ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cCharacterBodyNewton Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for hpl::cCharacterBodyNewton:
hpl::iCharacterBody hpl::iSaveObject

Public Member Functions

 cCharacterBodyNewton (const tString &asName, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, const cVector3f avSize)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iCharacterBody
 iCharacterBody (const tString &asName, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, const cVector3f avSize)
const tStringGetName ()
float GetMass ()
void SetMass (float afMass)
void SetActive (bool abX)
bool IsActive ()
cVector3f GetSize ()
void SetCollideCharacter (bool abX)
bool GetCollideCharacter ()
void SetTestCollision (bool abX)
bool GetTestCollision ()
void SetMaxPositiveMoveSpeed (eCharDir aDir, float afX)
float GetMaxPositiveMoveSpeed (eCharDir aDir)
void SetMaxNegativeMoveSpeed (eCharDir aDir, float afX)
float GetMaxNegativeMoveSpeed (eCharDir aDir)
void SetMoveSpeed (eCharDir aDir, float afX)
float GetMoveSpeed (eCharDir aDir)
void SetMoveAcc (eCharDir aDir, float afX)
float GetMoveAcc (eCharDir aDir)
void SetMoveDeacc (eCharDir aDir, float afX)
float GetMoveDeacc (eCharDir aDir)
cVector3f GetVelocity (float afFrameTime)
void SetPosition (const cVector3f &avPos, bool abSmooth=false)
const cVector3fGetPosition ()
const cVector3fGetLastPosition ()
void SetFeetPosition (const cVector3f &avPos, bool abSmooth=false)
cVector3f GetFeetPosition ()
void SetYaw (float afX)
void AddYaw (float afX)
float GetYaw ()
void SetPitch (float afX)
void AddPitch (float afX)
float GetPitch ()
cVector3f GetForward ()
cVector3f GetRight ()
cVector3f GetUp ()
cMatrixfGetMoveMatrix ()
void SetGravityActive (bool abX)
bool GravityIsActive ()
void SetMaxGravitySpeed (float afX)
float GetMaxGravitySpeed ()
bool GetCustomGravityActive ()
void SetCustomGravityActive (bool abX)
void SetCustomGravity (const cVector3f &avCustomGravity)
cVector3f GetCustomGravity ()
void SetMaxPushMass (float afX)
void SetPushForce (float afX)
float GetMaxPushMass ()
float GetPushForce ()
bool GetPushIn2D ()
void SetPushIn2D (bool abX)
void AddForceVelocity (const cVector3f &avVel)
void SetForceVelocity (const cVector3f &avVel)
cVector3f GetForceVelocity ()
int AddExtraSize (const cVector3f &avSize)
void SetActiveSize (int alNum)
void SetForce (const cVector3f &avForce)
void AddForce (const cVector3f &avForce)
cVector3f GetForce ()
void Move (eCharDir aDir, float afMul, float afTimeStep)
void Update (float afTimeStep)
void SetCamera (cCamera3D *apCam)
cCamera3DGetCamera ()
void SetCameraPosAdd (const cVector3f &avAdd)
cVector3f GetCameraPosAdd ()
void SetCameraSmoothPosNum (int alNum)
int GetCameraSmoothPosNum ()
void SetEntity (iEntity3D *apEntity)
iEntity3DGetEntity ()
void SetEntityOffset (const cMatrixf &a_mtxOffset)
const cMatrixfGetEntityOffset ()
void SetEntityPostOffset (const cMatrixf &a_mtxOffset)
const cMatrixfGetEntityPostOffset ()
void SetEntitySmoothPosNum (int alNum)
int GetEntitySmoothPosNum ()
void SetUserData (void *apUserData)
void * GetUserData ()
void SetCallback (iCharacterBodyCallback *apCallback)
void SetEnableNearbyBodies (bool abX)
bool GetEnableNearbyBodies ()
iPhysicsBodyGetBody ()
iCollideShapeGetShape ()
iPhysicsBodyGetExtraBody (size_t alIdx)
bool IsOnGround ()
float GetMaxStepSize ()
void SetMaxStepSize (float afSize)
void SetStepClimbSpeed (float afX)
float GetStepClimbSpeed ()
void SetAccurateClimbing (bool abX)
bool GetAccurateClimbing ()
void SetClimbForwardMul (float afX)
float GetClimbForwardMul ()
void SetClimbHeightAdd (float afX)
float GetClimbHeightAdd ()
void SetGroundFriction (float afX)
float GetGroundFriction ()
void SetAirFriction (float afX)
float GetAirFriction ()
bool IsClimbing ()
void SetAttachedBody (iPhysicsBody *apBody)
iPhysicsBodyGetAttachedBody ()
void UpdateMoveMarix ()
void UpdateCamera ()
void UpdateEntity ()
void UpdateAttachment ()
virtual iSaveDataCreateSaveData ()
virtual void SaveToSaveData (iSaveData *apSaveData)
virtual void LoadFromSaveData (iSaveData *apSaveData)
virtual void SaveDataSetup (cSaveObjectHandler *apSaveObjectHandler, cGame *apGame)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iSaveObject
int GetSaveObjectId ()
void SetIsSaved (bool abX)
bool IsSaved ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iCharacterBody
tString msName
float mfMass
bool mbActive
bool mbCollideCharacter
bool mbTestCollision
bool mbGravityActive
float mfMaxGravitySpeed
bool mbCustomGravity
cVector3f mvCustomGravity
cVector3f mvPosition
cVector3f mvLastPosition
float mfMaxPosMoveSpeed [2]
float mfMaxNegMoveSpeed [2]
float mfMoveSpeed [2]
float mfMoveAcc [2]
float mfMoveDeacc [2]
bool mbMoving [2]
float mfPitch
float mfYaw
bool mbOnGround
float mfMaxPushMass
float mfPushForce
bool mbPushIn2D
float mfCheckStepClimbCount
float mfCheckStepClimbInterval
cVector3f mvForce
cVector3f mvVelolcity
cVector3f mvSize
cMatrixf m_mtxMove
cVector3f mvCameraPosAdd
int mlCameraSmoothPosNum
tVector3fList mlstCameraPos
cMatrixf m_mtxEntityOffset
cMatrixf m_mtxEntityPostOffset
int mlEntitySmoothPosNum
tVector3fList mlstEntityPos
float mfGroundFriction
float mfAirFriction
void * mpUserData
cMatrixf m_mtxAttachedPrevMatrix
bool mbAttachmentJustAdded
float mfMaxStepHeight
float mfStepClimbSpeed
float mfClimbForwardMul
float mfClimbHeightAdd
bool mbClimbing
bool mbAccurateClimbing
bool mbEnableNearbyBodies
Common::Array< iPhysicsBody * > mvExtraBodies
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iSaveObject

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