ScummVM API documentation
Wintermute::BasePlatform Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static int initialize (WintermuteEngine *engineRef, BaseGame *inGame, int argc, char *argv[])
static void deinit ()
static void handleEvent (Common::Event *event)
static AnsiString getPlatformName ()
static bool getCursorPos (Point32 *lpPoint)
static bool setCursorPos (int x, int y)
static bool ptInRect (Rect32 *lprc, Point32 p)
static bool setRect (Rect32 *lprc, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
static bool intersectRect (Rect32 *lprcDst, const Rect32 *lprcSrc1, const Rect32 *lprcSrc2)
static bool unionRect (Rect32 *lprcDst, Rect32 *lprcSrc1, Rect32 *lprcSrc2)
static bool copyRect (Rect32 *lprcDst, Rect32 *lprcSrc)
static char * wintermute_strlwr (char *string)

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