ScummVM API documentation
DM::MovesensMan Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 MovesensMan (DMEngine *vm)
bool sensorIsTriggeredByClickOnWall (int16 mapX, int16 mapY, uint16 cellParam)
bool getMoveResult (Thing thing, int16 mapX, int16 mapY, int16 destMapX, int16 destMapY)
bool isLevitating (Thing thing)
bool moveIsKilledByProjectileImpact (int16 srcMapX, int16 srcMapY, int16 destMapX, int16 destMapY, Thing thing)
void addEvent (TimelineEventType type, byte mapX, byte mapY, Cell cell, SensorEffect effect, int32 time)
int16 getSound (CreatureType creatureType)
int16 getTeleporterRotatedGroupResult (Teleporter *teleporter, Thing thing, uint16 mapIndex)
Thing getTeleporterRotatedProjectileThing (Teleporter *teleporter, Thing projectileThing)
void processThingAdditionOrRemoval (uint16 mapX, uint16 mapY, Thing thing, bool partySquare, bool addThing)
bool isObjectInPartyPossession (int16 objectType)
void triggerEffect (Sensor *sensor, SensorEffect effect, int16 mapX, int16 mapY, uint16 cell)
void triggerLocalEffect (SensorEffect localEffect, int16 effX, int16 effY, int16 effCell)
void addSkillExperience (int16 skillIndex, uint16 exp, bool leaderOnly)
void processRotationEffect ()
void createEventMoveGroup (Thing groupThing, int16 mapX, int16 mapY, int16 mapIndex, bool audible)
Thing getObjectOfTypeInCell (int16 mapX, int16 mapY, int16 cell, int16 objectType)

Public Attributes

int16 _moveResultMapX
int16 _moveResultMapY
uint16 _moveResultMapIndex
int16 _moveResultDir
uint16 _moveResultCell
bool _useRopeToClimbDownPit
int16 _sensorRotationEffect
int16 _sensorRotationEffMapX
int16 _sensorRotationEffMapY
int16 _sensorRotationEffCell

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