ScummVM API documentation
Freescape::DarkEngine Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Freescape::DarkEngine:
Freescape::FreescapeEngine Engine

Public Member Functions

 DarkEngine (OSystem *syst, const ADGameDescription *gd)
void addSkanner (Area *area)
void initKeymaps (Common::Keymap *engineKeyMap, const char *target) override
void initGameState () override
void borderScreen () override
bool checkIfGameEnded () override
void endGame () override
void gotoArea (uint16 areaID, int entranceID) override
void pressedKey (const int keycode) override
void executePrint (FCLInstruction &instruction) override
void initDOS ()
void initAmigaAtari ()
void initZX ()
void initCPC ()
void loadAssets () override
void loadAssetsDOSFullGame () override
void loadAssetsDOSDemo () override
void loadAssetsAmigaFullGame () override
void loadAssetsAtariFullGame () override
void loadAssetsCPCFullGame () override
void loadAssetsZXDemo () override
void loadAssetsZXFullGame () override
void loadMessagesVariableSize (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset, int number) override
void updateTimeVariables () override
void drawBinaryClock (Graphics::Surface *surface, int xPosition, int yPosition, uint32 front, uint32 back)
void drawIndicator (Graphics::Surface *surface, int xPosition, int yPosition)
void drawSensorShoot (Sensor *sensor) override
void drawDOSUI (Graphics::Surface *surface) override
void drawZXUI (Graphics::Surface *surface) override
void drawCPCUI (Graphics::Surface *surface) override
void drawAmigaAtariSTUI (Graphics::Surface *surface) override
void drawString (const DarkFontSize size, const Common::String &str, int x, int y, uint32 primaryColor, uint32 secondaryColor, uint32 backColor, Graphics::Surface *surface)
void drawInfoMenu () override
Common::Error saveGameStreamExtended (Common::WriteStream *stream, bool isAutosave=false) override
Common::Error loadGameStreamExtended (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Freescape::FreescapeEngine
 FreescapeEngine (OSystem *syst, const ADGameDescription *gd)
bool isDemo () const
bool isSpaceStationOblivion ()
bool isDriller ()
bool isDark ()
bool isEclipse ()
bool isEclipse2 ()
bool isCastle ()
bool isAmiga ()
bool isAtariST ()
bool isDOS ()
bool isSpectrum ()
bool isCPC ()
bool isC64 ()
Common::Error run () override
void centerCrossair ()
virtual void titleScreen ()
void drawFullscreenSurface (Graphics::Surface *surface)
virtual void loadBorder ()
virtual void processBorder ()
void drawBorder ()
void drawTitle ()
virtual void drawBackground ()
void clearBackground ()
virtual void drawUI ()
void drawBorderScreenAndWait (Graphics::Surface *surface)
virtual void drawCrossair (Graphics::Surface *surface)
virtual void loadAssetsDemo ()
virtual void loadAssetsFullGame ()
virtual void loadAssetsAtariDemo ()
virtual void loadAssetsAmigaDemo ()
virtual void loadAssetsCPCDemo ()
virtual void loadAssetsC64FullGame ()
virtual void loadAssetsC64Demo ()
virtual void drawC64UI (Graphics::Surface *surface)
void loadDataBundle ()
Graphics::SurfaceloadBundledImage (const Common::String &name)
byte * getPaletteFromNeoImage (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream, int offset)
Graphics::ManagedSurfaceloadAndConvertNeoImage (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream, int offset, byte *palette=nullptr)
Graphics::ManagedSurfaceloadAndCenterScrImage (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream)
void loadPalettes (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset)
void swapPalette (uint16 areaID)
virtual byte * findCGAPalette (uint16 levelID)
void loadColorPalette ()
void loadDemoData (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset, int size)
int decodeAmigaAtariKey (int code)
int decodeDOSKey (int code)
Common::Event decodeDOSMouseEvent (int code, int repetition)
uint16 readField (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int nbits)
uint16 readPtr (Common::SeekableReadStream *file)
Common::Array< uint16 > readArray (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int size)
void load8bitBinary (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset, int ncolors)
Areaload8bitArea (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, uint16 ncolors)
Objectload8bitObject (Common::SeekableReadStream *file)
Groupload8bitGroup (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, byte rawFlagsAndType)
Groupload8bitGroupV1 (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, byte rawFlagsAndType)
Groupload8bitGroupV2 (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, byte rawFlagsAndType)
void loadGlobalObjects (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset, int size)
void renderPixels8bitBinImage (Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, int row, int column, int bit, int count)
void renderPixels8bitBinCGAImage (Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, int &i, int &j, uint8 pixels, int color)
void renderPixels8bitBinEGAImage (Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, int &i, int &j, uint8 pixels, int color)
Graphics::ManagedSurfaceload8bitBinImage (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset)
void load8bitBinImageRow (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, int row)
void load8bitBinImageRowIteration (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, int row, int bit)
int execute8bitBinImageCommand (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, int row, int pixels, int bit)
int execute8bitBinImageSingleCommand (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, int row, int pixels, int bit, int count)
int execute8bitBinImageMultiCommand (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, int row, int pixels, int bit, int count)
void parseAmigaAtariHeader (Common::SeekableReadStream *file)
Common::SeekableReadStreamdecryptFileAmigaAtari (const Common::Path &packed, const Common::Path &unpacker, uint32 unpackArrayOffset)
void processInput ()
void resetInput ()
void generateDemoInput ()
virtual void releasedKey (const int keycode)
virtual bool onScreenControls (Common::Point mouse)
void move (CameraMovement direction, uint8 scale, float deltaTime)
void resolveCollisions (Math::Vector3d newPosition)
virtual void checkIfStillInArea ()
void changePlayerHeight (int index)
void increaseStepSize ()
void decreaseStepSize ()
void changeStepSize ()
void changeAngle ()
void rise ()
void lower ()
bool checkFloor (Math::Vector3d currentPosition)
bool tryStepUp (Math::Vector3d currentPosition)
bool tryStepDown (Math::Vector3d currentPosition)
void rotate (float xoffset, float yoffset)
void activate ()
void shoot ()
void traverseEntrance (uint16 entranceID)
Math::Vector3d directionToVector (float pitch, float heading, bool useTable)
void updateCamera ()
bool runCollisionConditions (Math::Vector3d const lastPosition, Math::Vector3d const newPosition)
virtual void executeMovementConditions ()
bool executeObjectConditions (GeometricObject *obj, bool shot, bool collided, bool activated)
void executeEntranceConditions (Entrance *entrance)
void executeLocalGlobalConditions (bool shot, bool collided, bool timer)
void executeCode (FCLInstructionVector &code, bool shot, bool collided, bool timer, bool activated)
bool checkConditional (FCLInstruction &instruction, bool shot, bool collided, bool timer, bool activated)
bool checkIfGreaterOrEqual (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeExecute (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeIncrementVariable (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeDecrementVariable (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeSetVariable (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeGoto (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeIfThenElse (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeMakeInvisible (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeMakeVisible (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeToggleVisibility (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeDestroy (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeRedraw (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeSound (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeDelay (FCLInstruction &instruction)
bool executeEndIfNotEqual (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeSetBit (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeClearBit (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeToggleBit (FCLInstruction &instruction)
bool executeEndIfBitNotEqual (FCLInstruction &instruction)
bool executeEndIfVisibilityIsEqual (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeSwapJet (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeSPFX (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void executeStartAnim (FCLInstruction &instruction)
void waitForSounds ()
void stopAllSounds ()
bool isPlayingSound ()
void playSound (int index, bool sync)
void playWav (const Common::Path &filename)
void playMusic (const Common::Path &filename)
void queueSoundConst (double hzFreq, int duration)
void playSilence (int duration, bool sync)
void playSoundConst (double hzFreq, int duration, bool sync)
void playSoundSweepIncWL (double hzFreq1, double hzFreq2, double wlStepPerMS, int resolution, bool sync)
uint16 playSoundDOSSpeaker (uint16 startFrequency, soundSpeakerFx *speakerFxInfo)
void playSoundDOS (soundSpeakerFx *speakerFxInfo, bool sync)
virtual void playSoundFx (int index, bool sync)
virtual void loadSoundsFx (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset, int number)
void loadSpeakerFxDOS (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offsetFreq, int offsetDuration)
void loadSpeakerFxZX (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int sfxTable, int sfxData)
void playSoundZX (Common::Array< soundUnitZX > *data)
void drawFrame ()
void flashScreen (int backgroundColor)
void insertTemporaryMessage (const Common::String message, int deadline)
void getLatestMessages (Common::String &message, int &deadline)
void clearTemporalMessages ()
void loadMessagesFixedSize (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset, int size, int number)
void drawFullscreenMessageAndWait (Common::String message)
void drawFullscreenMessage (Common::String message, uint32 front, Graphics::Surface *surface)
void loadFonts (Common::SeekableReadStream *file, int offset, Common::BitArray &font)
void loadFonts (byte *font, int charNumber)
virtual void drawStringInSurface (const Common::String &str, int x, int y, uint32 fontColor, uint32 backColor, Graphics::Surface *surface, int offset=0)
virtual void drawStringInSurface (const Common::String &str, int x, int y, uint32 primaryFontColor, uint32 secondaryFontColor, uint32 backColor, Graphics::Surface *surface, int offset=0)
Graphics::SurfacedrawStringsInSurface (const Common::Array< Common::String > &lines)
void setGameBit (int index)
void clearGameBit (int index)
void toggleGameBit (int index)
uint16 getGameBit (int index)
virtual void checkSensors ()
void takeDamageFromSensor ()
bool hasFeature (EngineFeature f) const override
bool canLoadGameStateCurrently (Common::U32String *msg=nullptr) override
bool canSaveAutosaveCurrently () override
bool canSaveGameStateCurrently (Common::U32String *msg=nullptr) override
Common::Error loadGameStream (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) override
Common::Error saveGameStream (Common::WriteStream *stream, bool isAutosave=false) override
void pauseEngineIntern (bool pause) override
bool startCountdown (uint32 delay)
void removeTimers ()
void getTimeFromCountdown (int &seconds, int &minutes, int &hours)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Engine
MetaEnginegetMetaEngine () const
void setMetaEngine (MetaEngine *metaEngine)
PauseToken pauseEngine ()
bool isPaused () const
void openMainMenuDialog ()
uint32 getTotalPlayTime () const
void setTotalPlayTime (uint32 time=0)
Common::TimerManagergetTimerManager ()
Common::EventManagergetEventManager ()
Common::SaveFileManagergetSaveFileManager ()
bool existExtractedCDAudioFiles (uint track=1)
bool isDataAndCDAudioReadFromSameCD ()
void warnMissingExtractedCDAudio ()
void handleAutoSave ()
void saveAutosaveIfEnabled ()
virtual int getAutosaveSlot () const
 Engine (OSystem *syst)
virtual ~Engine ()
virtual void initializePath (const Common::FSNode &gamePath)
virtual void errorString (const char *buf_input, char *buf_output, int buf_output_size)
virtual GUI::DebuggergetDebugger () final
void setDebugger (GUI::Debugger *debugger)
GUI::DebuggergetOrCreateDebugger ()
virtual void syncSoundSettings ()
virtual void applyGameSettings ()
virtual void flipMute ()
virtual Common::String getSaveStateName (int slot) const
virtual Common::Error loadGameState (int slot)
void setGameToLoadSlot (int slot)
virtual Common::Error saveGameState (int slot, const Common::String &desc, bool isAutosave=false)
bool saveGameDialog ()
bool loadGameDialog ()

Public Attributes

uint32 _initialEnergy
uint32 _initialShield
uint32 _jetFuelSeconds
int _lastTenSeconds
int _lastSecond
Common::BitArray _fontBig
Common::BitArray _fontMedium
Common::BitArray _fontSmall
- Public Attributes inherited from Freescape::FreescapeEngine
const ADGameDescription_gameDescription
GameStateControl _gameStateControl
uint32 _variant
Common::Language _language
Common::Rect _viewArea
Common::Rect _fullscreenViewArea
Common::Array< Graphics::Surface * > _indicators
Common::HashMap< uint16, Texture * > _borderCGAByArea
Common::HashMap< uint16, byte * > _paletteCGAByArea
uint8 _binaryBits
const CGAPaletteEntry_rawCGAPaletteByArea
Common::HashMap< uint16, byte * > _paletteByArea
Common::Array< byte > _demoData
int _demoIndex
int _currentDemoInputCode
int _currentDemoInputRepetition
Common::Array< Common::Event_demoEvents
Common::Point _currentDemoMousePosition
uint16 _startArea
uint16 _endArea
AreaMap _areaMap
bool _gotoExecuted
Math::Vector3d _scale
uint16 _startEntrance
uint16 _endEntrance
Common::HashMap< int, const struct entrancesTableEntry * > _entranceTable
bool _demoMode
bool _disableDemoMode
bool _flyMode
bool _shootMode
bool _noClipMode
bool _invertY
bool _hasFallen
int _maxFallingDistance
int _maxShield
int _maxEnergy
float _lastFrame
float _yaw
float _pitch
int _angleRotationIndex
Common::Array< float > _angleRotations
Common::Point _crossairPosition
float _mouseSensitivity
Math::Vector3d _upVector
Math::Vector3d _cameraFront
Math::Vector3d _cameraRight
Math::Vector3d _position
Math::Vector3d _rotation
Math::Vector3d _velocity
Math::Vector3d _lastPosition
int _playerHeightNumber
int _playerHeightMaxNumber
uint16 _playerHeight
uint16 _playerWidth
uint16 _playerDepth
uint16 _stepUpDistance
int _playerStepIndex
Common::Array< int > _playerSteps
Common::Array< Common::String_conditionSources
Common::Array< FCLInstructionVector_conditions
Math::Vector3d _objExecutingCodeSize
Audio::SoundHandle _soundFxHandle
Audio::SoundHandle _musicHandle
bool _syncSound
bool _firstSound
bool _usePrerecordedSounds
Common::HashMap< uint16, soundFx * > _soundsFx
Common::HashMap< uint16, soundSpeakerFx * > _soundsSpeakerFx
Common::HashMap< uint16, Common::Array< soundUnitZX > * > _soundsSpeakerFxZX
int _nextSoundToPlay = 1
int _screenW
int _screenH
bool _vsyncEnabled
Common::RenderMode _renderMode
ColorMap _colorMap
int _underFireFrames
int _avoidRenderingFrames
int _shootingFrames
uint8 _colorNumber
Math::Vector3d _scaleVector
float _nearClipPlane
float _farClipPlane
float _yminValue
float _ymaxValue
Common::StringArray _temporaryMessages
Common::Array< int > _temporaryMessageDeadlines
Common::StringArray _messagesList
Common::String _noShieldMessage
Common::String _noEnergyMessage
Common::String _fallenMessage
Common::String _timeoutMessage
Common::String _forceEndGameMessage
Common::String _crushedMessage
Common::StringArray _currentAreaMessages
Common::StringArray _currentEphymeralMessages
Common::BitArray _font
bool _fontLoaded
StateVars _gameStateVars
uint32 _gameStateBits
bool _endGameKeyPressed
bool _endGamePlayerEndArea
bool _forceEndGame
bool _playerWasCrushed
ObjectArray _sensors
bool _timerStarted
int _initialCountdown
int _countdown
int _ticks
int _ticksFromEnd
int _lastTick
int _lastMinute
bool _useExtendedTimer
bool _disableSensors
bool _disableFalling
- Public Attributes inherited from Engine

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Engine
enum  EngineFeature {
  kSupportsSubtitleOptions, kSupportsReturnToLauncher, kSupportsLoadingDuringRuntime, kSupportsSavingDuringRuntime,
  kSupportsChangingOptionsDuringRuntime, kSupportsArbitraryResolutions, kSupportsHelp, kSupportsQuitDialogOverride
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Engine
static void quitGame ()
static bool shouldQuit ()
static bool warnUserAboutUnsupportedGame (Common::String msg=Common::String())
static void errorUnsupportedGame (Common::String extraMsg)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Engine
virtual int runDialog (GUI::Dialog &dialog)
void defaultSyncSoundSettings ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from Engine
const Common::String _targetName

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