ScummVM API documentation
Sci::GfxPaint16 Class Reference

#include <paint16.h>

Public Member Functions

 GfxPaint16 (ResourceManager *resMan, SegManager *segMan, GfxCache *cache, GfxPorts *ports, GfxCoordAdjuster16 *coordAdjuster, GfxScreen *screen, GfxPalette *palette, GfxTransitions *transitions, AudioPlayer *audio)
void init (GfxAnimate *animate, GfxText16 *text16)
void debugSetEGAdrawingVisualize (bool state)
void drawPicture (GuiResourceId pictureId, bool mirroredFlag, bool addToFlag, GuiResourceId paletteId)
void drawCelAndShow (GuiResourceId viewId, int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, uint16 leftPos, uint16 topPos, byte priority, uint16 paletteNo, uint16 scaleX=128, uint16 scaleY=128, uint16 scaleSignal=0)
void drawCel (GuiResourceId viewId, int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, const Common::Rect &celRect, byte priority, uint16 paletteNo, uint16 scaleX=128, uint16 scaleY=128, uint16 scaleSignal=0)
void drawCel (GfxView *view, int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, const Common::Rect &celRect, byte priority, uint16 paletteNo, uint16 scaleX=128, uint16 scaleY=128, uint16 scaleSignal=0)
void drawHiresCelAndShow (GuiResourceId viewId, int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, uint16 leftPos, uint16 topPos, byte priority, uint16 paletteNo, reg_t upscaledHiresHandle, uint16 scaleX=128, uint16 scaleY=128)
void clearScreen (byte color=255)
void invertRect (const Common::Rect &rect)
void invertRectViaXOR (const Common::Rect &rect)
void eraseRect (const Common::Rect &rect)
void paintRect (const Common::Rect &rect)
void fillRect (const Common::Rect &rect, int16 drawFlags, byte color, byte priority=0, byte control=0)
void frameRect (const Common::Rect &rect)
void bitsShow (const Common::Rect &r)
void bitsShowHires (const Common::Rect &rect)
reg_t bitsSave (const Common::Rect &rect, byte screenFlags)
void bitsGetRect (reg_t memoryHandle, Common::Rect *destRect)
void bitsRestore (reg_t memoryHandle)
void bitsFree (reg_t memoryHandle)
void kernelDrawPicture (GuiResourceId pictureId, int16 animationNr, bool animationBlackoutFlag, bool mirroredFlag, bool addToFlag, int16 EGApaletteNo)
void kernelDrawCel (GuiResourceId viewId, int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, uint16 leftPos, uint16 topPos, int16 priority, uint16 paletteNo, uint16 scaleX, uint16 scaleY, bool hiresMode, reg_t upscaledHiresHandle)
void kernelGraphFillBoxForeground (const Common::Rect &rect)
void kernelGraphFillBoxBackground (const Common::Rect &rect)
void kernelGraphFillBox (const Common::Rect &rect, uint16 colorMask, int16 color, int16 priority, int16 control)
void kernelGraphFrameBox (const Common::Rect &rect, int16 color)
void kernelGraphDrawLine (Common::Point startPoint, Common::Point endPoint, int16 color, int16 priority, int16 control)
reg_t kernelGraphSaveBox (const Common::Rect &rect, uint16 flags)
reg_t kernelGraphSaveUpscaledHiresBox (const Common::Rect &rect)
void kernelGraphRestoreBox (reg_t handle)
void kernelGraphUpdateBox (const Common::Rect &rect, bool hiresMode)
void kernelGraphRedrawBox (Common::Rect rect)
reg_t kernelDisplay (const char *text, uint16 languageSplitter, int argc, reg_t *argv)
reg_t kernelPortraitLoad (const Common::String &resourceName)
void kernelPortraitShow (const Common::String &resourceName, Common::Point position, uint16 resourceNum, uint16 noun, uint16 verb, uint16 cond, uint16 seq)
void kernelPortraitUnload (uint16 portraitId)

Detailed Description

Paint16 class, handles painting/drawing for SCI16 (SCI0-SCI1.1) games

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