ScummVM API documentation
Ultima::Nuvie::U6UseCode Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Ultima::Nuvie::U6UseCode:
Ultima::Nuvie::UseCode Ultima::Nuvie::CallBack

Public Member Functions

 U6UseCode (Game *g, const Configuration *cfg)
bool use_obj (Obj *obj, Actor *actor) override
bool look_obj (Obj *obj, Actor *actor) override
bool pass_obj (Obj *obj, Actor *actor, uint16 x, uint16 y) override
bool search_obj (Obj *obj, Actor *actor) override
bool move_obj (Obj *obj, sint16 rel_x, sint16 rel_y) override
bool load_obj (Obj *obj) override
bool message_obj (Obj *obj, CallbackMessage msg, void *msg_data) override
bool ready_obj (Obj *obj, Actor *actor) override
bool get_obj (Obj *obj, Actor *actor) override
bool drop_obj (Obj *obj, Actor *actor, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 qty=0) override
bool has_usecode (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev=USE_EVENT_USE) override
bool has_usecode (Actor *actor, UseCodeEvent ev=USE_EVENT_USE) override
bool cannot_unready (const Obj *obj) const override
bool is_door (const Obj *obj) const
bool is_unlocked_door (const Obj *obj) const override
bool is_locked_door (const Obj *obj) const override
bool is_magically_locked_door (const Obj *obj) const
bool is_closed_door (const Obj *obj) const override
bool is_chest (const Obj *obj) const override
bool is_closed_chest (const Obj *obj) const
bool is_locked_chest (const Obj *obj) const
bool is_magically_locked_chest (const Obj *obj) const
void unlock_chest (Obj *obj)
void lock_chest (Obj *obj)
bool is_locked (const Obj *obj) const
bool is_magically_locked (const Obj *obj) const
void unlock (Obj *obj)
void lock (Obj *obj)
bool is_food (const Obj *obj) const override
bool is_container (const Obj *obj) const override
bool is_container (uint16 obj_n, uint8 frame_n) const override
bool is_readable (const Obj *obj) const override
uint16 callback (uint16 msg, CallBack *caller, void *data=nullptr) override
bool use_orb (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_moonstone (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_door (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_secret_door (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_ladder (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_passthrough (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_switch (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_crank (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_food (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_firedevice (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_fan (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_sextant (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_staff (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_container (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_rune (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_vortex_cube (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_key (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_boat (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
Objuse_boat_find_center (Obj *obj)
bool use_boat_find_land (uint16 *x, uint16 *y, uint8 *z)
bool use_balloon_plans (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_balloon (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_cow (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_well (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool fill_bucket (uint16 filled_bucket_obj_n)
bool use_churn (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_beehive (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_horse (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_potion (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_bell (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_fishing_pole (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_shovel (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_fountain (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_rubber_ducky (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_crystal_ball (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_harpsichord (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool play_instrument (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool look_mirror (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool look_sign (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool look_clock (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool pass_quest_barrier (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool enter_dungeon (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool enter_moongate (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_powder_keg (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_cannon (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_egg (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool sundial (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool torch (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_spellbook (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool use_peer_gem (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool magic_ring (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool storm_cloak (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool amulet_of_submission (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool gargish_vocabulary (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
bool holy_flame (Obj *obj, UseCodeEvent ev)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ultima::Nuvie::UseCode
 UseCode (Game *g, const Configuration *cfg)
virtual bool init (ObjManager *om, Map *m, Player *p, MsgScroll *ms)
bool use_obj (uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 z, Obj *src_obj=nullptr)
bool use_obj (Obj *obj, Obj *src_obj=nullptr)
virtual bool has_lookcode (Obj *obj)
virtual bool has_passcode (Obj *obj)
virtual bool has_movecode (Obj *obj)
virtual bool has_loadcode (Obj *obj)
virtual bool has_readycode (Obj *obj)
virtual bool has_getcode (Obj *obj)
virtual bool has_dropcode (Obj *obj)
bool is_door (const Obj *obj) const
void set_itemref (sint32 *val)
void set_itemref (Obj *val)
void set_itemref (Actor *val, Actor *val2=nullptr)
void set_itemref (MapCoord *val)
Objget_obj_from_container (Obj *obj)
bool search_container (Obj *obj, bool show_string=true)
Objdestroy_obj (Obj *obj, uint32 count=0, bool run_usecode=true)
bool out_of_use_range (Obj *obj, bool check_enemies)
ScriptThreadget_running_script ()
bool is_script_running ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ultima::Nuvie::CallBack
uint16 message (uint16 msg, void *msg_data=nullptr, void *my_data=nullptr)
void set_user_data (void *user_data)
void set_target (CallBack *t)

Protected Member Functions

bool uc_event (const U6ObjectType *type, UseCodeEvent ev, Obj *obj)
const U6ObjectTypeget_object_type (uint16 n, uint8 f, UseCodeEvent ev=0) const
void remove_gargoyle_egg (uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 z)
Objdrawbridge_find (Obj *crank_obj)
void drawbridge_open (uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 level, uint16 b_width)
void drawbridge_close (uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 level, uint16 b_width)
void drawbridge_remove (uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 level, uint16 *bridge_width)
bool use_firedevice_message (Obj *obj, bool lit)
void lock_door (Obj *obj)
void unlock_door (Obj *obj)
Objbell_find (Obj *chain_obj)
void sundial_set_shadow (Obj *sundial, uint8 hour)
void extinguish_torch (Obj *obj)
void light_torch (Obj *obj)
bool process_effects (Obj *container_obj, Actor *actor) override
sint16 parseLatLongString (U6UseCodeLatLonEnum mode, Std::string *input)
bool use_find_water (uint16 *x, uint16 *y, uint8 *z)
bool lock_pick_dex_check ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ultima::Nuvie::UseCode
void clear_items ()
void toggle_frame (Obj *obj)
void dbg_print_event (UseCodeEvent event, Obj *obj)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Ultima::Nuvie::UseCode
const Configurationconfig
struct {
   uint32 *   uint_ref
   sint32 *   sint_ref
   Obj *   obj_ref
   Actor *   actor_ref
   Actor *   actor2_ref
   MapCoord *   mapcoord_ref
   CallbackMessage *   msg_ref
   Std::string *   string_ref
   MapEntity *   ent_ref
   char *   data_ref
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ultima::Nuvie::CallBack
char * callback_user_data

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