| IsoMap (SagaEngine *vm) |
void | loadImages (const ByteArray &resourceData) |
void | loadMap (const ByteArray &resourceData) |
void | loadPlatforms (const ByteArray &resourceData) |
void | loadMetaTiles (const ByteArray &resourceData) |
void | loadMulti (const ByteArray &resourceData) |
void | clear () |
void | draw () |
void | drawSprite (SpriteList &spriteList, int spriteNumber, const Location &location, const Point &screenPosition, int scale) |
void | adjustScroll (bool jump) |
void | tileCoordsToScreenPoint (const Location &location, Point &position) |
void | screenPointToTileCoords (const Point &position, Location &location) |
void | placeOnTileMap (const Location &start, Location &result, int16 distance, uint16 direction) |
void | findDragonTilePath (ActorData *actor, const Location &start, const Location &end, uint16 initialDirection) |
bool | findNearestChasm (int16 &u0, int16 &v0, uint16 &direction) |
void | findTilePath (ActorData *actor, const Location &start, const Location &end) |
bool | nextTileTarget (ActorData *actor) |
void | setTileDoorState (int doorNumber, int doorState) |
Point | getMapPosition () |
void | setMapPosition (int x, int y) |
int16 | getTileIndex (int16 u, int16 v, int16 z) |
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