ScummVM API documentation
Buried::SceneViewWindow Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Buried::SceneViewWindow:

Public Member Functions

 SceneViewWindow (BuriedEngine *vm, Window *parent)
bool startNewGame (bool walkthrough=false)
bool startNewGameIntro (bool walkthrough=false)
bool startNewGame (const Location &startingLocation)
bool showDeathScene (int deathSceneIndex)
bool showCompletionScene ()
bool getSceneStaticData (const Location &location, LocationStaticData &sceneStaticData)
GlobalFlagsgetGlobalFlags ()
bool getCurrentSceneLocation (Location &curLocation)
bool jumpToScene (const Location &newLocation)
bool jumpToSceneRestore (const Location &newLocation)
bool moveInDirection (Direction direction)
bool moveToDestination (const DestinationScene &destinationData)
bool timeSuitJump (int destination)
bool playTransition (const DestinationScene &destinationData, int navFrame)
bool videoTransition (const Location &location, DestinationScene destinationData, int navFrame)
bool walkTransition (const Location &location, const DestinationScene &destinationData, int navFrame)
bool pushTransition (Graphics::Surface *curBackground, Graphics::Surface *newBackground, int direction, uint stripSize, int totalTime)
bool pushNewTransition (Graphics::Surface *newBackground, int direction, int stripSize, int totalTime)
bool slideInTransition (Graphics::Surface *newBackground, int direction, int stripSize, int totalTime)
bool slideOutTransition (Graphics::Surface *newBackground, int direction, int stripSize, int totalTime)
bool changeStillFrameMovie (const Common::Path &fileName=Common::Path())
bool changeCycleFrameMovie (const Common::Path &fileName=Common::Path())
Graphics::SurfacegetStillFrameCopy (int frameIndex)
const Graphics::SurfacegetStillFrame (int frameIndex)
Graphics::SurfacegetCycleFrameCopy (int frameIndex)
const Graphics::SurfacegetCycleFrame (int frameIndex)
bool enableCycleFrameCache (bool enable)
bool flushCycleFrameCache ()
bool enableCycling (bool enable)
bool forceEnableCycling (bool enable)
bool getCyclingStatus () const
bool isCyclingEnabled () const
bool closeCycleFrameMovie ()
bool addNumberToGlobalFlagTable (byte numberToAdd)
byte getNumberFromGlobalFlagTable (int tableIndex)
bool isNumberInGlobalFlagTable (byte numberToCheck)
bool playSynchronousAnimation (int animationID)
bool playSynchronousAnimationExtern (int animationID)
bool playPlacedSynchronousAnimation (int animationID, int left, int top)
bool playClippedSynchronousAnimation (int animationID, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
bool startAsynchronousAnimation (int animationID, bool loopAnimation)
bool startAsynchronousAnimation (int fileNameID, int startPosition, int playStartPosition, int frameCount, bool loopAnimation)
bool startAsynchronousAnimationExtern (int fileNameID, int startPosition, int playStartPosition, int frameCount, bool loopAnimation)
bool stopAsynchronousAnimation ()
bool isAsynchronousAnimationStillPlaying ()
int getAsynchronousAnimationCurrentPosition ()
bool asynchronousAnimationTimerCallback ()
bool startPlacedAsynchronousAnimation (int left, int top, int width, int height, int animationID, bool loopAnimation)
bool startPlacedAsynchronousAnimation (int left, int top, int width, int height, int fileNameID, int startPosition, int playStartPosition, int frameCount, bool loopAnimation)
bool startPlacedAsynchronousAnimationExtern (int left, int top, int width, int height, int fileNameID, int startPosition, int playStartPosition, int frameCount, bool loopAnimation)
bool retrieveAICommentEntry (const Location &commentLocation, int commentType, const Common::Array< AIComment > &commentDatabase, int &lastFoundEntry, AIComment &currentCommentData)
bool checkAICommentDependencies (const Location &commentLocation, const AIComment &commentData)
bool playAICommentFromData (const AIComment &commentData)
bool playAIComment (int commentType)
bool playAIComment (const Location &commentLocation, int commentType)
bool checkForAIComment (int commentType)
bool checkForAIComment (const Location &commentLocation, int commentType)
bool infoWindowDisplayed (bool flag)
bool bioChipWindowDisplayed (bool flag)
bool burnedLetterWindowDisplayed (bool flag)
bool isAuxWindowDisplayed ()
void onPaint ()
void onTimer (uint timer)
bool onSetCursor (uint message)
void onEnable (bool enable)
void onLButtonDown (const Common::Point &point, uint flags)
void onLButtonUp (const Common::Point &point, uint flags)
void onMouseMove (const Common::Point &point, uint flags)
void onKeyUp (const Common::KeyState &key, uint flags)
bool isScenePresent ()
int draggingItem (int itemID, const Common::Point &pointLocation, int itemFlags)
int droppedItem (int itemID, const Common::Point &pointLocation, int itemFlags)
bool updatePrebufferWithSprite (Sprite &spriteData)
bool changeSpriteStatus (bool status)
bool resetCursor ()
bool displayLiveText (const Common::String &text="", bool notifyUser=true)
bool displayTranslationText (const Common::String &text)
bool resetNavigationArrows ()
bool startEnvironmentAmbient (int oldTimeZone=-1, int oldEnvironment=-1, int timeZone=-1, int environment=-1, bool fade=true)
bool checkCustomAICommentDependencies (const Location &commentLocation, const AIComment &commentData)
const SceneBasegetCurrentScene () const
Common::Array< AICommentgetAICommentDatabase (int timeZone, int environment)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Buried::Window
 Window (BuriedEngine *vm, Window *parent, bool visible=false)
virtual bool onEraseBackground ()
virtual void onKeyDown (const Common::KeyState &key, uint flags)
virtual void onKillFocus (Window *newWindow)
virtual void onSetFocus (Window *oldWindow)
virtual void onMButtonUp (const Common::Point &point, uint flags)
virtual void onRButtonUp (const Common::Point &point, uint flags)
virtual void onRButtonDown (const Common::Point &point, uint flags)
void invalidateRect (const Common::Rect &rect, bool erase=true)
void invalidateWindow (bool erase=true)
WindowgetParent () const
const Common::RectgetRect () const
Common::Rect getClientRect () const
Common::Rect getAbsoluteRect () const
void updateWindow ()
void enableWindow (bool enable)
bool isWindowEnabled () const
void setWindowPos (const Window *insertAfter, int x, int y, int width, int height, uint flags)
void showWindow (WindowShowMode showMode)
bool isWindowVisible () const
WindowsetFocus ()
WindowsetCapture ()
void sendMessage (Message *message)
void postMessage (Message *message)
WindowchildWindowAtPoint (const Common::Point &point)
Common::Point convertPointToGlobal (const Common::Point &point)
Common::Point convertPointToLocal (const Common::Point &point)
Common::Point convertPointToWindow (const Common::Point &point, Window *dest)

Public Attributes

bool _paused
bool _disableArthur

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Buried::Window
enum  WindowShowMode { kWindowShow, kWindowHide, kWindowShowNormal }
enum  WindowPosFlags {
  kWindowPosNoFlags = 0, kWindowPosNoSize = (1 << 0), kWindowPosNoZOrder = (1 << 1), kWindowPosHideWindow = (1 << 2),
  kWindowPosShowWindow = (1 << 3), kWindowPosNoMove = (1 << 4), kWindowPosNoActivate = (1 << 5)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Buried::Window
uint setTimer (uint elapse)
bool killTimer (uint timer)
Common::Rect makeAbsoluteRect (const Common::Rect &rect) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from Buried::Window
Common::Rect _rect

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