ScummVM API documentation
Pegasus::GameStateManager Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Pegasus::GameStateManager:
Common::Singleton< GameStateManager > Common::NonCopyable

Public Member Functions

Common::Error writeGameState (Common::WriteStream *stream)
Common::Error readGameState (Common::ReadStream *stream)
void resetGameState ()
void getCurrentLocation (NeighborhoodID &neighborhood, RoomID &room, DirectionConstant &direction)
void setCurrentLocation (const NeighborhoodID neighborhood, const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction)
NeighborhoodID getCurrentNeighborhood ()
void setCurrentNeighborhood (const NeighborhoodID neighborhood)
RoomID getCurrentRoom ()
void setCurrentRoom (const RoomID room)
DirectionConstant getCurrentDirection ()
void setCurrentDirection (const DirectionConstant direction)
RoomViewID getCurrentRoomAndView ()
void getNextLocation (NeighborhoodID &neighborhood, RoomID &room, DirectionConstant &direction)
void setNextLocation (const NeighborhoodID neighborhood, const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction)
NeighborhoodID getNextNeighborhood ()
void setNextNeighborhood (const NeighborhoodID neighborhood)
RoomID getNextRoom ()
void setNextRoom (const RoomID room)
DirectionConstant getNextDirection ()
void setNextDirection (const DirectionConstant direction)
void getLastLocation (NeighborhoodID &neighborhood, RoomID &room, DirectionConstant &direction)
void setLastLocation (const NeighborhoodID neighborhood, const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction)
NeighborhoodID getLastNeighborhood ()
void setLastNeighborhood (const NeighborhoodID neighborhood)
RoomID getLastRoom ()
void setLastRoom (const RoomID room)
DirectionConstant getLastDirection ()
void setLastDirection (const DirectionConstant direction)
RoomViewID getLastRoomAndView ()
void getOpenDoorLocation (RoomID &room, DirectionConstant &direction)
void setOpenDoorLocation (const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction)
RoomID getOpenDoorRoom ()
void setOpenDoorRoom (const RoomID room)
DirectionConstant getOpenDoorDirection ()
void setOpenDoorDirection (const DirectionConstant direction)
RoomViewID getDoorOpenRoomAndView ()
bool isCurrentDoorOpen ()
void setScoringSawINN (const bool=true)
void setScoringTookShower (const bool=true)
void setScoringFixedHair (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotKeyCard (const bool=true)
void setScoringReadPaper (const bool=true)
void setScoringLookThroughTelescope (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawCaldoriaKiosk (const bool=true)
void setScoringGoToTSA (const bool=true)
void setScoringEnterTSA (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawBust1 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawBust2 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawBust3 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawBust4 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawBust5 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawBust6 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawTheory (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawBackground (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawProcedure (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotJourneymanKey (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotPegasusBiochip (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotBiosuit (const bool=true)
void setScoringGoToPrehistoric (const bool=true)
void setScoringPutLogInReader (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawCaldoriaNormal (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawCaldoriaAltered (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawNoradNormal (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawNoradAltered (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawMarsNormal (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawMarsAltered (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawWSCNormal (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawWSCAltered (const bool=true)
void setScoringWentToReadyRoom2 (const bool=true)
void setScoringWentAfterSinclair (const bool=true)
void setScoringUsedCardBomb (const bool=true)
void setScoringShieldedCardBomb (const bool=true)
void setScoringStunnedSinclair (const bool=true)
void setScoringDisarmedNuke (const bool=true)
void setScoringThrewBreaker (const bool=true)
void setScoringExtendedBridge (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotHistoricalLog (const bool=true)
void setScoringFinishedPrehistoric (const bool=true)
void setScoringThrownByRobot (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotMarsCard (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawMarsKiosk (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawTransportMap (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotCrowBar (const bool=true)
void setScoringTurnedOnTransport (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotOxygenMask (const bool=true)
void setScoringAvoidedRobot (const bool=true)
void setScoringActivatedPlatform (const bool=true)
void setScoringUsedLiquidNitrogen (const bool=true)
void setScoringUsedCrowBar (const bool=true)
void setScoringFoundCardBomb (const bool=true)
void setScoringDisarmedCardBomb (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotCardBomb (const bool=true)
void setScoringThreadedMaze (const bool=true)
void setScoringThreadedGearRoom (const bool=true)
void setScoringEnteredShuttle (const bool=true)
void setScoringEnteredLaunchTube (const bool=true)
void setScoringStoppedRobotsShuttle (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotMarsOpMemChip (const bool=true)
void setScoringFinishedMars (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawSecurityMonitor (const bool=true)
void setScoringFilledOxygenCanister (const bool=true)
void setScoringFilledArgonCanister (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawUnconsciousOperator (const bool=true)
void setScoringWentThroughPressureDoor (const bool=true)
void setScoringPreppedSub (const bool=true)
void setScoringEnteredSub (const bool=true)
void setScoringExitedSub (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawRobotAt54North (const bool=true)
void setScoringPlayedWithClaw (const bool=true)
void setScoringUsedRetinalChip (const bool=true)
void setScoringFinishedGlobeGame (const bool=true)
void setScoringStoppedNoradRobot (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotNoradOpMemChip (const bool=true)
void setScoringFinishedNorad (const bool=true)
void setScoringRemovedDart (const bool=true)
void setScoringAnalyzedDart (const bool=true)
void setScoringBuiltAntidote (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotSinclairKey (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotArgonCanister (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotNitrogenCanister (const bool=true)
void setScoringPlayedWithMessages (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawMorphExperiment (const bool=true)
void setScoringEnteredSinclairOffice (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawBrochure (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawSinclairEntry1 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawSinclairEntry2 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawSinclairEntry3 (const bool=true)
void setScoringSawWSCDirectory (const bool=true)
void setScoringUsedCrowBarInWSC (const bool=true)
void setScoringFinishedPlasmaDodge (const bool=true)
void setScoringOpenedCatwalk (const bool=true)
void setScoringStoppedWSCRobot (const bool=true)
void setScoringGotWSCOpMemChip (const bool=true)
void setScoringFinishedWSC (const bool=true)
void setScoringMarsGandhi (const bool=true)
void setScoringNoradGandhi (const bool=true)
void setScoringWSCGandhi (const bool=true)
bool getScoringSawINN ()
bool getScoringTookShower ()
bool getScoringFixedHair ()
bool getScoringGotKeyCard ()
bool getScoringReadPaper ()
bool getScoringLookThroughTelescope ()
bool getScoringSawCaldoriaKiosk ()
bool getScoringGoToTSA ()
bool getScoringEnterTSA ()
bool getScoringSawBust1 ()
bool getScoringSawBust2 ()
bool getScoringSawBust3 ()
bool getScoringSawBust4 ()
bool getScoringSawBust5 ()
bool getScoringSawBust6 ()
bool getScoringSawTheory ()
bool getScoringSawBackground ()
bool getScoringSawProcedure ()
bool getScoringGotJourneymanKey ()
bool getScoringGotPegasusBiochip ()
bool getScoringGotBiosuit ()
bool getScoringGoToPrehistoric ()
bool getScoringPutLogInReader ()
bool getScoringSawCaldoriaNormal ()
bool getScoringSawCaldoriaAltered ()
bool getScoringSawNoradNormal ()
bool getScoringSawNoradAltered ()
bool getScoringSawMarsNormal ()
bool getScoringSawMarsAltered ()
bool getScoringSawWSCNormal ()
bool getScoringSawWSCAltered ()
bool getScoringWentToReadyRoom2 ()
bool getScoringWentAfterSinclair ()
bool getScoringUsedCardBomb ()
bool getScoringShieldedCardBomb ()
bool getScoringStunnedSinclair ()
bool getScoringDisarmedNuke ()
bool getScoringThrewBreaker ()
bool getScoringExtendedBridge ()
bool getScoringGotHistoricalLog ()
bool getScoringFinishedPrehistoric ()
bool getScoringThrownByRobot ()
bool getScoringGotMarsCard ()
bool getScoringSawMarsKiosk ()
bool getScoringSawTransportMap ()
bool getScoringGotCrowBar ()
bool getScoringTurnedOnTransport ()
bool getScoringGotOxygenMask ()
bool getScoringAvoidedRobot ()
bool getScoringActivatedPlatform ()
bool getScoringUsedLiquidNitrogen ()
bool getScoringUsedCrowBar ()
bool getScoringFoundCardBomb ()
bool getScoringDisarmedCardBomb ()
bool getScoringGotCardBomb ()
bool getScoringThreadedMaze ()
bool getScoringThreadedGearRoom ()
bool getScoringEnteredShuttle ()
bool getScoringEnteredLaunchTube ()
bool getScoringStoppedRobotsShuttle ()
bool getScoringGotMarsOpMemChip ()
bool getScoringFinishedMars ()
bool getScoringSawSecurityMonitor ()
bool getScoringFilledOxygenCanister ()
bool getScoringFilledArgonCanister ()
bool getScoringSawUnconsciousOperator ()
bool getScoringWentThroughPressureDoor ()
bool getScoringPreppedSub ()
bool getScoringEnteredSub ()
bool getScoringExitedSub ()
bool getScoringSawRobotAt54North ()
bool getScoringPlayedWithClaw ()
bool getScoringUsedRetinalChip ()
bool getScoringFinishedGlobeGame ()
bool getScoringStoppedNoradRobot ()
bool getScoringGotNoradOpMemChip ()
bool getScoringFinishedNorad ()
bool getScoringRemovedDart ()
bool getScoringAnalyzedDart ()
bool getScoringBuiltAntidote ()
bool getScoringGotSinclairKey ()
bool getScoringGotArgonCanister ()
bool getScoringGotNitrogenCanister ()
bool getScoringPlayedWithMessages ()
bool getScoringSawMorphExperiment ()
bool getScoringEnteredSinclairOffice ()
bool getScoringSawBrochure ()
bool getScoringSawSinclairEntry1 ()
bool getScoringSawSinclairEntry2 ()
bool getScoringSawSinclairEntry3 ()
bool getScoringSawWSCDirectory ()
bool getScoringUsedCrowBarInWSC ()
bool getScoringFinishedPlasmaDodge ()
bool getScoringOpenedCatwalk ()
bool getScoringStoppedWSCRobot ()
bool getScoringGotWSCOpMemChip ()
bool getScoringFinishedWSC ()
bool getScoringMarsGandhi ()
bool getScoringNoradGandhi ()
bool getScoringWSCGandhi ()
GameScoreType getCaldoriaTSAScore ()
GameScoreType getPrehistoricScore ()
GameScoreType getMarsScore ()
GameScoreType getNoradScore ()
GameScoreType getWSCScore ()
GameScoreType getGandhiScore ()
GameScoreType getTotalScore ()
void writeCaldoriaState (Common::WriteStream *stream)
void readCaldoriaState (Common::ReadStream *stream)
void resetCaldoriaState ()
void writeTSAState (Common::WriteStream *stream)
void readTSAState (Common::ReadStream *stream)
void resetTSAState ()
void writePrehistoricState (Common::WriteStream *stream)
void readPrehistoricState (Common::ReadStream *stream)
void resetPrehistoricState ()
void writeNoradState (Common::WriteStream *stream)
void readNoradState (Common::ReadStream *stream)
void resetNoradState ()
void writeMarsState (Common::WriteStream *stream)
void readMarsState (Common::ReadStream *stream)
void resetMarsState ()
void writeWSCState (Common::WriteStream *stream)
void readWSCState (Common::ReadStream *stream)
void resetWSCState ()
void setWalkthroughMode (bool)
bool getWalkthroughMode ()
void setShieldOn (bool)
bool getShieldOn ()
void setEasterEgg (bool)
bool getEasterEgg ()
void setBeenToWSC (bool value)
bool getBeenToWSC ()
void setBeenToMars (bool value)
bool getBeenToMars ()
void setBeenToNorad (bool value)
bool getBeenToNorad ()
void setWSCFinished (bool)
bool getWSCFinished ()
void setMarsFinished (bool)
bool getMarsFinished ()
void setNoradFinished (bool)
bool getNoradFinished ()
bool allTimeZonesFinished ()
void setTakenItemID (ItemID, bool)
bool isTakenItemID (ItemID)
void setTakenItem (Item *, bool)
bool isTakenItem (Item *)
void setCaldoriaFuseTimeLimit (const TimeValue)
TimeValue getCaldoriaFuseTimeLimit ()
void setCaldoriaSeenPullback (bool)
bool getCaldoriaSeenPullback ()
void setCaldoriaMadeOJ (bool)
bool getCaldoriaMadeOJ ()
void setCaldoriaWokenUp (bool)
bool getCaldoriaWokenUp ()
void setCaldoriaDidRecalibration (bool)
bool getCaldoriaDidRecalibration ()
void setCaldoriaSeenSinclairInElevator (bool)
bool getCaldoriaSeenSinclairInElevator ()
void setCaldoriaINNAnnouncing (bool)
bool getCaldoriaINNAnnouncing ()
void setCaldoriaSeenINN (bool)
bool getCaldoriaSeenINN ()
void setCaldoriaSeenMessages (bool)
bool getCaldoriaSeenMessages ()
void setCaldoriaSinclairShot (bool)
bool getCaldoriaSinclairShot ()
void setCaldoriaBombDisarmed (bool)
bool getCaldoriaBombDisarmed ()
void setCaldoriaRoofDoorOpen (bool)
bool getCaldoriaRoofDoorOpen ()
void setCaldoriaDoneHygiene (bool)
bool getCaldoriaDoneHygiene ()
void setCaldoriaSawVoiceAnalysis (bool)
bool getCaldoriaSawVoiceAnalysis ()
void setCaldoriaDoorBombed (bool)
bool getCaldoriaDoorBombed ()
void setCaldoriaGunAimed (bool)
bool getCaldoriaGunAimed ()
void setRipTimerTime (TimeValue)
TimeValue getRipTimerTime ()
void setTSAFuseTimeLimit (TimeValue)
TimeValue getTSAFuseTimeLimit ()
void setT0BMonitorMode (byte)
byte getT0BMonitorMode ()
void setTSAState (byte)
byte getTSAState ()
void setT0BMonitorStart (TimeValue)
TimeValue getT0BMonitorStart ()
void setTSAIDedAtDoor (bool)
bool getTSAIDedAtDoor ()
void setTSA0BZoomedIn (bool)
bool getTSA0BZoomedIn ()
void setTSAFrontDoorUnlockedOutside (bool)
bool getTSAFrontDoorUnlockedOutside ()
void setTSAFrontDoorUnlockedInside (bool)
bool getTSAFrontDoorUnlockedInside ()
void setTSASeenRobotGreeting (bool)
bool getTSASeenRobotGreeting ()
void setTSASeenTheory (bool)
bool getTSASeenTheory ()
void setTSASeenBackground (bool)
bool getTSASeenBackground ()
void setTSASeenProcedure (bool)
bool getTSASeenProcedure ()
void setTSASeenAgent3AtDoor (bool)
bool getTSASeenAgent3AtDoor ()
void setTSACommandCenterLocked (bool)
bool getTSACommandCenterLocked ()
void setTSASeenCaldoriaNormal (bool)
bool getTSASeenCaldoriaNormal ()
void setTSASeenCaldoriaAltered (bool)
bool getTSASeenCaldoriaAltered ()
void setTSASeenNoradNormal (bool)
bool getTSASeenNoradNormal ()
void setTSASeenNoradAltered (bool)
bool getTSASeenNoradAltered ()
void setTSASeenMarsNormal (bool)
bool getTSASeenMarsNormal ()
void setTSASeenMarsAltered (bool)
bool getTSASeenMarsAltered ()
void setTSASeenWSCNormal (bool)
bool getTSASeenWSCNormal ()
void setTSASeenWSCAltered (bool)
bool getTSASeenWSCAltered ()
void setTSABiosuitOn (bool)
bool getTSABiosuitOn ()
void setPrehistoricTriedToExtendBridge (bool)
bool getPrehistoricTriedToExtendBridge ()
void setPrehistoricSeenTimeStream (bool)
bool getPrehistoricSeenTimeStream ()
void setPrehistoricSeenFlyer1 (bool)
bool getPrehistoricSeenFlyer1 ()
void setPrehistoricSeenFlyer2 (bool)
bool getPrehistoricSeenFlyer2 ()
void setPrehistoricSeenBridgeZoom (bool)
bool getPrehistoricSeenBridgeZoom ()
void setPrehistoricBreakerThrown (bool)
bool getPrehistoricBreakerThrown ()
void setNoradSeenTimeStream (bool)
bool getNoradSeenTimeStream ()
void setNoradGassed (bool)
bool getNoradGassed ()
void setNoradFillingStationOn (bool)
bool getNoradFillingStationOn ()
void setNoradN22MessagePlayed (bool)
bool getNoradN22MessagePlayed ()
void setNoradPlayedGlobeGame (bool)
bool getNoradPlayedGlobeGame ()
void setNoradBeatRobotWithClaw (bool)
bool getNoradBeatRobotWithClaw ()
void setNoradBeatRobotWithDoor (bool)
bool getNoradBeatRobotWithDoor ()
void setNoradRetScanGood (bool)
bool getNoradRetScanGood ()
void setNoradWaitingForLaser (bool)
bool getNoradWaitingForLaser ()
void setNoradSubRoomPressure (uint16)
uint16 getNoradSubRoomPressure ()
void setNoradSubPrepState (NoradSubPrepState)
NoradSubPrepState getNoradSubPrepState ()
void setNoradArrivedFromSub (bool)
bool getNoradArrivedFromSub ()
void setMarsSeenTimeStream (bool)
bool getMarsSeenTimeStream ()
void setMarsHeardUpperPodMessage (bool)
bool getMarsHeardUpperPodMessage ()
void setMarsRobotThrownPlayer (bool)
bool getMarsRobotThrownPlayer ()
void setMarsHeardCheckInMessage (bool)
bool getMarsHeardCheckInMessage ()
void setMarsPodAtUpperPlatform (bool)
bool getMarsPodAtUpperPlatform ()
void setMarsSeenThermalScan (bool)
bool getMarsSeenThermalScan ()
void setMarsArrivedBelow (bool)
bool getMarsArrivedBelow ()
void setMarsSeenRobotAtReactor (bool)
bool getMarsSeenRobotAtReactor ()
void setMarsAvoidedReactorRobot (bool)
bool getMarsAvoidedReactorRobot ()
void setMarsInAirlock (bool)
bool getMarsInAirlock ()
void setMarsAirlockOpen (bool)
bool getMarsAirlockOpen ()
void setMarsMaskOnFiller (bool)
bool getMarsMaskOnFiller ()
void setMarsLockFrozen (bool)
bool getMarsLockFrozen ()
void setMarsLockBroken (bool)
bool getMarsLockBroken ()
void setMarsMazeDoorPair1 (bool)
bool getMarsMazeDoorPair1 ()
void setMarsMazeDoorPair2 (bool)
bool getMarsMazeDoorPair2 ()
void setMarsMazeDoorPair3 (bool)
bool getMarsMazeDoorPair3 ()
void setMarsSawRobotLeave (bool)
bool getMarsSawRobotLeave ()
void setMarsSecurityDown (bool)
bool getMarsSecurityDown ()
void setMarsFinishedCanyonChase (bool)
bool getMarsFinishedCanyonChase ()
void setMarsThreadedMaze (bool)
bool getMarsThreadedMaze ()
void setMarsHitRobotWithCannon (bool)
bool getMarsHitRobotWithCannon ()
void setMarsReadyForShuttleTransport (bool)
bool getMarsReadyForShuttleTransport ()
void setWSCSeenTimeStream (bool)
bool getWSCSeenTimeStream ()
void setWSCPoisoned (bool)
bool getWSCPoisoned ()
void setWSCAnsweredAboutDart (bool)
bool getWSCAnsweredAboutDart ()
void setWSCRemovedDart (bool)
bool getWSCRemovedDart ()
void setWSCAnalyzerOn (bool)
bool getWSCAnalyzerOn ()
void setWSCDartInAnalyzer (bool)
bool getWSCDartInAnalyzer ()
void setWSCAnalyzedDart (bool)
bool getWSCAnalyzedDart ()
void setWSCSawMorph (bool)
bool getWSCSawMorph ()
void setWSCDesignedAntidote (bool)
bool getWSCDesignedAntidote ()
void setWSCPickedUpAntidote (bool)
bool getWSCPickedUpAntidote ()
void setWSCOfficeMessagesOpen (bool)
bool getWSCOfficeMessagesOpen ()
void setWSCSeenNerd (bool)
bool getWSCSeenNerd ()
void setWSCHeardPage1 (bool)
bool getWSCHeardPage1 ()
void setWSCHeardPage2 (bool)
bool getWSCHeardPage2 ()
void setWSCHeardCheckIn (bool)
bool getWSCHeardCheckIn ()
void setWSCDidPlasmaDodge (bool)
bool getWSCDidPlasmaDodge ()
void setWSCSeenSinclairLecture (bool)
bool getWSCSeenSinclairLecture ()
void setWSCBeenAtWSC93 (bool)
bool getWSCBeenAtWSC93 ()
void setWSCCatwalkDark (bool)
bool getWSCCatwalkDark ()
void setWSCRobotDead (bool)
bool getWSCRobotDead ()
void setWSCRobotGone (bool)
bool getWSCRobotGone ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Common::Singleton< GameStateManager >
static bool hasInstance ()
static GameStateManager & instance ()
static void destroy ()
- Protected Types inherited from Common::Singleton< GameStateManager >
typedef GameStateManager SingletonBaseType
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Common::Singleton< GameStateManager >
static GameStateManager * _singleton

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: