ScummVM API documentation
Parallaction Namespace Reference


class  AmigaDisk_br
class  AmigaDisk_ns
class  AmigaSoundMan_br
class  AmigaSoundMan_ns
struct  Animation
struct  AnimationField
struct  Answer
struct  BackgroundInfo
class  BalloonManager
struct  Channel
struct  Character
class  CharacterName
struct  Cnv
struct  Command
struct  CommandContext
class  CommandExec
class  CommandExec_br
class  CommandExec_ns
class  Debugger
struct  Dialogue
class  Disk
class  Disk_br
class  Disk_ns
class  DosDemoDisk_br
class  DosDisk_br
class  DosDisk_ns
class  DosSoundMan_br
class  DosSoundMan_ns
class  DummySoundMan
class  Exec
class  FixedTable
class  Font
struct  Frames
class  Gfx
class  GfxObj
class  Input
struct  Instruction
class  Inventory
struct  InventoryItem
struct  InventoryProperties
class  InventoryRenderer
struct  LocalVariable
struct  Location
class  LocationParser_br
class  LocationParser_ns
struct  LocationParserOutput_br
struct  MaskBuffer
class  MenuInputHelper
class  MenuInputState
class  Palette
struct  PaletteFxRange
class  Parallaction
class  Parallaction_br
class  Parallaction_ns
struct  PARALLACTIONGameDescription
class  Parser
struct  PathBuffer
class  PathWalker_BR
class  PathWalker_NS
struct  Program
struct  ProgramContext
class  ProgramExec
class  ProgramExec_br
class  ProgramExec_ns
class  ProgramParser_br
class  ProgramParser_ns
struct  Question
class  SaveLoad
class  SaveLoad_br
class  SaveLoad_ns
class  Script
struct  ScriptVar
class  SoundMan
class  SoundMan_br
class  SoundMan_ns
class  SoundManImpl
struct  SurfaceToFrames
class  Table
struct  TypeData
struct  Zone


typedef Common::Functor1< CommandContext &, void > CommandOpcode
typedef Common::Array< const CommandOpcode * > CommandOpcodeSet
typedef Common::Functor1< ProgramContext &, void > ProgramOpcode
typedef Common::Array< const ProgramOpcode * > ProgramOpcodeSet
typedef Common::Array< GfxObj * > GfxObjArray
typedef int16 ItemPosition
typedef uint16 ItemName
typedef Common::SharedPtr< ZoneZonePtr
typedef Common::List< ZonePtrZoneList
typedef Common::SharedPtr< AnimationAnimationPtr
typedef Common::List< AnimationPtrAnimationList
typedef Common::SharedPtr< InstructionInstructionPtr
typedef Common::Array< InstructionPtrInstructionList
typedef Common::List< Common::PointPointList
typedef Common::SharedPtr< CommandCommandPtr
typedef Common::List< CommandPtrCommandList
typedef Common::SharedPtr< ProgramProgramPtr
typedef Common::List< ProgramPtrProgramList
typedef Common::Functor0< void > Opcode
typedef Common::Array< const Opcode * > OpcodeSet


enum  {
  GF_DEMO = 1 << 0, GF_LANG_EN = 1 << 1, GF_LANG_FR = 1 << 2, GF_LANG_DE = 1 << 3,
  GF_LANG_IT = 1 << 4, GF_LANG_MULT = 1 << 5
enum  ParallactionGameType { GType_Nippon = 1, GType_BRA }
enum  {
  kGfxObjVisible = 1, kGfxObjTypeDoor = 0, kGfxObjTypeGet = 1, kGfxObjTypeAnim = 2,
  kGfxObjTypeLabel = 3, kGfxObjTypeBalloon = 4, kGfxObjTypeCharacter = 8, kGfxObjTypeMenu = 16
enum  { kGfxObjDoorZ = -200, kGfxObjGetZ = -100 }
enum  { kBackgroundLocation = 1, kBackgroundSlide = 2 }
enum  {
  kMouseNone = 0, kMouseLeftUp = 1, kMouseLeftDown = 2, kMouseRightUp = 4,
  kMouseRightDown = 8
enum  ZoneTypes {
  kZoneExamine = 1, kZoneDoor = 2, kZoneGet = 3, kZoneMerge = 4,
  kZoneTaste = 5, kZoneHear = 6, kZoneFeel = 7, kZoneSpeak = 8,
  kZoneNone = 9, kZoneTrap = 10, kZoneYou = 11, kZoneCommand = 12,
  kZonePath = 13, kZoneBox = 14
enum  ZoneFlags {
  kFlagsClosed = 1, kFlagsActive = 2, kFlagsRemove = 4, kFlagsActing = 8,
  kFlagsLocked = 0x10, kFlagsFixed = 0x20, kFlagsNoName = 0x40, kFlagsNoMasked = 0x80,
  kFlagsLooping = 0x100, kFlagsAdded = 0x200, kFlagsCharacter = 0x400, kFlagsNoWalk = 0x800,
  kFlagsYourself = 0x1000, kFlagsScaled = 0x2000, kFlagsSelfuse = 0x4000, kFlagsIsAnimation = 0x1000000,
  kFlagsAnimLinked = 0x2000000
enum  CommandFlags : uint {
  kFlagsAll = 0xFFFFFFFFU, kFlagsVisited = 1, kFlagsExit = 0x10000000, kFlagsEnter = 0x20000000,
  kFlagsGlobal = 0x40000000, kFlagsTestTrue = 2
enum  ParaFlags {
  kParaImmediate = 1, kParaLocal = 2, kParaField = 0x10, kParaRandom = 0x100,
  kParaLValue = 0x20
enum  InstructionFlags { kInstMod = 4, kInstMaskedPut = 8, kInstUnk20 = 0x20 }
enum  { kProgramIdle, kProgramRunning, kProgramDone }
enum  {
  kDebugDisk = 1 << 0, kDebugWalk = 1 << 1, kDebugParser = 1 << 2, kDebugDialogue = 1 << 3,
  kDebugGraphics = 1 << 4, kDebugExec = 1 << 5, kDebugInput = 1 << 6, kDebugAudio = 1 << 7,
  kDebugMenu = 1 << 8, kDebugInventory = 1 << 9
enum  EngineFlags {
  kEnginePauseJobs = (1 << 1), kEngineWalking = (1 << 3), kEngineChangeLocation = (1 << 4), kEngineBlockInput = (1 << 5),
  kEngineDragging = (1 << 6), kEngineTransformedDonna = (1 << 7), kEngineReturn = (1 << 10)
enum  { kEvNone = 0, kEvSaveGame = 2000, kEvLoadGame = 4000, kEvIngameMenu = 8000 }
enum  {


TablecreateTableFromStream (uint32 size, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream)
MidiDrivercreateAdLibDriver ()


struct Parallaction::PaletteFxRange PACKED_STRUCT
uint32 g_engineFlags
char g_saveData1 []
uint32 g_globalFlags
const char * g_dinoName
const char * g_donnaName
const char * g_doughName
const char * g_drkiName
const char * g_minidinoName
const char * g_minidonnaName
const char * g_minidoughName
const char * g_minidrkiName
int _numTokens
char _tokens [][50]

Detailed Description

This is the namespace of the Parallaction engine.

Status of this engine: ???

Games using this engine:

  • Nippon Safes Inc. (complete)
  • The Big Red Adventure (work in progress)