ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cGridMap2D Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 cGridMap2D (cVector2l avSize, cVector2l avGridSize, cVector2l avMaxGridSpan)
iGridMap2DItGetRectIterator (const cRect2f &aRect)
cGrid2DGetAt (int alX, int alY)
bool AddEntity (iEntity2D *apEntity)
bool RemoveEntity (iEntity2D *apEntity)
int GetMaxArraySize ()
const cVector2lGetMaxGridSpan ()
const cVector2lGetGridSize ()
const cVector2lGetGridNum ()
tGrid2DObjectMapGetAllMap ()
void DrawGrid (iLowLevelGraphics *apLowLevel, float afZ=100, cColor aCol=cColor(1))
void DrawEntityGrids (iLowLevelGraphics *apLowLevel, cVector2f avWorldPos, float afZ=101, cColor aCol=cColor(1, 0, 1, 1))

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