ScummVM API documentation
Director::DirectorPlotData Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

void setApplyColor ()
uint32 preprocessColor (uint32 src)
void inkBlitShape (Common::Rect &srcRect)
void inkBlitSurface (Common::Rect &srcRect, const Graphics::Surface *mask)
 DirectorPlotData (DirectorEngine *d_, SpriteType s, InkType i, int a, uint32 b, uint32 f)
 DirectorPlotData (const DirectorPlotData &old)
DirectorPlotDataoperator= (const DirectorPlotData &)

Public Attributes

DirectorEngined = nullptr
Graphics::ManagedSurfacedst = nullptr
Common::Rect destRect
Common::Point srcPoint
Graphics::ManagedSurfacesrf = nullptr
MacShapems = nullptr
SpriteType sprite = kInactiveSprite
bool oneBitImage = false
InkType ink = kInkTypeCopy
uint32 colorWhite
uint32 colorBlack
int alpha = 0
uint32 backColor
uint32 foreColor
bool applyColor = false

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