ScummVM API documentation
TinyGL::GLContext Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

void gl_vertex_transform (GLVertex *v)
void gl_calc_fog_factor (GLVertex *v)
void gl_get_pname (TGLenum pname, union uglValue *data, eDataType &dataType)
void gl_add_op (GLParam *p)
void gl_compile_op (GLParam *p)
void gl_eval_viewport ()
void gl_transform_to_viewport (GLVertex *v)
void gl_draw_triangle (GLVertex *p0, GLVertex *p1, GLVertex *p2)
void gl_draw_line (GLVertex *p0, GLVertex *p1)
void gl_draw_point (GLVertex *p0)
void gl_draw_triangle_clip (GLVertex *p0, GLVertex *p1, GLVertex *p2, int clip_bit)
void gl_add_select (uint zmin, uint zmax)
void gl_add_select1 (int z1, int z2, int z3)
void gl_enable_disable_light (int light, int v)
void gl_shade_vertex (GLVertex *v)
void gl_GetIntegerv (TGLenum pname, TGLint *data)
void gl_GetFloatv (TGLenum pname, TGLfloat *data)
void gl_GetDoublev (TGLenum pname, TGLdouble *data)
void gl_GetBooleanv (TGLenum pname, TGLboolean *data)
void gl_EnableClientState (GLParam *p)
void gl_DisableClientState (GLParam *p)
void gl_VertexPointer (GLParam *p)
void gl_ColorPointer (GLParam *p)
void gl_NormalPointer (GLParam *p)
void gl_TexCoordPointer (GLParam *p)
GLTexturealloc_texture (uint h)
GLTexturefind_texture (uint h)
void free_texture (GLTexture *t)
void gl_GenTextures (TGLsizei n, TGLuint *textures)
void gl_DeleteTextures (TGLsizei n, const TGLuint *textures)
void gl_PixelStore (TGLenum pname, TGLint param)
void issueDrawCall (DrawCall *drawCall)
void disposeResources ()
void disposeDrawCallLists ()
void presentBufferDirtyRects (Common::List< Common::Rect > &dirtyAreas)
void presentBufferSimple (Common::List< Common::Rect > &dirtyAreas)
void debugDrawRectangle (Common::Rect rect, int r, int g, int b)
GLSpecBufspecbuf_get_buffer (const int shininess_i, const float shininess)
void specbuf_cleanup ()
TGLint gl_RenderMode (TGLenum mode)
void gl_SelectBuffer (TGLsizei size, TGLuint *buffer)
GLListalloc_list (int list)
GLListfind_list (uint list)
void delete_list (int list)
void gl_NewList (TGLuint list, TGLenum mode)
void gl_EndList ()
TGLboolean gl_IsList (TGLuint list)
TGLuint gl_GenLists (TGLsizei range)
void initSharedState ()
void endSharedState ()
void init (int screenW, int screenH, Graphics::PixelFormat pixelFormat, int textureSize, bool enableStencilBuffer, bool dirtyRectsEnable, uint32 drawCallMemorySize)
void deinit ()
void gl_print_matrix (const float *m)
void gl_debug (int mode)

Static Public Member Functions

static void gl_draw_triangle_point (GLContext *c, GLVertex *p0, GLVertex *p1, GLVertex *p2)
static void gl_draw_triangle_line (GLContext *c, GLVertex *p0, GLVertex *p1, GLVertex *p2)
static void gl_draw_triangle_fill (GLContext *c, GLVertex *p0, GLVertex *p1, GLVertex *p2)
static void gl_draw_triangle_select (GLContext *c, GLVertex *p0, GLVertex *p1, GLVertex *p2)

Public Attributes

Common::Rect renderRect
bool blending_enabled
int source_blending_factor
int destination_blending_factor
bool alpha_test_enabled
int alpha_test_func
int alpha_test_ref_val
int _textureSize
GLLight lights [32]
Vector4 ambient_light_model
int local_light_model
bool lighting_enabled
int light_model_two_side
GLMaterial materials [2]
bool color_material_enabled
int current_color_material_mode
int current_color_material_type
uint maxTextureName
bool texture_2d_enabled
int texture_mag_filter
int texture_min_filter
uint texture_wrap_s
uint texture_wrap_t
Common::Array< struct tglColorAssociationcolorAssociationList
GLSharedState shared_state
int current_op_buffer_index
int exec_flag
int compile_flag
int print_flag
int matrix_mode
Matrix4matrix_stack [3]
Matrix4matrix_stack_ptr [3]
int matrix_stack_depth_max [3]
Matrix4 matrix_model_view_inv
Matrix4 matrix_model_projection
int matrix_model_projection_updated
int matrix_model_projection_no_w_transform
int apply_texture_matrix
GLViewport viewport
int polygon_mode_back
int polygon_mode_front
int current_front_face
int current_shade_model
int current_cull_face
bool cull_face_enabled
bool normalize_enabled
gl_draw_triangle_func draw_triangle_front
gl_draw_triangle_func draw_triangle_back
int render_mode
uint * select_buffer
int select_size
uint * select_ptr
uint * select_hit
int select_overflow
int select_hits
uint name_stack [64]
int name_stack_size
float clear_depth
Vector4 clear_color
int clear_stencil
Vector4 current_color
Vector4 current_normal
Vector4 current_tex_coord
int current_edge_flag
int in_begin
int begin_type
int vertex_n
int vertex_cnt
int vertex_max
TGLvoid * vertex_array
int vertex_array_size
int vertex_array_stride
int vertex_array_type
TGLvoid * normal_array
int normal_array_stride
int normal_array_type
TGLvoid * color_array
int color_array_size
int color_array_stride
int color_array_type
TGLvoid * texcoord_array
int texcoord_array_size
int texcoord_array_stride
int texcoord_array_type
int client_states
float offset_factor
float offset_units
int offset_states
int specbuf_used_counter
int specbuf_num_buffers
void * opaque
int(* gl_resize_viewport )(int *xsize, int *ysize)
bool depth_test_enabled
int depth_func
bool depth_write_mask
bool stencil_buffer_supported
bool stencil_test_enabled
int stencil_test_func
int stencil_ref_val
uint stencil_mask
uint stencil_write_mask
int stencil_sfail
int stencil_dpfail
int stencil_dppass
bool color_mask_red
bool color_mask_green
bool color_mask_blue
bool color_mask_alpha
bool fog_enabled
int fog_mode
Vector4 fog_color
float fog_density
float fog_start
float fog_end
Common::Rect _scissorRect
bool _enableDirtyRectangles
bool polygon_stipple_enabled
byte polygon_stipple_pattern [128]
Common::List< BlitImage * > _blitImages
Common::List< DrawCall * > _drawCallsQueue
Common::List< DrawCall * > _previousFrameDrawCallsQueue
int _currentAllocatorIndex
LinearAllocator _drawCallAllocator [2]
bool _debugRectsEnabled
bool _profilingEnabled

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