ScummVM API documentation
Neverhood::AsScene2804BeamCoil Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Neverhood::AsScene2804BeamCoil:
Neverhood::AnimatedSprite Neverhood::Sprite Neverhood::Entity

Public Member Functions

 AsScene2804BeamCoil (NeverhoodEngine *vm, Scene *parentScene, SsScene2804BeamCoilBody *ssBeamCoilBody)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Neverhood::AnimatedSprite
 AnimatedSprite (NeverhoodEngine *vm, int objectPriority)
 AnimatedSprite (NeverhoodEngine *vm, uint32 fileHash, int surfacePriority, int16 x, int16 y)
void update ()
void updateDeltaXY ()
void setRepl (byte oldColor, byte newColor)
void clearRepl ()
uint32 getCurrAnimFileHash () const
int16 getFrameIndex () const
int16 getFrameIndex (uint32 frameHash)
void setNewHashListIndex (int value)
void startAnimation (uint32 fileHash, int16 plFirstFrameIndex, int16 plLastFrameIndex)
Common::SharedPtr< BaseSurfacegetSubtitleSurface () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Neverhood::Sprite
 Sprite (NeverhoodEngine *vm, int objectPriority)
void init ()
Common::SharedPtr< BaseSurfacegetSurface ()
void updateBounds ()
void setDoDeltaX (int type)
void setDoDeltaY (int type)
bool isPointInside (int16 x, int16 y)
bool checkCollision (NRect &rect)
int16 getX () const
int16 getY () const
void setX (int16 value)
void setY (int16 value)
uint16 getFlags () const
bool isDoDeltaX () const
bool isDoDeltaY () const
NRectgetCollisionBounds ()
uint32 handleMessage (int messageNum, const MessageParam &param, Entity *sender)
void loadDataResource (uint32 fileHash)
int16 defFilterY (int16 y)
bool getVisible () const
void setVisible (bool value)
NDrawRectgetDrawRect ()
NRectgetClipRect ()
void setClipRect (int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2)
void setClipRect (NRect &clipRect)
void setClipRect (NDrawRect &drawRect)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Neverhood::Entity
 Entity (NeverhoodEngine *vm, int priority)
virtual void draw ()
void handleUpdate ()
uint32 receiveMessage (int messageNum, const MessageParam &param, Entity *sender)
uint32 sendMessage (Entity *receiver, int messageNum, const MessageParam &param)
uint32 sendMessage (Entity *receiver, int messageNum, uint32 param)
uint32 sendPointMessage (Entity *receiver, int messageNum, const NPoint &param)
uint32 sendEntityMessage (Entity *receiver, int messageNum, Entity *param)
uint32 getGlobalVar (uint32 nameHash)
void setGlobalVar (uint32 nameHash, uint32 value)
uint32 getSubVar (uint32 nameHash, uint32 subNameHash)
void setSubVar (uint32 nameHash, uint32 subNameHash, uint32 value)
void incGlobalVar (uint32 nameHash, int incrValue)
void incSubVar (uint32 nameHash, uint32 subNameHash, int incrValue)
int getPriority () const
bool hasMessageHandler () const

Protected Member Functions

void update ()
uint32 handleMessage (int messageNum, const MessageParam &param, Entity *sender)
void show ()
void hide ()
void stBeaming ()
uint32 hmBeaming (int messageNum, const MessageParam &param, Entity *sender)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Neverhood::AnimatedSprite
void init ()
void updateAnim ()
void updatePosition ()
void updateFrameIndex ()
void updateFrameInfo ()
void createSurface1 (uint32 fileHash, int surfacePriority)
void createShadowSurface1 (const Common::SharedPtr< BaseSurface > &shadowSurface, uint32 fileHash, int surfacePriority)
void createShadowSurface (const Common::SharedPtr< BaseSurface > &shadowSurface, int16 width, int16 height, int surfacePriority)
void stopAnimation ()
void startAnimationByHash (uint32 fileHash, uint32 plFirstFrameHash, uint32 plLastFrameHash)
void nextAnimationByHash (uint32 fileHash2, uint32 plFirstFrameHash, uint32 plLastFrameHash)
void setFinalizeState (AnimationCb finalizeStateCb)
void gotoState (AnimationCb currStateCb)
void gotoNextState ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Neverhood::Sprite
void createSurface (int surfacePriority, int16 width, int16 height)
void handleSpriteUpdate ()
int16 filterX (int16 x)
int16 filterY (int16 y)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Neverhood::Entity
SoundResourcegetSoundResource (uint index)
void loadSound (uint index, uint32 fileHash)
void playSound (uint index, uint32 fileHash=0)
void stopSound (uint index)
bool isSoundPlaying (uint index)
void setSoundVolume (uint index, int volume)
void setSoundPan (uint index, int pan)
void deleteSoundResources ()

Protected Attributes

int _countdown
- Protected Attributes inherited from Neverhood::AnimatedSprite
Common::SharedPtr< AnimatedSpriteSubtitles_subtitleSurface
AnimResource _animResource
uint32 _currAnimFileHash
uint32 _newAnimFileHash
uint32 _nextAnimFileHash
int16 _currFrameIndex
int16 _lastFrameIndex
int16 _plFirstFrameIndex
int16 _plLastFrameIndex
uint32 _plFirstFrameHash
uint32 _plLastFrameHash
int16 _animStatus
int16 _currFrameTicks
int _currStickFrameIndex
int _newStickFrameIndex
uint32 _newStickFrameHash
int16 _deltaX
int16 _deltaY
byte _replOldColor
byte _replNewColor
bool _playBackwards
bool _frameChanged
AnimationCb _finalizeStateCb
AnimationCb _currStateCb
AnimationCb _nextStateCb
Common::String _finalizeStateCbName
Common::String _currStateCbName
Common::String _nextStateCbName
- Protected Attributes inherited from Neverhood::Sprite
void(Sprite::* _spriteUpdateCb )()
Common::String _spriteUpdateCbName
int16(Sprite::* _filterXCb )(int16)
int16(Sprite::* _filterYCb )(int16)
Common::SharedPtr< BaseSurface_surface
int16 _x
int16 _y
bool _doDeltaX
bool _doDeltaY
bool _needRefresh
NDrawRect _drawOffset
NRect _collisionBounds
NDrawRect _collisionBoundsOffset
uint16 _flags
DataResource _dataResource
- Protected Attributes inherited from Neverhood::Entity
void(Entity::* _updateHandlerCb )()
uint32(Entity::* _messageHandlerCb )(int messageNum, const MessageParam &param, Entity *sender)
int _priority
SoundResource ** _soundResources

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Neverhood::Entity
Common::String _updateHandlerCbName
Common::String _messageHandlerCbName
- Protected Types inherited from Neverhood::AnimatedSprite
typedef void(AnimatedSprite::* AnimationCb) ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Neverhood::AnimatedSprite
static const int kSubtitleWidth = 320

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