ScummVM API documentation
DM::ChampionMan Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 ChampionMan (DMEngine *vm)
ChampionIndex getIndexInCell (int16 cell)
bool isLeaderHandObjectThrown (int16 side)
bool isObjectThrown (uint16 champIndex, int16 slotIndex, int16 side)
void resetDataToStartGame ()
void addCandidateChampionToParty (uint16 championPortraitIndex)
void drawChampionBarGraphs (ChampionIndex champIndex)
uint16 getStaminaAdjustedValue (Champion *champ, int16 val)
uint16 getMaximumLoad (Champion *champ)
void drawChampionState (ChampionIndex champIndex)
uint16 getChampionIconIndex (int16 val, Direction dir)
void drawHealthStaminaManaValues (Champion *champ)
void drawSlot (uint16 champIndex, int16 slotIndex)
void renameChampion (Champion *champ)
uint16 getSkillLevel (int16 champIndex, uint16 skillIndex)
Common::String getStringFromInteger (uint16 val, bool padding, uint16 paddingCharCount)
void applyModifiersToStatistics (Champion *champ, int16 slotIndex, int16 iconIndex, int16 modifierFactor, Thing thing)
bool hasObjectIconInSlotBoxChanged (int16 slotBoxIndex, Thing thing)
void drawChangedObjectIcons ()
void addObjectInSlot (ChampionIndex champIndex, Thing thing, ChampionSlot slotIndex)
int16 getScentOrdinal (int16 mapX, int16 mapY)
Thing getObjectRemovedFromLeaderHand ()
uint16 getStrength (int16 champIndex, int16 slotIndex)
Thing getObjectRemovedFromSlot (uint16 champIndex, uint16 slotIndex)
void decrementStamina (int16 championIndex, int16 decrement)
int16 addPendingDamageAndWounds_getDamage (int16 champIndex, int16 attack, int16 allowedWounds, uint16 attackType)
int16 getWoundDefense (int16 champIndex, uint16 woundIndex)
uint16 getStatisticAdjustedAttack (Champion *champ, uint16 statIndex, uint16 attack)
void wakeUp ()
int16 getThrowingStaminaCost (Thing thing)
void disableAction (uint16 champIndex, uint16 ticks)
void addSkillExperience (uint16 champIndex, uint16 skillIndex, uint16 exp)
int16 getDamagedChampionCount (uint16 attack, int16 wounds, int16 attackType)
int16 getTargetChampionIndex (int16 mapX, int16 mapY, uint16 cell)
int16 getDexterity (Champion *champ)
bool isLucky (Champion *champ, uint16 percentage)
void championPoison (int16 championIndex, uint16 attack)
void setPartyDirection (int16 dir)
void deleteScent (uint16 scentIndex)
void addScentStrength (int16 mapX, int16 mapY, int32 cycleCount)
void putObjectInLeaderHand (Thing thing, bool setMousePointer)
int16 getMovementTicks (Champion *champ)
bool isAmmunitionCompatibleWithWeapon (uint16 champIndex, uint16 weaponSlotIndex, uint16 ammunitionSlotIndex)
void drawAllChampionStates ()
void viAltarRebirth (uint16 champIndex)
void clickOnSlotBox (uint16 slotBoxIndex)
bool isProjectileSpellCast (uint16 champIndex, Thing thing, int16 kineticEnergy, uint16 requiredManaAmount)
void championShootProjectile (Champion *champ, Thing thing, int16 kineticEnergy, int16 attack, int16 stepEnergy)
void applyAndDrawPendingDamageAndWounds ()
void championKill (uint16 champIndex)
void dropAllObjects (uint16 champIndex)
void unpoison (int16 champIndex)
void applyTimeEffects ()
void savePartyPart2 (Common::OutSaveFile *file)
void loadPartyPart2 (Common::InSaveFile *file)

Public Attributes

uint16 _partyChampionCount
bool _partyDead
Thing _leaderHandObject
ChampionIndex _leaderIndex
uint16 _candidateChampionOrdinal
bool _partyIsSleeping
uint16 _actingChampionOrdinal
IconIndice _leaderHandObjectIconIndex
bool _leaderEmptyHanded
Party _party
ChampionIndex _magicCasterChampionIndex
bool _mousePointerHiddenToDrawChangedObjIconOnScreen
Box _boxChampionIcons [4]
Color _championColor [4]
int16 _lightPowerToLightAmount [16]
Box _boxChampionPortrait
uint16 _slotMasks [38]
const char * _baseSkillName [4]

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