ScummVM API documentation
Sherlock::Tattoo::TattooScreen Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Sherlock::Tattoo::TattooScreen:
Sherlock::Screen Sherlock::BaseSurface Graphics::Screen Sherlock::Fonts Graphics::ManagedSurface

Public Member Functions

 TattooScreen (SherlockEngine *vm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sherlock::Screen
 Screen (SherlockEngine *vm)
SurfacegetBackBuffer ()
void activateBackBuffer1 ()
void activateBackBuffer2 ()
int equalizePalette (const byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE])
void fadeToBlack (int speed=2)
void fadeIn (const byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE], int speed=2)
void randomTransition ()
void verticalTransition ()
void print (const Common::Point &pt, uint color, MSVC_PRINTF const char *formatStr,...) GCC_PRINTF(4
void void gPrint (const Common::Point &pt, uint color, MSVC_PRINTF const char *formatStr,...) GCC_PRINTF(4
void void void restoreBackground (const Common::Rect &r)
void slamArea (int16 xp, int16 yp, int16 width, int16 height)
void slamRect (const Common::Rect &r)
void flushImage (ImageFrame *frame, const Common::Point &pt, int16 *xp, int16 *yp, int16 *width, int16 *height)
void flushScaleImage (ImageFrame *frame, const Common::Point &pt, int16 *xp, int16 *yp, int16 *width, int16 *height, int scaleVal)
void flushImage (ImageFrame *frame, const Common::Point &pt, Common::Rect &newBounds, int scaleVal)
void blockMove (const Common::Rect &r)
void blockMove ()
void vgaBar (const Common::Rect &r, int color)
void setDisplayBounds (const Common::Rect &r)
void resetDisplayBounds ()
Common::Rect getDisplayBounds ()
void synchronize (Serializer &s)
void writeString (const Common::String &str, const Common::Point &pt, uint overrideColor)
void initPaletteFade (int bytesToRead)
int fadeRead (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, byte *buf, int totalSize)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sherlock::BaseSurface
 BaseSurface ()
 BaseSurface (int width, int height)
 BaseSurface (int width_, int height_, const Graphics::PixelFormat &pf)
virtual void SHblitFrom (const Graphics::Surface &src)
virtual void SHblitFrom (const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos)
virtual void SHblitFrom (const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const Common::Rect &srcBounds)
virtual void SHbitmapBlitFrom (const byte *src, int width, int height, int pitchSrc, const Common::Point &pt, int overrideColor=0)
virtual void SHtransBlitFrom (const ImageFrame &src, const Common::Point &pt, bool flipped=false, int overrideColor=0, int scaleVal=0x100)
virtual void SHtransBlitFrom (const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &pt, bool flipped=false, int overrideColor=0, int scaleVal=0x100)
virtual void SHfillRect (const Common::Rect &r, uint color)
virtual uint16 width () const
virtual uint16 height () const
void writeString (const Common::String &str, const Common::Point &pt, uint overrideColor)
void writeFancyString (const Common::String &str, const Common::Point &pt, uint overrideColor1, uint overrideColor2)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Graphics::Screen
 Screen (int width, int height)
 Screen (int width, int height, PixelFormat pixelFormat)
bool isDirty () const
void makeAllDirty ()
virtual void clearDirtyRects ()
virtual void addDirtyRect (const Common::Rect &r)
virtual void update ()
virtual void updateScreen ()
void getPalette (byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE])
void getPalette (byte *palette, uint start, uint num)
Graphics::Palette getPalette (uint start=0, uint num=PALETTE_COUNT)
void setPalette (const byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE])
void setPalette (const byte *palette, uint start, uint num)
void setPalette (const Graphics::Palette &pal, uint start=0)
void clearPalette ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Graphics::ManagedSurface
bool clip (Common::Rect &srcBounds, Common::Rect &destBounds) const
 ManagedSurface ()
 ManagedSurface (const ManagedSurface &surf)
 ManagedSurface (ManagedSurface &&surf)
 ManagedSurface (int width, int height)
 ManagedSurface (int width, int height, const Graphics::PixelFormat &pixelFormat)
 ManagedSurface (ManagedSurface &surf, const Common::Rect &bounds)
 ManagedSurface (Surface *surf, DisposeAfterUse::Flag disposeAfterUse=DisposeAfterUse::YES)
 ManagedSurface (const Surface *surf)
virtual ~ManagedSurface ()
 operator const Surface & () const
const SurfacerawSurface () const
SurfacesurfacePtr ()
ManagedSurfaceoperator= (const ManagedSurface &surf)
ManagedSurfaceoperator= (ManagedSurface &&surf)
bool empty () const
DisposeAfterUse::Flag disposeAfterUse () const
uint32 getPixel (int x, int y) const
void setPixel (int x, int y, uint32 pixel)
const void * getBasePtr (int x, int y) const
void * getBasePtr (int x, int y)
void * getPixels ()
const void * getPixels () const
virtual void setPixels (void *newPixels)
virtual void create (int16 width, int16 height)
virtual void create (int16 width, int16 height, const PixelFormat &pixelFormat)
virtual void create (ManagedSurface &surf, const Common::Rect &bounds)
virtual void free ()
const Common::Point getOffsetFromOwner () const
const Common::Rect getBounds () const
void simpleBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void simpleBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void simpleBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void simpleBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src)
void simpleBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Point &destPos)
void simpleBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos)
void blitFrom (const Surface &src, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void blitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void blitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void blitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void blitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect)
void blitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src)
void blitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Point &destPos)
void blitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos)
void transBlitFrom (const Surface &src, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void transBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void transBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const ManagedSurface &mask, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void transBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const Surface &mask, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void transBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void transBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, const Palette *srcPalette)
void transBlitFrom (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Surface *mask=nullptr, bool maskOnly=false, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr)
void transBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff)
void transBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff)
void transBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const ManagedSurface &mask)
void transBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff)
void transBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Surface *mask=nullptr, bool maskOnly=false)
void rawBlitFrom (const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos)
Common::Rect blendBlitTo (ManagedSurface &target, const int posX=0, const int posY=0, const int flipping=FLIP_NONE, const Common::Rect *srcRect=nullptr, const uint colorMod=(uint32)(((255)<< 24)|((255)<< 16)|((255)<< 8)|(255)), const int width=-1, const int height=-1, const TSpriteBlendMode blend=BLEND_NORMAL, const AlphaType alphaType=ALPHA_FULL)
 Renders this surface onto target. More...
Common::Rect blendBlitTo (Surface &target, const int posX=0, const int posY=0, const int flipping=FLIP_NONE, const Common::Rect *srcRect=nullptr, const uint colorMod=(uint32)(((255)<< 24)|((255)<< 16)|((255)<< 8)|(255)), const int width=-1, const int height=-1, const TSpriteBlendMode blend=BLEND_NORMAL, const AlphaType alphaType=ALPHA_FULL)
void clear (uint32 color=0)
void markAllDirty ()
void copyRectToSurface (const void *buffer, int srcPitch, int destX, int destY, int width, int height)
void copyRectToSurface (const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, int destX, int destY, const Common::Rect subRect)
void copyRectToSurfaceWithKey (const void *buffer, int srcPitch, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, uint32 key)
void copyRectToSurfaceWithKey (const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, int destX, int destY, const Common::Rect subRect, uint32 key)
void copyFrom (const ManagedSurface &surf)
void copyFrom (const Surface &surf)
void convertFrom (const ManagedSurface &surf, const PixelFormat &fmt)
void convertFrom (const Surface &surf, const PixelFormat &fmt)
ManagedSurfacescale (int16 newWidth, int16 newHeight, bool filtering=false) const
ManagedSurfacerotoscale (const TransformStruct &transform, bool filtering=false) const
 Rotoscale function; this returns a transformed version of this surface after rotation and scaling. Please do not use this if angle == 0, use plain old scaling function. More...
void drawLine (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32 color)
void drawThickLine (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int penX, int penY, uint32 color)
void hLine (int x, int y, int x2, uint32 color)
void vLine (int x, int y, int y2, uint32 color)
void fillRect (Common::Rect r, uint32 color)
void frameRect (const Common::Rect &r, uint32 color)
AlphaType detectAlpha () const
Surface getSubArea (const Common::Rect &area)
void convertToInPlace (const PixelFormat &dstFormat)
void convertToInPlace (const PixelFormat &dstFormat, const byte *palette, uint16 paletteCount)
uint getTransparentColor () const
void setTransparentColor (uint32 color)
void clearTransparentColor ()
bool hasTransparentColor () const
void clearPalette ()
bool hasPalette () const
void grabPalette (byte *colors, uint start, uint num) const
void setPalette (const byte *colors, uint start, uint num)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sherlock::Fonts
void setFont (int fontNum)
int stringWidth (const Common::String &str)
int stringHeight (const Common::String &str)
int charWidth (const char *str, int &idx)
int charWidth (char ch)
int charHeight (unsigned char c)
int fontHeight () const
int widestChar () const
int fontNumber () const
Common::Array< Common::StringwordWrap (const Common::String &str, uint maxWidth, Common::String &rem, uint maxChars=Common::String::npos, uint maxLines=Common::String::npos, bool skipHeadAt=false)
Common::Array< Common::StringwordWrap (const Common::String &str, uint maxWidth, uint maxChars=Common::String::npos, uint maxLines=Common::String::npos, bool skipHeadAt=false)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Sherlock::Screen
static Screeninit (SherlockEngine *vm)
static void translatePalette (byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE])
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Graphics::ManagedSurface
static bool isBlendBlitPixelFormatSupported (const PixelFormat &src, const PixelFormat &dst)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Sherlock::Fonts
static void setVm (SherlockEngine *vm)
static void freeFont ()
static bool isModifiedEucCn ()
static bool isBig5 ()
static Common::String unescape (const Common::String &in)
- Public Attributes inherited from Sherlock::Screen
Surface _backBuffer1
Surface _backBuffer2
bool _fadeStyle
byte _cMap [PALETTE_SIZE]
byte _sMap [PALETTE_SIZE]
byte _tMap [PALETTE_SIZE]
bool _flushScreen
Common::Point _currentScroll
- Public Attributes inherited from Graphics::ManagedSurface
int16 & w
int16 & h
int32 & pitch
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Sherlock::Fonts
static const int kChineseWidth = 16
static const int kChineseHeight = 16
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Graphics::Screen
void mergeDirtyRects ()
bool unionRectangle (Common::Rect &destRect, const Common::Rect &src1, const Common::Rect &src2)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Graphics::ManagedSurface
void simpleBlitFromInner (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette, bool transparentColorSet, uint transparentColor)
void blitFromInner (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, const Palette *srcPalette)
void transBlitFromInner (const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, uint32 transColor, bool flipped, uint32 overrideColor, uint32 srcAlpha, const Palette *srcPalette, const Palette *dstPalette, const Surface *mask, bool maskOnly)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Sherlock::Fonts
static void writeString (BaseSurface *surface, const Common::String &str, const Common::Point &pt, int overrideColor=0)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Sherlock::Screen
Surface _backBuffer
- Protected Attributes inherited from Graphics::Screen
Common::List< Common::Rect_dirtyRects
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Sherlock::Fonts
static SherlockEngine_vm

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: