ScummVM API documentation
BladeRunner::SuspectDatabaseEntry Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 SuspectDatabaseEntry (BladeRunnerEngine *_vm)
void setActor (int actorId)
void setSex (int sex)
bool addMOClue (int clueId)
bool addWhereaboutsClue (int clueId)
bool addReplicantClue (int clueId)
bool addNonReplicantClue (int clueId)
bool addOtherClue (int clueId)
bool addIdentityClue (int clueId)
bool addPhotoClue (int shapeId, int clueId)
const char * getName () const
int getSex () const
bool hasMOClue (int clueId) const
bool hasWhereaboutsClue (int clueId) const
bool hasReplicantClue (int clueId) const
bool hasNonReplicantClue (int clueId) const
bool hasOtherClue (int clueId) const
bool hasIdentityClue (int clueId) const
bool hasClue (int clueId) const
int getPhotoCount () const
int getPhotoClueId (int photoId) const
int getPhotoShapeId (int photoId) const
int getPhotoNotUsed (int photoId) const
void reset ()

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