ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cWidgetCheckBox Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for hpl::cWidgetCheckBox:

Public Member Functions

 cWidgetCheckBox (cGuiSet *apSet, cGuiSkin *apSkin)
void SetChecked (bool abX)
bool IsChecked ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iWidget
 iWidget (eWidgetType aType, cGuiSet *apSet, cGuiSkin *apSkin)
void Update (float afTimeStep)
void Draw (float afTimeStep, cGuiClipRegion *apClipRegion)
bool ProcessMessage (eGuiMessage aMessage, cGuiMessageData &aData)
void AddCallback (eGuiMessage aMessage, void *apObject, tGuiCallbackFunc apFunc)
eWidgetType GetType ()
void Init ()
bool PointIsInside (const cVector2f &avPoint, bool abOnlyClipped)
void AttachChild (iWidget *apChild)
void RemoveChild (iWidget *apChild)
cGuiSetGetSet ()
iWidgetGetParent ()
void SetEnabled (bool abX)
bool IsEnabled ()
void SetVisible (bool abX)
bool IsVisible ()
bool HasFocus ()
void SetName (const tString &asName)
const tStringGetName ()
void SetText (const tWString &asText)
const tWStringGetText ()
FontDataGetDefaultFontType ()
void SetDefaultFontType (FontData *apFont)
const cColorGetDefaultFontColor ()
void SetDefaultFontColor (const cColor &aColor)
const cVector2fGetDefaultFontSize ()
void SetDefaultFontSize (const cVector2f &avSize)
void SetClipActive (bool abX)
bool GetClipActive ()
void SetPosition (const cVector3f &avPos)
void SetGlobalPosition (const cVector3f &avPos)
const cVector3fGetLocalPosition ()
const cVector3fGetGlobalPosition ()
void SetSize (const cVector2f &avSize)
cVector2f GetSize ()
bool ClipsGraphics ()
bool GetMouseIsOver ()
bool IsConnectedTo (iWidget *apWidget, bool abIsStartWidget=true)
bool IsConnectedToChildren ()
void SetConnectedToChildren (bool abX)
cGuiGfxElementGetPointerGfx ()

Protected Member Functions

void OnLoadGraphics ()
void OnChangeSize ()
void OnDraw (float afTimeStep, cGuiClipRegion *apClipRegion)
bool OnMouseMove (cGuiMessageData &aData)
bool OnMouseDown (cGuiMessageData &aData)
bool OnMouseUp (cGuiMessageData &aData)
bool OnMouseEnter (cGuiMessageData &aData)
bool OnMouseLeave (cGuiMessageData &aData)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from hpl::iWidget
virtual void OnChangePosition ()
virtual void OnChangeText ()
virtual void OnInit ()
virtual void OnDrawAfterClip (float afTimeStep, cGuiClipRegion *apClipRegion)
virtual void OnUpdate (float afTimeStep)
virtual bool OnMessage (eGuiMessage aMessage, cGuiMessageData &aData)
virtual bool OnMouseDoubleClick (cGuiMessageData &aData)
virtual bool OnGotFocus (cGuiMessageData &aData)
virtual bool OnLostFocus (cGuiMessageData &aData)
virtual bool OnKeyPress (cGuiMessageData &aData)
cVector3f WorldToLocalPosition (const cVector3f &avPos)
cVector2f GetPosRelativeToMouse (cGuiMessageData &aData)
void DrawBordersAndCorners (cGuiGfxElement *apBackground, cGuiGfxElement **apBorderVec, cGuiGfxElement **apCornerVec, const cVector3f &avPosition, const cVector2f &avSize)
void DrawSkinText (const tWString &asText, eGuiSkinFont aFont, const cVector3f &avPosition, eFontAlign aAlign=eFontAlign_Left)
void DrawDefaultText (const tWString &asText, const cVector3f &avPosition, eFontAlign aAlign)
void SetPositionUpdated ()
void LoadGraphics ()

Protected Attributes

bool mbChecked
bool mbPressed
cGuiGfxElementmvGfxBox [2][2]
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iWidget
tWString msText
cVector3f mvPosition
cVector3f mvGlobalPosition
cVector2f mvSize
tString msName
eWidgetType mType
int mlPositionCount
cColor mDefaultFontColor
cVector2f mvDefaultFontSize
tWidgetList mlstChildren
bool mbEnabled
bool mbVisible
bool mbMouseIsOver
bool mbClipsGraphics
bool mbConnectedToChildren

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