ScummVM API documentation
MTropolis::MovieElement Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MTropolis::MovieElement:
MTropolis::VisualElement MTropolis::ISegmentUnloadSignalReceiver MTropolis::IPlayMediaSignalReceiver MTropolis::Element MTropolis::IInterfaceBase MTropolis::IInterfaceBase MTropolis::Structural MTropolis::RuntimeObject MTropolis::IModifierContainer MTropolis::IMessageConsumer MTropolis::Debuggable MTropolis::IInterfaceBase MTropolis::IInterfaceBase MTropolis::IDebuggable MTropolis::IInterfaceBase

Public Member Functions

bool load (ElementLoaderContext &context, const Data::MovieElement &data)
bool readAttribute (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValue &result, const Common::String &attrib) override
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome writeRefAttribute (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValueWriteProxy &result, const Common::String &attrib) override
VThreadState consumeCommand (Runtime *runtime, const Common::SharedPtr< MessageProperties > &msg) override
void activate () override
void deactivate () override
bool canAutoPlay () const override
void queueAutoPlayEvents (Runtime *runtime, bool isAutoPlaying) override
void render (Window *window) override
void playMedia (Runtime *runtime, Project *project) override
void setResizeFilter (const Common::SharedPtr< MovieResizeFilter > &filter)
Common::SharedPtr< StructuralshallowClone () const override
void visitInternalReferences (IStructuralReferenceVisitor *visitor) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::VisualElement
bool isVisual () const override
virtual bool isTextLabel () const
VThreadState consumeCommand (Runtime *runtime, const Common::SharedPtr< MessageProperties > &msg) override
bool respondsToEvent (const Event &evt) const override
VThreadState consumeMessage (Runtime *runtime, const Common::SharedPtr< MessageProperties > &msg) override
bool isVisible () const
bool isVisibleByDefault () const
void setVisible (Runtime *runtime, bool visible)
bool isDirectToScreen () const
void setDirectToScreen (bool directToScreen)
uint16 getLayer () const
void setLayer (uint16 layer)
bool isMouseInsideDrawableArea (int32 relativeX, int32 relativeY) const
virtual bool isMouseCollisionAtPoint (int32 relativeX, int32 relativeY) const
bool readAttribute (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValue &result, const Common::String &attrib) override
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome writeRefAttribute (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValueWriteProxy &writeProxy, const Common::String &attrib) override
Common::Point getParentOrigin () const
Common::Point getGlobalPosition () const
const Common::RectgetRelativeRect () const
virtual Common::Rect getRelativeCollisionRect () const
void setRelativeRect (const Common::Rect &rect)
const Common::PointgetCachedAbsoluteOrigin () const
void setCachedAbsoluteOrigin (const Common::Point &absOrigin)
void setDragMotionProperties (const Common::SharedPtr< DragMotionProperties > &dragProps)
const Common::SharedPtr< DragMotionProperties > & getDragMotionProperties () const
void handleDragMotion (Runtime *runtime, const Common::Point &initialOrigin, const Common::Point &targetOrigin)
VThreadState offsetTranslateTask (const OffsetTranslateTaskData &data)
void setRenderProperties (const VisualElementRenderProperties &props, const Common::WeakPtr< GraphicModifier > &primaryGraphicModifier)
const VisualElementRenderPropertiesgetRenderProperties () const
const Common::WeakPtr< GraphicModifier > & getPrimaryGraphicModifier () const
void setShading (int16 topLeftBevelShading, int16 bottomRightBevelShading, int16 interiorShading, uint32 bevelSize)
void setTransitionProperties (const VisualElementTransitionProperties &props)
const VisualElementTransitionPropertiesgetTransitionProperties () const
bool needsRender () const
void finalizeRender ()
void setPalette (const Common::SharedPtr< Palette > &palette)
const Common::SharedPtr< Palette > & getPalette () const
void visitInternalReferences (IStructuralReferenceVisitor *visitor) override
void pushVisibilityChangeTask (Runtime *runtime, bool desiredVisibility)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::Element
bool isElement () const override
uint32 getStreamLocator () const
void addMediaCue (MediaCueState *mediaCue)
void removeMediaCue (const MediaCueState *mediaCue)
void triggerAutoPlay (Runtime *runtime)
virtual bool resolveMediaMarkerLabel (const Label &label, int32 &outResolution) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::Structural
 Structural (Runtime *runtime)
bool isStructural () const override
bool readAttributeIndexed (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValue &result, const Common::String &attrib, const DynamicValue &index) override
const Common::Array< Common::SharedPtr< Structural > > & getChildren () const
void addChild (const Common::SharedPtr< Structural > &child)
void removeAllChildren ()
void removeAllModifiers ()
void removeChild (Structural *child)
void removeAllAssets ()
void holdAssets (const Common::Array< Common::SharedPtr< Asset > > &assets)
StructuralgetParent () const
StructuralfindNextSibling () const
StructuralfindPrevSibling () const
void setParent (Structural *parent)
VisualElementfindScene ()
const Common::StringgetName () const
const Common::Array< Common::SharedPtr< Modifier > > & getModifiers () const override
void appendModifier (const Common::SharedPtr< Modifier > &modifier) override
void removeModifier (const Modifier *modifier) override
void materializeSelfAndDescendents (Runtime *runtime, ObjectLinkingScope *outerScope)
void materializeDescendents (Runtime *runtime, ObjectLinkingScope *outerScope)
void recursiveCollectObjectsMatchingCriteria (Common::Array< Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject > > &results, bool(*evalFunc)(void *userData, RuntimeObject *object), void *userData, bool onlyEnabled)
void setHooks (const Common::SharedPtr< StructuralHooks > &hooks)
const Common::SharedPtr< StructuralHooks > & getHooks () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::RuntimeObject
uint32 getStaticGUID () const
uint32 getRuntimeGUID () const
void setRuntimeGUID (uint32 runtimeGUID)
void setSelfReference (const Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject > &selfReference)
const Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject > & getSelfReference () const
virtual bool isProject () const
virtual bool isSection () const
virtual bool isSubsection () const
virtual bool isModifier () const
virtual MiniscriptInstructionOutcome writeRefAttributeIndexed (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValueWriteProxy &result, const Common::String &attrib, const DynamicValue &index)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::Debuggable
 Debuggable (const Debuggable &other)
 Debuggable (Debuggable &&other)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::IDebuggable
virtual SupportStatus debugGetSupportStatus () const =0
virtual const char * debugGetTypeName () const =0
virtual const Common::StringdebugGetName () const =0
virtual void debugInspect (IDebugInspectionReport *report) const =0

Protected Member Functions

void onPauseStateChanged () override
void onSegmentUnloaded (int segmentIndex) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::VisualElement
 VisualElement (const VisualElement &other)
bool loadCommon (const Common::String &name, uint32 guid, const Data::Rect &rect, uint32 elementFlags, uint16 layer, uint32 streamLocator, uint16 sectionID)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetDirect (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetPosition (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetPositionX (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetPositionY (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetCenterPosition (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetCenterPositionX (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetCenterPositionY (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetVisibility (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &result)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetSize (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetWidth (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetHeight (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetLayer (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &dest)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptWriteRefPositionAttribute (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValueWriteProxy &writeProxy, const Common::String &attrib)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptWriteRefSizeAttribute (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValueWriteProxy &writeProxy, const Common::String &attrib)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptWriteRefCenterPositionAttribute (MiniscriptThread *thread, DynamicValueWriteProxy &writeProxy, const Common::String &attrib)
void offsetTranslate (int32 xDelta, int32 yDelta, bool cachedOriginOnly)
void resize (int32 width, int32 height)
Common::Point getCenterPosition () const
VThreadState changeVisibilityTask (const ChangeFlagTaskData &taskData)
void renderShading (Graphics::Surface &surf) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::Element
 Element (const Element &other)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::Structural
 Structural (const Structural &other)
virtual ObjectLinkingScopegetPersistentStructuralScope ()
virtual ObjectLinkingScopegetPersistentModifierScope ()
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetPaused (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &value)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetLoop (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &value)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetDebug (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &value)
virtual void linkInternalReferences (ObjectLinkingScope *outerScope)
RuntimegetRuntime () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::RuntimeObject
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetClone (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &value)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetKill (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &value)
MiniscriptInstructionOutcome scriptSetParent (MiniscriptThread *thread, const DynamicValue &value)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MTropolis::VisualElement
static VisualElementrecursiveFindItemWithLayer (VisualElement *element, int32 layer)
static uint32 quantizeShading (uint32 mask, int16 shading)
static void renderShadingScanlineDynamic (void *data, size_t numElements, uint32 rMask, uint32 rAdd, uint32 gMask, uint32 gAdd, uint32 bMask, uint32 bAdd, bool isBrighten, byte bytesPerPixel)
template<class TElement >
static void renderBrightenScanline (TElement *element, size_t numElements, TElement rMask, TElement rAdd, TElement gMask, TElement gAdd, TElement bMask, TElement bAdd)
template<class TElement >
static void renderDarkenScanline (TElement *element, size_t numElements, TElement rMask, TElement rSub, TElement gMask, TElement gSub, TElement bMask, TElement bSub)
- Protected Attributes inherited from MTropolis::VisualElement
bool _directToScreen
bool _visible
bool _visibleByDefault
Common::Rect _rect
Common::Point _cachedAbsoluteOrigin
uint16 _layer
int16 _topLeftBevelShading
int16 _bottomRightBevelShading
int16 _interiorShading
uint32 _bevelSize
Common::SharedPtr< DragMotionProperties_dragProps
VisualElementRenderProperties _renderProps
Common::WeakPtr< GraphicModifier_primaryGraphicModifier
VisualElementTransitionProperties _transitionProps
Common::SharedPtr< Palette_palette
Common::Rect _prevRect
bool _contentsDirty
- Protected Attributes inherited from MTropolis::Element
uint32 _streamLocator
uint16 _sectionID
Common::Array< MediaCueState * > _mediaCues
bool _haveCheckedAutoPlay
- Protected Attributes inherited from MTropolis::Structural
Common::Array< Common::SharedPtr< Structural > > _children
Common::Array< Common::SharedPtr< Modifier > > _modifiers
Common::String _name
Common::Array< Common::SharedPtr< Asset > > _assets
bool _paused
bool _loop
int32 _flushPriority
Common::SharedPtr< StructuralHooks_hooks
- Protected Attributes inherited from MTropolis::RuntimeObject
uint32 _guid
uint32 _runtimeGUID
Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject_selfReference

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