ScummVM API documentation
Crab::pyrodactyl::event::Manager Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void init ()
void load (rapidxml::xml_node< char > *node, pyrodactyl::ui::ParagraphData &popup)
void draw (Info &info, pyrodactyl::ui::HUD &hud, pyrodactyl::level::Level &level)
void internalEvents (Info &info, pyrodactyl::level::Level &level, Common::Array< EventResult > &result)
void handleEvents (Info &info, const Common::String &playerId, Common::Event &event, pyrodactyl::ui::HUD &hud, pyrodactyl::level::Level &level, Common::Array< EventResult > &result)
void calcActiveSeq (Info &info, pyrodactyl::level::Level &level, const Rect &camera)
void endSequence (const Common::String &curloc)
bool eventInProgress ()
void saveState (rapidxml::xml_document<> &doc, rapidxml::xml_node< char > *root)
void loadState (rapidxml::xml_node< char > *node)
void setUI ()

Public Attributes

pyrodactyl::ui::PersonScreen _per
bool _drawGame

Protected Member Functions

void updateDialogBox (Info &info, pyrodactyl::level::Level &level)

Protected Attributes

Common::HashMap< Common::String, EventSeqGroup_eventMap
uint _activeSeq
Common::Array< EventSeqInfo_endSeq
pyrodactyl::ui::PersonHandler _oh
pyrodactyl::ui::ReplyMenu _reply
pyrodactyl::ui::TextArea _textin
pyrodactyl::ui::ChapterIntro _intro
bool _player

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