ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cGuiSet Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 cGuiSet (const tString &asName, cGui *apGui, cGuiSkin *apSkin, cResources *apResources, cGraphics *apGraphics, cSound *apSound, cScene *apScene)
void Update (float afTimeStep)
void DrawAll (float afTimeStep)
bool SendMessage (eGuiMessage aMessage, cGuiMessageData &aData)
void Render ()
void SetDrawOffset (const cVector3f &avOffset)
void SetCurrentClipRegion (cGuiClipRegion *apRegion)
void DrawGfx (cGuiGfxElement *apGfx, const cVector3f &avPos, const cVector2f &avSize=-1, const cColor &aColor=cColor(1, 1), eGuiMaterial aMaterial=eGuiMaterial_LastEnum)
void DrawFont (const tWString &asText, FontData *apFont, const cVector3f &avPos, const cVector2f &avSize, const cColor &aColor, eFontAlign aAlign=eFontAlign_Left, eGuiMaterial aMaterial=eGuiMaterial_FontNormal)
cWidgetWindowCreateWidgetWindow (const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, const tWString &asText={}, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetFrameCreateWidgetFrame (const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, bool abDrawFrame=false, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetButtonCreateWidgetButton (const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, const tWString &asText={}, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetLabelCreateWidgetLabel (const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, const tWString &asText={}, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetSliderCreateWidgetSlider (eWidgetSliderOrientation aOrientation, const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, int alMaxValue=10, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetTextBoxCreateWidgetTextBox (const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, const tWString &asText={}, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetCheckBoxCreateWidgetCheckBox (const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, const tWString &asText={}, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetImageCreateWidgetImage (const tString &asFile="", const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=-1, eGuiMaterial aMaterial=eGuiMaterial_Alpha, bool abAnimate=false, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetListBoxCreateWidgetListBox (const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
cWidgetComboBoxCreateWidgetComboBox (const cVector3f &avLocalPos=0, const cVector2f &avSize=0, const tWString &asText={}, iWidget *apParent=NULL, const tString &asName="")
iWidgetGetWidgetFromName (const tString &asName)
void DestroyWidget (iWidget *apWidget)
void CreatePopUpMessageBox (const tWString &asLabel, const tWString &asText, const tWString &asButton1, const tWString &asButton2, void *apCallbackObject, tGuiCallbackFunc apCallback)
void DestroyPopUp (iGuiPopUp *apPopUp)
void SetActive (bool abX)
bool IsActive ()
cGuiGetGui ()
void SetDrawMouse (bool abX)
bool GetDrawMouse ()
void SetMouseZ (float afZ)
float GetMouse ()
void SetRootWidgetClips (bool abX)
bool GetRootWidgetClips ()
void SetVirtualSize (const cVector2f &avSize, float afMinZ, float afMaxZ)
const cVector2fGetVirtualSize ()
void SetFocusedWidget (iWidget *apWidget)
iWidgetGetFocusedWidget ()
void SetAttentionWidget (iWidget *apWidget)
iWidgetGetAttentionWidget ()
void SetIs3D (bool abX)
bool Is3D ()
int GetDrawPriority ()
void SetDrawPriority (int alPrio)
void SetCurrentPointer (cGuiGfxElement *apGfx)
cGuiGfxElementGetCurrentPointer ()
void Set3DSize (const cVector3f &avSize)
cVector3f Get3DSize ()
void SetCullBackface (bool abX)
bool GetCullBackface ()
void Set3DTransform (const cMatrixf &a_mtxTransform)
cMatrixf Get3DTransform ()
bool HasFocus ()
void SetSkin (cGuiSkin *apSkin)
cGuiSkinGetSkin ()
cResourcesGetResources ()
bool IsDestroyingSet ()

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