDerivedBitmap (int16 derivedBitmapIndex)
void releaseBlock (uint16 index)
uint16 getDarkenedColor (uint16 RGBcolor)
void startEndFadeToPalette (uint16 *P0849_pui_Palette)
void buildPaletteChangeCopperList (uint16 *middleScreen, uint16 *topAndBottom)
void shadeScreenBox (Box *box, Color color)

Public Attributes

byte * _bitmapWallSetD1LCR
uint16 _screenWidth
uint16 _screenHeight
byte * _bitmapScreen
byte * _bitmapViewport
byte * _tmpBitmap
bool _paletteSwitchingEnabled
bool _refreshDungeonViewPaleteRequested
int16 _dungeonViewPaletteIndex
uint16 _blankBuffer [32]
uint16 _paletteTopAndBottomScreen [16]
uint16 _paletteMiddleScreen [16]
int16 _championPortraitOrdinal
int16 _currMapAlcoveOrnIndices [3]
int16 _currMapFountainOrnIndices [1]
OrnamentInfo _currMapWallOrnInfo [16]
OrnamentInfo _currMapFloorOrnInfo [16]
OrnamentInfo _currMapDoorOrnInfo [17]
byte * _currMapAllowedCreatureTypes
byte _currMapWallOrnIndices [16]
byte _currMapFloorOrnIndices [16]
byte _currMapDoorOrnIndices [18]
int16 _currMapViAltarIndex
Thing _inscriptionThing
bool _drawFloorAndCeilingRequested
bool _useByteBoxCoordinates
bool _doNotDrawFluxcagesDuringEndgame
Frame _doorFrameLeftD1C
Frame _doorFrameRightD1C
FieldAspect _fieldAspects188 [12]
Box _boxMovementArrows
byte _palChangeSmoke [16]
byte _projectileScales [7]
ExplosionAspect _explosionAspects [4]
Frame _frameWallD3R2
Frame _frameWalls163 [12]
CreatureAspect _creatureAspects219 [27]
ObjectAspect _objectAspects209 [85]
ProjectileAspect _projectileAspect [14]
uint16 _palCredits [16]
uint16 _palDungeonView [6][16]
byte _palChangesCreatureD3 [16]
byte _palChangesCreatureD2 [16]
byte _palChangesNoChanges [16]
byte _palChangesFloorOrnD3 [16]
byte _palChangesFloorOrnD2 [16]

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