enum | DrasculaGameFeatures { GF_PACKED = (1 << 0)
} |
enum | Languages {
kEnglish = 0,
kSpanish = 1,
kGerman = 2,
kFrench = 3,
kItalian = 4,
kRussian = 5
} |
enum | Verbs {
kVerbDefault = -1,
kVerbNone = 0,
kVerbLook = 1,
kVerbPick = 2,
kVerbOpen = 3,
kVerbClose = 4,
kVerbTalk = 5,
kVerbMove = 6
} |
enum | InventoryItems {
kItemMoney = 7,
kItemLeaves = 8,
kItemCross = 9,
kItemSpike = 10,
kItemEarplugs = 11,
kItemBook = 12,
kItemBubbleGum = 13,
kItemSickle = 14,
kItemTissues = 15,
kItemCigarettes = 16,
kItemCandle = 17,
kItemTwoCoins = 18,
kItemOneCoin = 19,
kItemReefer = 20,
kItemKey = 21,
kItemHandbag = 22,
kItemEarWithEarPlug = 23,
kItemPhone = 28
} |
enum | InventoryItems2 {
kItemKey2 = 7,
kItemCross2 = 9,
kItemRope2 = 19,
kItemReefer2 = 20,
kItemOneCoin2 = 22,
kItemPhone2 = 28
} |
enum | Colors {
kColorBrown = 1,
kColorDarkBlue = 2,
kColorLightGreen = 3,
kColorDarkGreen = 4,
kColorYellow = 5,
kColorOrange = 6,
kColorRed = 7,
kColorMaroon = 8,
kColorPurple = 9,
kColorWhite = 10,
kColorPink = 11
} |
enum | SSNFrames {
kFrameInit = 0,
kFrameCmpRle = 1,
kFrameCmpOff = 2,
kFrameEndAnim = 3,
kFrameSetPal = 4,
kFrameMouseKey = 5,
kFrameEmptyFrame = 6
} |
enum | IgorTalkerTypes {
kIgorDch = 0,
kIgorFront = 1,
kIgorDoor = 2,
kIgorSeated = 3,
kIgorWig = 4
} |
enum | VonBraunTalkerTypes { kVonBraunNormal = 0,
kVonBraunDoor = 1
} |
enum | AnimFrameTypes {
kFrameBlind = 0,
kFrameSnore = 1,
kFrameBat = 2,
kFrameVonBraun = 3,
kFramePianist = 4,
kFrameDrunk = 5,
kFrameCandles = 6,
kFramePendulum = 7
} |
enum | DialogOptionStatus { kDialogOptionUnselected = 1,
kDialogOptionSelected = 2,
kDialogOptionClicked = 3
} |
enum | TalkSequenceCommands {
kPause = 0,
kSetFlag = 1,
kClearFlag = 2,
kPickObject = 3,
kAddObject = 4,
kBreakOut = 5,
kConverse = 6,
kPlaceVB = 7,
kUpdateRoom = 8,
kUpdateScreen = 9,
kTrackProtagonist = 10,
kPlaySound = 11,
kFinishSound = 12,
kTalkerGeneral = 13,
kTalkerDrunk = 14,
kTalkerPianist = 15,
kTalkerBJ = 16,
kTalkerVBNormal = 17,
kTalkerVBDoor = 18,
kTalkerIgorSeated = 19,
kTalkerWerewolf = 20,
kTalkerMus = 21,
kTalkerDrascula = 22,
kTalkerBartender0 = 23,
kTalkerBartender1 = 24
} |
enum | CharacterDirections { kDirectionUp = 0,
kDirectionDown = 1,
kDirectionLeft = 2,
kDirectionRight = 3
} |
enum | MouseCursors { kCursorCrosshair = 0,
kCursorCurrentItem = 1
} |
enum | DoorActions { kCloseDoor = 0,
kOpenDoor = 1
} |
This is the namespace of the Drascula engine.
Status of this engine: ???
Games using this engine: