ScummVM API documentation
LastExpress::Sophie Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LastExpress::Sophie:
LastExpress::Entity Common::Serializable

Public Member Functions

 Sophie (LastExpressEngine *engine)
- Public Member Functions inherited from LastExpress::Entity
 Entity (LastExpressEngine *engine, EntityIndex index)
EntityDatagetParamData ()
EntityData::EntityCallDatagetData ()
byte getCallback ()
void setCallback (byte index)
void setup (ChapterIndex index)
virtual void setup_chapter1 ()=0
virtual void setup_chapter2 ()=0
virtual void setup_chapter3 ()=0
virtual void setup_chapter4 ()=0
virtual void setup_chapter5 ()=0
virtual void setup_savegame (SavegameType, uint32)
virtual void setup_enterExitCompartment (const char *, ObjectIndex)
virtual void setup_updateEntity (CarIndex, EntityPosition)
virtual void setup_playSound (const char *)
void saveLoadWithSerializer (Common::Serializer &ser) override
void nullfunction (const SavePoint &savepoint)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from LastExpress::Entity
typedef Common::Functor1< const SavePoint &, void > Callback
- Protected Member Functions inherited from LastExpress::Entity
void savegame (const SavePoint &savepoint)
bool savegameBloodJacket (byte callback)
void playSound (const SavePoint &savepoint, bool resetItem=false, SoundFlag flag=kSoundVolumeEntityDefault)
void draw (const SavePoint &savepoint, bool handleExcuseMe=false)
void draw2 (const SavePoint &savepoint)
void updateFromTicks (const SavePoint &savepoint)
void updateFromTime (const SavePoint &savepoint)
void reset (const SavePoint &savepoint, ClothesIndex maxClothes=kClothesDefault, bool resetItem=false)
void callbackActionOnDirection (const SavePoint &savepoint)
void callbackActionRestaurantOrSalon (const SavePoint &savepoint)
void updateEntity (const SavePoint &savepoint, bool handleExcuseMe=false)
void callSavepoint (const SavePoint &savepoint, bool handleExcuseMe=false)
void enterExitCompartment (const SavePoint &savepoint, EntityPosition position1=kPositionNone, EntityPosition position2=kPositionNone, CarIndex car=kCarNone, ObjectIndex compartment=kObjectNone, bool alternate=false, bool updateLocation=false)
void goToCompartment (const SavePoint &savepoint, ObjectIndex compartmentFrom, EntityPosition positionFrom, Common::String sequenceFrom, Common::String sequenceTo)
void goToCompartmentFromCompartment (const SavePoint &savepoint, ObjectIndex compartmentFrom, EntityPosition positionFrom, Common::String sequenceFrom, ObjectIndex compartmentTo, EntityPosition positionTo, Common::String sequenceTo)
void updatePosition (const SavePoint &savepoint, bool handleExcuseMe=false)
void callbackAction ()
void setup (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter)
void setupI (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, uint param1)
void setupII (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, uint param1, uint param2)
void setupIII (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, uint param1, uint param2, uint param3)
void setupS (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, const char *seq1)
void setupSS (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, const char *seq1, const char *seq2)
void setupSI (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, const char *seq1, uint param4)
void setupSII (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, const char *seq1, uint param4, uint param5)
void setupSIII (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, const char *seq, uint param4, uint param5, uint param6)
void setupSIIS (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, const char *seq1, uint param4, uint param5, const char *seq2)
void setupSSI (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, const char *seq1, const char *seq2, uint param7)
void setupIS (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, uint param1, const char *seq)
void setupISS (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, uint param1, const char *seq1, const char *seq2)
void setupIIS (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, uint param1, uint param2, const char *seq)
void setupIISS (const char *name, uint index, EntityData::TypeSetter paramsTypeSetter, uint param1, uint param2, const char *seq1, const char *seq2)
bool updateParameter (uint &parameter, uint timeType, uint delta) const
bool updateParameterCheck (uint &parameter, uint timeType, uint delta) const
bool updateParameterTime (TimeValue timeValue, bool check, uint &parameter, uint delta) const
bool timeCheck (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, Common::Functor0< void > *function) const
bool timeCheckCallback (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, byte callback, Common::Functor0< void > *function)
bool timeCheckCallback (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, byte callback, const char *str, Common::Functor1< const char *, void > *function)
bool timeCheckCallback (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, byte callback, bool check, Common::Functor1< bool, void > *function)
bool timeCheckCallbackInventory (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, byte callback, Common::Functor0< void > *function)
bool timeCheckCar (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, byte callback, Common::Functor0< void > *function)
void timeCheckSavepoint (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, EntityIndex entity1, EntityIndex entity2, ActionIndex action) const
void timeCheckObject (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, ObjectIndex index, ObjectModel model) const
bool timeCheckCallbackAction (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter)
bool timeCheckPlaySoundUpdatePosition (TimeValue timeValue, uint &parameter, byte callback, const char *sound, EntityPosition position)
- Protected Attributes inherited from LastExpress::Entity
EntityIndex _entityIndex
Common::Array< Callback * > _callbacks
Common::Array< EntityData::TypeSetter > _paramsTypeSetters

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