ScummVM API documentation
Saga2::MotionTask Class Reference

Public Types

enum  TwoHandedSwingTypes {
  kTwoHandedSwingHigh, kTwoHandedSwingLow, kTwoHandedSwingLeftHigh, kTwoHandedSwingLeftLow,
  kTwoHandedSwingRightHigh, kTwoHandedSwingRightLow
enum  OneHandedSwingTypes { kOneHandedSwingHigh, kOneHandedSwingLow, kOneHandedThrust }
enum  OneHandedParryTypes { kOneHandedParryHigh, kOneHandedParryLow }

Public Member Functions

int16 testCollision (GameObject &obstacle)
bool freeFall (TilePoint &newPos, StandingTileInfo &sti)
bool isWalk ()
bool isWalkToDest ()
bool isWander ()
bool isTethered ()
bool isRunning ()
bool isTurn ()
TileRegion getTether ()
TilePoint getTarget ()
void changeTarget (const TilePoint &newPos, bool run=false)
void changeDirectTarget (const TilePoint &newPos, bool run=false)
void finishWalk ()
void finishTurn ()
void finishTalking ()
bool isReflex ()
bool isDefense ()
void finishDefense ()
bool isAttack ()
bool isMeleeAttack ()
uint16 framesUntilStrike ()
void finishAttack ()
GameObjectblockingObject (Actor *thisAttacker)
bool isDodging (Actor *thisAttacker)
bool isPrivledged ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void throwObject (GameObject &obj, const TilePoint &velocity)
static void throwObjectTo (GameObject &obj, const TilePoint &where)
static void shootObject (GameObject &obj, Actor &doer, GameObject &target, int16 speed)
static void walkTo (Actor &obj, const TilePoint &target, bool run=false, bool canAgitate=true)
static void walkTo (ThreadID th, Actor &obj, const TilePoint &target, bool run=false, bool canAgitate=true)
static void walkToDirect (Actor &obj, const TilePoint &target, bool run=false, bool canAgitate=true)
static void walkToDirect (ThreadID th, Actor &obj, const TilePoint &target, bool run=false, bool canAgitate=true)
static void wander (Actor &obj, bool run=false)
static void tetheredWander (Actor &obj, const TileRegion &tether, bool run=false)
static void staggerTo (Actor &obj, const TilePoint &target)
static void upLadder (Actor &obj)
static void downLadder (Actor &obj)
static void talk (Actor &obj)
static void jump (Actor &obj)
static void turn (Actor &obj, Direction dir)
static void turn (ThreadID th, Actor &obj, Direction dir)
static void turnTowards (Actor &obj, const TilePoint &where)
static void turnTowards (ThreadID th, Actor &obj, const TilePoint &where)
static void give (Actor &obj, Actor &givee)
static void give (ThreadID th, Actor &obj, Actor &givee)
static void wait (Actor &a)
static void useObject (Actor &a, GameObject &dObj)
static void useObjectOnObject (Actor &a, GameObject &dObj, GameObject &target)
static void useObjectOnTAI (Actor &a, GameObject &dObj, ActiveItem &target)
static void useObjectOnLocation (Actor &a, GameObject &dObj, const Location &target)
static void useTAI (Actor &a, ActiveItem &dTAI)
static void dropObject (Actor &a, GameObject &dObj, const Location &loc, int16 num=1)
static void dropObjectOnObject (Actor &a, GameObject &dObj, GameObject &target, int16 num=1)
static void dropObjectOnTAI (Actor &a, GameObject &dObj, ActiveItem &target, const Location &loc)
static void twoHandedSwing (Actor &obj, GameObject &target)
static void oneHandedSwing (Actor &obj, GameObject &target)
static void fireBow (Actor &obj, GameObject &target)
static void castSpell (Actor &obj, SkillProto &spell, GameObject &target)
static void castSpell (Actor &obj, SkillProto &spell, Location &target)
static void castSpell (Actor &obj, SkillProto &spell, ActiveItem &target)
static void useWand (Actor &obj, GameObject &target)
static void twoHandedParry (Actor &obj, GameObject &weapon, Actor &opponent)
static void oneHandedParry (Actor &obj, GameObject &weapon, Actor &opponent)
static void shieldParry (Actor &obj, GameObject &shield, Actor &opponent)
static void dodge (Actor &obj, Actor &opponent)
static void acceptHit (Actor &obj, Actor &opponent)
static void fallDown (Actor &obj, Actor &opponent)
static void die (Actor &obj)
static void updatePositions ()
static void initMotionTasks ()


void RequestPath (MotionTask *mTask, int16 smartness)
void RequestWanderPath (MotionTask *mTask, int16 smartness)
void abortPathFind (MotionTask *mTask)

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