int | get_effective_y () const |
int | get_baseline () const |
int | get_blocking_top () const |
int | get_blocking_bottom () const |
void | get_effective_walkspeeds (int &walk_speed_x, int &walk_speed_y) const |
bool | has_explicit_light () const |
bool | has_explicit_tint () const |
bool | is_animating () const |
int | get_anim_repeat () const |
bool | get_anim_forwards () const |
int | get_anim_delay () const |
void | set_animating (bool repeat, bool forwards, int delay) |
void | UpdateMoveAndAnim (int &char_index, CharacterExtras *chex, std::vector< int > &followingAsSheep) |
void | UpdateFollowingExactlyCharacter () |
int | update_character_walkturning (CharacterExtras *chex) |
void | update_character_moving (int &char_index, CharacterExtras *chex, int &doing_nothing) |
int | update_character_animating (int &char_index, int &doing_nothing) |
void | update_character_idle (CharacterExtras *chex, int &doing_nothing) |
void | update_character_follower (int &char_index, std::vector< int > &followingAsSheep, int &doing_nothing) |
void | ReadFromFile (Shared::Stream *in, CharacterInfo2 &chinfo2, GameDataVersion data_ver) |
void | WriteToFile (Shared::Stream *out) const |
void | ReadFromSavegame (Shared::Stream *in, CharacterInfo2 &chinfo2, CharacterSvgVersion save_ver) |
void | WriteToSavegame (Shared::Stream *out, const CharacterInfo2 &chinfo2) const |
int | defview |
int | talkview |
int | view |
int | room |
int | prevroom |
int | x |
int | y |
int | wait |
int | flags |
short | following |
short | followinfo |
int | idleview |
short | idletime |
short | idleleft |
short | transparency |
short | baseline |
int | activeinv |
int | talkcolor |
int | thinkview |
short | blinkview |
short | blinkinterval |
short | blinktimer |
short | blinkframe |
short | walkspeed_y |
short | pic_yoffs |
int | z |
int | walkwait |
short | speech_anim_speed |
short | idle_anim_speed |
short | blocking_width |
short | blocking_height |
int | index_id |
short | pic_xoffs |
short | walkwaitcounter |
uint16_t | loop |
uint16_t | frame |
short | walking |
short | animating |
short | walkspeed |
short | animspeed |
short | inv [301] |
short | actx |
short | acty |
char | name [40] |
char | scrname [LEGACY_MAX_SCRIPT_NAME_LEN] |
int8 | on |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: