ScummVM API documentation
Queen::Display Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Display (QueenEngine *vm, OSystem *system)
void dynalumInit (const char *roomName, uint16 roomNum)
 initialize dynalum for the specified room
void dynalumUpdate (int16 x, int16 y)
 update dynalum for the current room
void palSet (const uint8 *pal, int start, int end, bool updateScreen=false)
 update the palette
void palSetJoeDress ()
 setup palette for Joe's dress
void palSetJoeNormal ()
 setup palette for Joe's normal clothes
void palSetPanel ()
 setup palette for panel and inventory objects
void palFadeIn (uint16 roomNum, bool dynalum=false, int16 dynaX=0, int16 dynaY=0)
 fade the current palette in
void palFadeOut (uint16 roomNum)
 fade the current palette out
void palGreyPanel ()
 grey the panel area (used when panel is disabled)
void palScroll (int start, int end)
 scroll some palette colors
void palSetAmigaColor (uint8 color, uint16 rgb)
void palCustomColors (uint16 roomNum)
 custom palette effect for the specified room
void palCustomScroll (uint16 roomNum)
 custom palette scroll for the specified room
void palCustomFlash ()
 process a 'palette flash' effect
void palCustomLightsOff (uint16 roomNum)
void palCustomLightsOn (uint16 roomNum)
void palSetAllDirty ()
 mark all palette entries as dirty
int getNumColorsForRoom (uint16 room) const
 returns the number of colors used by the room
bool isPalFadingDisabled (uint16 room) const
 returns true if we shouldn't fade the palette in the specified room
void screenMode (int comPanel, bool inCutaway)
 change fullscreen/panel mode
void prepareUpdate ()
void update (bool dynalum=false, int16 dynaX=0, int16 dynaY=0)
void setupPanel ()
void setupNewRoom (const char *name, uint16 room)
void drawBobSprite (const uint8 *data, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 w, uint16 h, uint16 pitch, bool xflip)
void drawBobPasteDown (const uint8 *data, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 w, uint16 h)
void drawInventoryItem (const uint8 *data, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 w, uint16 h)
void blit (uint8 *dstBuf, uint16 dstPitch, uint16 x, uint16 y, const uint8 *srcBuf, uint16 srcPitch, uint16 w, uint16 h, bool xflip, bool masked)
void fill (uint8 *dstBuf, uint16 dstPitch, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 w, uint16 h, uint8 color)
void decodePCX (const uint8 *src, uint32 srcSize, uint8 *dst, uint16 dstPitch, uint16 *w, uint16 *h, uint8 *pal, uint16 palStart, uint16 palEnd)
 decode PCX picture data
void decodeIFF (const uint8 *src, uint32 srcSize, uint8 *dst, uint16 dstPitch, uint16 *w, uint16 *h, uint8 *pal, uint16 palStart, uint16 palEnd, uint8 colorBase=0)
 decode IFF picture data
void horizontalScrollUpdate (int16 xCamera)
void horizontalScroll (int16 scroll)
int16 horizontalScroll () const
void fullscreen (bool fs)
bool fullscreen () const
void setDirtyBlock (uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 w, uint16 h)
 mark the specified block as dirty
void forceFullRefresh ()
 force a full refresh (bypassing the dirtyblocks rendering), on next screen update
void setMouseCursor (uint8 *buf, uint16 w, uint16 h)
 change mouse cursor bitmap
void showMouseCursor (bool show)
 show/hide mouse cursor
void initFont ()
 initialize font, compute justification sizes
void setText (uint16 x, uint16 y, const char *text, bool outlined=true)
 add the specified text to the texts list
void setTextCentered (uint16 y, const char *text, bool outlined=true)
 add the specified text to the texts list
void drawTexts ()
 draw the text lists
void clearTexts (uint16 y1, uint16 y2)
 remove entries from the texts list
void setupInkColors ()
uint8 getInkColor (InkColor color) const
void textCurrentColor (uint8 color)
 change the current text color
void textColor (uint16 y, uint8 color)
 change the text color for the specified texts list entry
void setFocusRect (const Common::Rect &rect)
 Set the focus rectangle to the speaking character.
int textCenterX (const char *text) const
uint16 textWidth (const char *text) const
uint16 textWidth (const char *text, uint16 len) const
void drawChar (uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 color, const uint8 *chr)
void drawText (uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 color, const char *text, bool outlined=true)
void drawBox (int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uint8 col)
void shake (bool reset)
void blankScreen ()
void blankScreenEffect1 ()
void blankScreenEffect2 ()
void blankScreenEffect3 ()

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