ScummVM API documentation
DM::ProjExpl Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 ProjExpl (DMEngine *vm)
void createProjectile (Thing thing, int16 mapX, int16 mapY, uint16 cell, Direction dir, byte kineticEnergy, byte attack, byte stepEnergy)
bool hasProjectileImpactOccurred (int16 impactType, int16 mapXCombo, int16 mapYCombo, int16 cell, Thing projectileThing)
uint16 getProjectileImpactAttack (Projectile *projectile, Thing thing)
void createExplosion (Thing explThing, uint16 attack, uint16 mapXCombo, uint16 mapYCombo, uint16 cell)
int16 projectileGetImpactCount (int16 impactType, int16 mapX, int16 mapY, int16 cell)
void projectileDeleteEvent (Thing thing)
void projectileDelete (Thing projectileThing, Thing *groupSlot, int16 mapX, int16 mapY)
void processEvents48To49 (TimelineEvent *event)
void processEvent25 (TimelineEvent *event)

Public Attributes

int16 _creatureDamageOutcome
int16 _secondaryDirToOrFromParty
int32 _lastCreatureAttackTime
bool _createLauncherProjectile
int16 _projectilePoisonAttack
int16 _projectileAttackType
int32 _lastPartyMovementTime

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