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Drascula::DrasculaEngine Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Drascula::DrasculaEngine:

Public Types

typedef signed char DacPalette256[256][3]
- Public Types inherited from Engine
enum  EngineFeature {
  kSupportsSubtitleOptions, kSupportsReturnToLauncher, kSupportsLoadingDuringRuntime, kSupportsSavingDuringRuntime,
  kSupportsChangingOptionsDuringRuntime, kSupportsArbitraryResolutions, kSupportsHelp, kSupportsQuitDialogOverride

Public Member Functions

 DrasculaEngine (OSystem *syst, const DrasculaGameDescription *gameDesc)
bool hasFeature (EngineFeature f) const override
void syncSoundSettings () override
Common::Error loadGameState (int slot) override
bool canLoadGameStateCurrently (Common::U32String *msg=nullptr) override
Common::Error saveGameState (int slot, const Common::String &desc, bool isAutosave=false) override
bool canSaveGameStateCurrently (Common::U32String *msg=nullptr) override
uint32 getFeatures () const
Common::Language getLanguage () const
void updateEvents ()
void loadArchives ()
void allocMemory ()
void freeMemory ()
void endChapter ()
void loadPic (int roomNum, byte *targetSurface, int colorCount=1)
void loadPic (const char *NamePcc, byte *targetSurface, int colorCount=1)
void setRGB (byte *pal, int plt)
void assignPalette (DacPalette256 pal)
void setDefaultPalette (DacPalette256 pal)
void setPalette (byte *PalBuf)
void copyBackground (int xorg, int yorg, int xdes, int ydes, int width, int height, byte *src, byte *dest)
void copyBackground ()
void copyRect (int xorg, int yorg, int xdes, int ydes, int width, int height, byte *src, byte *dest)
void updateScreen ()
void updateScreen (int xorg, int yorg, int xdes, int ydes, int width, int height, byte *buffer)
int checkWrapX (int x)
int checkWrapY (int y)
bool loadDrasculaDat ()
bool runCurrentChapter ()
void black ()
void pickObject (int)
void walkUp ()
void walkDown ()
void moveVonBraun ()
void placeVonBraun (int pointX)
void hipo_sin_nadie (int counter)
void toggleDoor (int nflag, int doorNum, int action)
void showMap ()
void enterRoom (int)
void clearRoom ()
void walkToPoint (Common::Point pos)
void moveCursor ()
void checkObjects ()
void selectVerbFromBar ()
bool verify1 ()
bool verify2 ()
Common::KeyCode getScan ()
void addKeyToBuffer (Common::KeyState &key)
void flushKeyBuffer ()
void selectVerb (int)
int updateVolume (int prevVolume, int prevVolumeY)
void volumeControls ()
bool saveLoadScreen ()
bool scummVMSaveLoadDialog (bool isSave)
Common::String enterName (Common::String &selectedName)
void loadSaveNames ()
void saveGame (int slot, const Common::String &desc)
bool loadGame (int slot)
void checkForOldSaveGames ()
void convertSaveGame (int slot, const Common::String &desc)
void print_abc (const char *, int, int)
void delay (int ms)
bool confirmExit ()
void screenSaver ()
void chooseObject (int object)
void addObject (int)
int removeObject (int osj)
void playFLI (const char *filefli, int vel)
void fadeFromBlack (int fadeSpeed)
void fadeToBlack (int fadeSpeed)
signed char adjustToVGA (signed char value)
void color_abc (int cl)
bool textFitsCentered (char *text, int x)
void centerText (const char *, int, int)
void playSound (int soundNum)
bool animate (const char *animation, int FPS)
void pause (int)
void placeIgor ()
void placeDrascula ()
void talkInit (const char *filename)
bool isTalkFinished ()
void talk_igor (int, int)
void talk_drascula (int index, int talkerType=0)
void talk_solo (const char *, const char *)
void talk_bartender (int, int talkerType=0)
void talk_pen (const char *, const char *, int)
void talk_bj_bed (int)
void talk_htel (int)
void talk_bj (int)
void talk_trunk (int)
void talk (int)
void talk (const char *, const char *)
void talk_sync (const char *, const char *, const char *)
void talk_drunk (int)
void talk_pianist (int)
void talk_werewolf (int)
void talk_mus (int)
void talk_drascula_big (int)
void talk_vonBraun (int, int)
void talk_blind (int)
void talk_hacker (int)
void talk_generic (const char *said, const char *filename, int *faces, int faceCount, int *coords, byte *surface)
void hiccup (int)
void finishSound ()
void stopSound ()
void playMusic (int p)
void stopMusic ()
void updateMusic ()
int musicStatus ()
void updateRoom ()
void updateDoor (int)
void setPaletteBase (int darkness)
void updateVisible ()
void startWalking ()
void updateRefresh ()
void updateRefresh_pre ()
void moveCharacters ()
void showMenu ()
void clearMenu ()
void removeObject ()
bool exitRoom (int)
bool pickupObject ()
bool checkAction (int)
void setCursor (int cursor)
void showCursor ()
void hideCursor ()
bool isCursorVisible ()
bool soundIsActive ()
void waitFrameSSN ()
void mixVideo (byte *OldScreen, byte *NewScreen, uint16 oldPitch)
void decodeRLE (byte *BufferRLE, byte *MiVideoRLE, uint16 pitch=320)
void decodeOffset (byte *BufferOFF, byte *MiVideoOFF, int length)
int playFrameSSN (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream)
void showFrame (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream, bool firstFrame=false)
int getTime ()
void reduce_hare_chico (int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte *, byte *)
void quadrant_1 ()
void quadrant_2 ()
void quadrant_3 ()
void quadrant_4 ()
void increaseFrameNum ()
int whichObject ()
bool checkMenuFlags ()
void setupRoomsTable ()
void freeRoomsTable ()
bool roomParse (int, int)
void cleanupString (char *string)
void playTalkSequence (int sequence)
void doTalkSequenceCommand (TalkSequenceCommand cmd)
void converse (int)
int print_abc_opc (const char *, int, int)
void response (int)
void activatePendulum ()
void MusicFadeout ()
void playFile (const char *fname)
void grr ()
void updateAnim (int y, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, int count, byte *src, int delayVal=3, bool copyRectangle=false)
bool room (int rN, int fl)
bool room_0 (int)
bool room_1 (int)
bool room_2 (int)
bool room_3 (int)
bool room_4 (int)
bool room_5 (int)
bool room_6 (int)
bool room_7 (int)
bool room_8 (int)
bool room_9 (int)
bool room_12 (int)
bool room_13 (int)
bool room_14 (int)
bool room_15 (int)
bool room_16 (int)
bool room_17 (int)
bool room_18 (int)
bool room_21 (int)
bool room_22 (int)
bool room_23 (int)
bool room_24 (int)
bool room_26 (int)
bool room_27 (int)
bool room_29 (int)
bool room_30 (int)
bool room_31 (int)
bool room_34 (int)
bool room_35 (int)
bool room_49 (int)
bool room_53 (int)
bool room_54 (int)
bool room_55 (int)
bool room_56 (int)
bool room_58 (int)
bool room_59 (int)
bool room_60 (int)
bool room_62 (int)
bool room_102 (int)
void asco ()
void animation_1_1 ()
void animation_2_1 ()
void animation_3_1 ()
void animation_4_1 ()
void animation_2_2 ()
void animation_4_2 ()
void animation_5_2 ()
void animation_6_2 ()
void animation_7_2 ()
void animation_11_2 ()
void animation_12_2 ()
void animation_13_2 ()
void animation_14_2 ()
void animation_16_2 ()
void animation_20_2 ()
void animation_23_2 ()
void animation_24_2 ()
void animation_25_2 ()
void animation_26_2 ()
void animation_27_2 ()
void animation_29_2 ()
void animation_31_2 ()
void animation_34_2 ()
void animation_35_2 ()
void animation_36_2 ()
void animation_2_3 ()
void animation_6_3 ()
void animation_castle ()
void animation_1_4 ()
void animation_5_4 ()
void animation_6_4 ()
void animation_7_4 ()
void animation_8_4 ()
void animation_1_5 ()
void animation_5_5 ()
void animation_12_5 ()
void animation_12_5_frankenstein ()
void animation_14_5 ()
void animation_1_6 ()
void animation_5_6 ()
void animation_6_6 ()
void animation_9_6 ()
void animation_19_6 ()
void update_1_pre ()
void update_2 ()
void update_3 ()
void update_4 ()
void update_6_pre ()
void update_9_pre ()
void update_14_pre ()
void update_13 ()
void update_16_pre ()
void update_18_pre ()
void update_23_pre ()
void update_26_pre ()
void update_26 ()
void update_35_pre ()
void update_58 ()
void update_58_pre ()
void update_59_pre ()
void update_60_pre ()
void update_60 ()
void update_62 ()
void update_62_pre ()
void update_102 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Engine
MetaEnginegetMetaEngine () const
void setMetaEngine (MetaEngine *metaEngine)
PauseToken pauseEngine ()
bool isPaused () const
void openMainMenuDialog ()
uint32 getTotalPlayTime () const
void setTotalPlayTime (uint32 time=0)
Common::TimerManagergetTimerManager ()
Common::EventManagergetEventManager ()
Common::SaveFileManagergetSaveFileManager ()
bool existExtractedCDAudioFiles (uint track=1)
bool isDataAndCDAudioReadFromSameCD ()
void warnMissingExtractedCDAudio ()
void handleAutoSave ()
void saveAutosaveIfEnabled ()
virtual bool canSaveAutosaveCurrently ()
virtual int getAutosaveSlot () const
 Engine (OSystem *syst)
virtual ~Engine ()
virtual void initializePath (const Common::FSNode &gamePath)
virtual void errorString (const char *buf_input, char *buf_output, int buf_output_size)
virtual GUI::DebuggergetDebugger () final
void setDebugger (GUI::Debugger *debugger)
GUI::DebuggergetOrCreateDebugger ()
bool enhancementEnabled (int32 cls)
virtual void applyGameSettings ()
virtual void flipMute ()
virtual Common::String getSaveStateName (int slot) const
virtual Common::Error loadGameStream (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream)
void setGameToLoadSlot (int slot)
virtual Common::Error saveGameStream (Common::WriteStream *stream, bool isAutosave=false)
bool saveGameDialog ()
bool loadGameDialog ()

Public Attributes

const DrasculaGameDescription_gameDescription
Audio::SoundHandle _soundHandle
DacPalette256 gamePalette
DacPalette256 defaultPalette
DacPalette256 brightPalette
DacPalette256 darkPalette
byte * crosshairCursor
byte * mouseCursor
byte * bgSurface
byte * backSurface
byte * cursorSurface
byte * drawSurface3
byte * drawSurface2
byte * tableSurface
byte * extraSurface
byte * screenSurface
byte * frontSurface
byte cPal [768]
ArchiveMan _archives
int actorFrames [8]
int previousMusic
int roomMusic
int _roomNumber
char roomDisk [20]
char currentData [20]
int numRoomObjs
char menuBackground [20]
char objName [30][20]
char iconName [44][13]
int objectNum [40]
int visible [40]
int isDoor [40]
int trackObj [40]
Common::Point _roomObject [40]
int inventoryObjects [43]
int _doorDestRoom [40]
Common::Point _doorDestPoint [40]
int trackCharacter_alkeva [40]
int _roomExitId [40]
Common::Rect _objectRect [40]
int takeObject
int pickedObject
bool _subtitlesDisabled
bool _menuBar
bool _menuScreen
bool _hasName
char textName [20]
int curExcuseLook
int curExcuseAction
int flags [50]
int frame_y
int curX
int curY
int curDirection
int trackProtagonist
int _characterFrame
bool _characterMoved
bool _characterVisible
int roomX
int roomY
int checkFlags
int doBreak
int stepX
int stepY
int curHeight
int curWidth
int feetHeight
Common::Rect _walkRect
int lowerLimit
int upperLimit
int trackFinal
bool _walkToObject
int objExit
int _startTime
int hasAnswer
int savedTime
int breakOut
int vonBraunX
int trackVonBraun
int vonBraunHasMoved
float newHeight
float newWidth
int factor_red [202]
int color_solo
int blinking
int igorX
int igorY
int trackIgor
int drasculaX
int drasculaY
int trackDrascula
int term_int
int currentChapter
bool _loadedDifferentChapter
int _currentSaveSlot
bool _canSaveLoad
int _color
int musicStopped
int _mouseX
int _mouseY
int _leftMouseButton
int _rightMouseButton
bool _leftMouseButtonHeld
Common::KeyState _keyBuffer [16]
int _keyBufferHead
int _keyBufferTail
int FrameSSN
int globalSpeed
uint32 LastFrame
int flag_tv
- Public Attributes inherited from Engine

Protected Member Functions

Common::Error run () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Engine
virtual int runDialog (GUI::Dialog &dialog)
void defaultSyncSoundSettings ()
virtual void pauseEngineIntern (bool pause)

Protected Attributes

RoomHandlers * _roomHandlers
- Protected Attributes inherited from Engine
const Common::String _targetName
int32 _activeEnhancements = kEnhGameBreakingBugFixes

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Engine
static void quitGame ()
static bool shouldQuit ()
static bool warnUserAboutUnsupportedGame (Common::String msg=Common::String())
static void errorUnsupportedGame (Common::String extraMsg)

Member Function Documentation

◆ run()

Common::Error Drascula::DrasculaEngine::run ( )

Initialize the engine and start its main loop.

kNoError on success, otherwise an error code.

Implements Engine.

◆ hasFeature()

bool Drascula::DrasculaEngine::hasFeature ( EngineFeature  f) const

Determine whether the engine supports the specified feature.

Reimplemented from Engine.

◆ syncSoundSettings()

void Drascula::DrasculaEngine::syncSoundSettings ( )

Notify the engine that the sound settings in the config manager might have changed and that it should adjust any internal volume (and other) values accordingly.

The default implementation sets the volume levels of all mixer sound types according to the config entries of the active domain. When overwriting, call the default implementation first, then adjust the volumes further (if required).

When setting volume levels, respect the "mute" config entry.
The volume for the plain sound type is reset to the maximum volume. If the engine can associate its own value for this type, it needs to overwrite this member and set it accordingly.

Reimplemented from Engine.

◆ loadGameState()

Common::Error Drascula::DrasculaEngine::loadGameState ( int  slot)

Load a game state.

slotThe slot from which a save state should be loaded.
kNoError on success, otherwise an error code.

Reimplemented from Engine.

◆ canLoadGameStateCurrently()

bool Drascula::DrasculaEngine::canLoadGameStateCurrently ( Common::U32String msg = nullptr)

Indicate whether a game state can be loaded.

msgOptional pointer to message explaining why it is disabled

Reimplemented from Engine.

◆ saveGameState()

Common::Error Drascula::DrasculaEngine::saveGameState ( int  slot,
const Common::String desc,
bool  isAutosave = false 

Save a game state.

slotThe slot into which the save state should be stored.
descDescription for the save state, entered by the user.
isAutosaveExpected to be true if an autosave is being created.
kNoError on success, otherwise an error code.

Reimplemented from Engine.

◆ canSaveGameStateCurrently()

bool Drascula::DrasculaEngine::canSaveGameStateCurrently ( Common::U32String msg = nullptr)

Indicate whether a game state can be saved.

msgOptional pointer to message explaining why it is disabled

Reimplemented from Engine.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: