ScummVM API documentation
CGE::Speaker Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for CGE::Speaker:

Public Member Functions

 Speaker (CGEEngine *vm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGE::Sprite
bool works (Sprite *spr)
bool seqTest (int n)
bool active ()
 Sprite (CGEEngine *vm, BitmapPtr *shp)
BitmapPtr shp ()
BitmapPtrsetShapeList (BitmapPtr *shp)
Spriteexpand ()
Spritecontract ()
SpritebackShow (bool fast=false)
void setName (char *newName)
char * name ()
void gotoxy (int x, int y)
void center ()
void show ()
void hide ()
BitmapPtr ghost ()
void show (uint16 pg)
void makeXlat (uint8 *x)
void killXlat ()
void step (int nr=-1)
SeqsetSeq (Seq *seq)
CommandHandler::CommandsnList (SnList type)
virtual void touch (uint16 mask, int x, int y, Common::KeyCode keyCode)
virtual void tick ()
void sync (Common::Serializer &s)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from CGE::Sprite
int _ref
signed char _scene
struct CGE::Sprite::Flags _flags
int _x
int _y
signed char _z
uint16 _w
uint16 _h
uint16 _time
uint8 _nearPtr
uint8 _takePtr
int _seqPtr
int _shpCnt
char _file [kMaxFile]
- Protected Attributes inherited from CGE::Sprite

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