ScummVM API documentation
Kyra Namespace Reference


struct  ActiveItemAnim
class  AMIGAFont
struct  AmigaSfxTable
struct  Anim
class  Animator_LoK
struct  BeadState
struct  Button
class  CachedArchive
struct  Character
class  ChineseFont
class  ChineseOneByteFontHOF
class  ChineseOneByteFontLoK
class  ChineseOneByteFontMR
class  ChineseTwoByteFontHOF
class  ChineseTwoByteFontLoK
class  ChineseTwoByteFontMR
class  Debugger
class  Debugger_HoF
class  Debugger_LoK
class  Debugger_v2
class  DOSFont
struct  EMCData
class  EMCInterpreter
struct  EMCState
class  Font
struct  FrameControl
struct  GameFlags
class  GUI
class  GUI_HoF
class  GUI_LoK
class  GUI_MR
class  GUI_v1
class  GUI_v2
class  HalestormDriver
class  HalestormLoader
struct  HoFNestedSequence
struct  HoFSeqData
struct  HoFSeqItemAnimData
struct  HoFSequence
class  IFFParser
class  InstallerLoader
struct  ItemAnimDefinition
class  JohabFontLoK
struct  KeyCodeHash
class  KyraEngine_HoF
class  KyraEngine_LoK
class  KyraEngine_MR
class  KyraEngine_v1
class  KyraEngine_v2
class  MainMenu
struct  Menu
struct  MenuItem
class  MidiDriver_PCSpeaker
class  MixedSoundDriver
class  Movie
class  MultiSubsetFont
class  Palette
class  PauseTimer
class  PCSoundDriver
class  PlainArchive
class  ResArchiveLoader
class  ResLoaderInsMalcolm
class  ResLoaderPak
class  ResLoaderTlk
class  Resource
struct  Room
struct  SceneExits
class  Screen
class  Screen_HoF
class  Screen_LoK
class  Screen_LoK_16
class  Screen_MR
class  Screen_v2
struct  ScreenDim
struct  SeqLoop
class  SeqPlayer
struct  Shape
class  SJISFont
class  Sound
class  SoundAmiga_LoK
class  SoundDigital_MR
class  SoundMac
class  SoundMacRes
class  SoundMidiPC
class  SoundPC98_LoK
class  SoundPC_v1
struct  SoundResourceInfo_AmigaEoB
struct  SoundResourceInfo_PC
struct  SoundResourceInfo_PC98
struct  SoundResourceInfo_Towns
struct  SoundResourceInfo_TownsEoB
struct  SoundResourceInfo_TownsPC98V2
class  SoundTowns_LoK
class  SoundTownsPC98_v2
struct  Sprite
class  Sprites
class  StaticResource
class  StuffItLoader
class  TextDisplayer
class  TextDisplayer_HoF
class  TextDisplayer_MR
struct  TIM
class  TimAnimator
struct  TimerEntry
class  TimerManager
class  TIMInterpreter
class  TlkArchive
class  Util
class  VQADecoder
class  VQAMovie
class  WSAMovie_v1
class  WSAMovie_v2
class  WSAMovieAmiga


typedef int16 Item
typedef Common::Functor1< int, void > TimerFunc
typedef Common::Functor0< void > UpdateFunctor
typedef Common::Functor1< EMCState *, int > Opcode
typedef Common::Functor2< const TIM *, const uint16 *, int > TIMOpcode


enum  {
  GI_KYRA1 = 0, GI_KYRA2 = 1, GI_KYRA3 = 2, GI_LOL = 4,
  GI_EOB1 = 5, GI_EOB2 = 6
enum  ItemIndex : Item { kItemNone = -1 }
enum  ItemTypes : int8 {
  kItemTypeBow = 0, kItemTypeLongSword = 1, kItemTypeShortSword = 2, kItemTypeSling = 7,
  kItemTypeArrow = 16, kItemTypeRock = 18, kItemTypeRations = 31
enum  RingTypes : int8 { kRingOfWizardry = 1, kRingOfSustenance = 2, kRingOfFeatherFalling = 3 }
enum  DebugLevels {
  kDebugLevelScriptFuncs = 1 << 0, kDebugLevelScript = 1 << 1, kDebugLevelSprites = 1 << 2, kDebugLevelScreen = 1 << 3,
  kDebugLevelSound = 1 << 4, kDebugLevelAnimator = 1 << 5, kDebugLevelMain = 1 << 6, kDebugLevelGUI = 1 << 7,
  kDebugLevelSequence = 1 << 8, kDebugLevelMovie = 1 << 9, kDebugLevelTimer = 1 << 10
enum  AudioResourceSet { kMusicIntro = 0, kMusicIngame, kMusicFinale }
enum  KyraResources {
  kLoadAll = -1, k1ForestSeq = 1, k1KallakWritingSeq, k1KyrandiaLogoSeq,
  k1KallakMalcolmSeq, k1MalcolmTreeSeq, k1WestwoodLogoSeq, k1Demo1Seq,
  k1Demo2Seq, k1Demo3Seq, k1Demo4Seq, k1AmuleteAnimSeq,
  k1OutroReunionSeq, k1IntroCPSStrings, k1IntroCOLStrings, k1IntroWSAStrings,
  k1IntroStrings, k1OutroHomeString, k1RoomFilenames, k1RoomList,
  k1CharacterImageFilenames, k1ItemNames, k1TakenStrings, k1PlacedStrings,
  k1DroppedStrings, k1NoDropStrings, k1PutDownString, k1WaitAmuletString,
  k1BlackJewelString, k1PoisonGoneString, k1HealingTipString, k1WispJewelStrings,
  k1MagicJewelStrings, k1ThePoisonStrings, k1FluteStrings, k1FlaskFullString,
  k1FullFlaskString, k1VeryCleverString, k1NewGameString, k1DefaultShapes,
  k1Healing1Shapes, k1Healing2Shapes, k1PoisonDeathShapes, k1FluteShapes,
  k1Winter1Shapes, k1Winter2Shapes, k1Winter3Shapes, k1DrinkShapes,
  k1WispShapes, k1MagicAnimShapes, k1BranStoneShapes, k1SpecialPalette1,
  k1SpecialPalette2, k1SpecialPalette3, k1SpecialPalette4, k1SpecialPalette5,
  k1SpecialPalette6, k1SpecialPalette7, k1SpecialPalette8, k1SpecialPalette9,
  k1SpecialPalette10, k1SpecialPalette11, k1SpecialPalette12, k1SpecialPalette13,
  k1SpecialPalette14, k1SpecialPalette15, k1SpecialPalette16, k1SpecialPalette17,
  k1SpecialPalette18, k1SpecialPalette19, k1SpecialPalette20, k1SpecialPalette21,
  k1SpecialPalette22, k1SpecialPalette23, k1SpecialPalette24, k1SpecialPalette25,
  k1SpecialPalette26, k1SpecialPalette27, k1SpecialPalette28, k1SpecialPalette29,
  k1SpecialPalette30, k1SpecialPalette31, k1SpecialPalette32, k1SpecialPalette33,
  k1GUIStrings, k1ConfigStrings, k1ConfigStrings2, k1AudioTracks,
  k1AudioTracksIntro, k1CreditsStrings, k1TownsMusicFadeTable, k1TownsSFXwdTable,
  k1TownsSFXbtTable, k1TownsCDATable, k1PC98StoryStrings, k1PC98IntroSfx,
  k1AmigaIntroSFXTable, k1AmigaGameSFXTable, k1TwoByteFontLookupTable, k2SeqplayPakFiles,
  k2SeqplayCredits, k2SeqplayCreditsSpecial, k2SeqplayStrings, k2SeqplaySfxFiles,
  k2SeqplayTlkFiles, k2SeqplaySeqData, k2SeqplayIntroTracks, k2SeqplayFinaleTracks,
  k2SeqplayIntroCDA, k2SeqplayFinaleCDA, k2SeqplayShapeAnimData, k2IngamePakFiles,
  k2IngameSfxFiles, k2IngameSfxIndex, k2IngameTracks, k2IngameCDA,
  k2IngameTalkObjIndex, k2IngameTimJpStrings, k2IngameShapeAnimData, k2IngameTlkDemoStrings,
  k2FontData, k3MainMenuStrings, k3MusicFiles, k3ScoreTable,
  k3SfxFiles, k3SfxMap, k3ItemAnimData, k3ItemMagicTable,
  k3ItemStringMap, k3VqaSubtitlesIntro, k3VqaSubtitlesBoat, kMaxResIDs

Detailed Description

This is the namespace of the Kyra engine.

Status of this engine:

The KYRA engine supports the following games by Westwood:

  • Eye of the Beholder (fully supported)
  • Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon (fully supported)
  • The Legend of Kyrandia (fully supported)
  • The Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate (fully supported)
  • Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos (fully supported)
  • The Legend of Kyrandia 3: Malcolm's Revenge (fully supported)

There are various platform ports of the different games, almost all of them are fully supported. We also offer legacy graphics modes like CGA and EGA for games that originally supported this and also try to offer all sound drivers that the originals had. Some execeptions:

  • The PC-98 version of Eye of the Beholder II is not yet supported.
  • We don't support NES or Game Boy versions of Eye of the Beholder.

The official translations of the games of which we are aware are mostly supported. Some of the more rare versions (of which we don't even know whether they are official or fan-translated) are missing. Unfortunately, adding new languages is more complicated than just adding a detection entry. It usually requires extra resources in kyra.dat and sometimes even adjustments to the code. So it is almost impossible to support translations without owning them.

Apart from the official translations we also support an increasing number of fan translations. If there is a request for a new fan translation we might demand that the requesting person supplies the necessary kyra.dat resource files.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ItemIndex

enum Kyra::ItemIndex : Item

Constant for invalid item.

◆ DebugLevels


debug level for o::_* functions


debug level for "EMCInterpreter" functions


debug level for "Sprites" functions


debug level for "Screen" functions


debug level for "Sound" functions


debug level for "ScreenAnimator" functions


debug level for common "KyraEngine(_v#)" functions && "TextDisplayer" functions


debug level for "KyraEngine*" gui functions


debug level for "SeqPlayer" functions


debug level for movie specific funtions


debug level for "TimerManager" functions