ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cPhysicsJointScrewNewton Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for hpl::cPhysicsJointScrewNewton:
hpl::iPhysicsJointNewton< iPhysicsJointScrew > hpl::iPhysicsJointScrew hpl::iPhysicsJoint hpl::iSaveObject

Public Member Functions

 cPhysicsJointScrewNewton (const tString &asName, iPhysicsBody *apParentBody, iPhysicsBody *apChildBody, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, const cVector3f &avPivotPoint, const cVector3f avPinDir)
void SetMaxDistance (float afX)
void SetMinDistance (float afX)
float GetMaxDistance ()
float GetMinDistance ()
cVector3f GetVelocity ()
cVector3f GetAngularVelocity ()
cVector3f GetForce ()
float GetDistance ()
float GetAngle ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iPhysicsJointNewton< iPhysicsJointScrew >
 iPhysicsJointNewton (const tString &asName, iPhysicsBody *apParentBody, iPhysicsBody *apChildBody, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, const cVector3f &avPivotPoint)
void SetCollideBodies (bool abX)
bool GetCollideBodies ()
void SetStiffness (float afX)
float GetStiffness ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iPhysicsJointScrew
 iPhysicsJointScrew (const tString &asName, iPhysicsBody *apParentBody, iPhysicsBody *apChildBody, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, const cVector3f &avPivotPoint)
ePhysicsJointType GetType ()
virtual iSaveDataCreateSaveData ()
virtual void SaveToSaveData (iSaveData *apSaveData)
virtual void LoadFromSaveData (iSaveData *apSaveData)
virtual void SaveDataSetup (cSaveObjectHandler *apSaveObjectHandler, cGame *apGame)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iPhysicsJoint
 iPhysicsJoint (const tString &asName, iPhysicsBody *apParentBody, iPhysicsBody *apChildBody, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, const cVector3f &avPivotPoint)
const tStringGetName ()
iPhysicsBodyGetParentBody ()
iPhysicsBodyGetChildBody ()
void RemoveBody (iPhysicsBody *apBody)
cVector3f GetPivotPoint ()
cVector3f GetPinDir ()
cJointLimitEffectGetMaxLimit ()
cJointLimitEffectGetMinLimit ()
void SetMoveSound (tString &asName)
void SetMoveSpeedType (ePhysicsJointSpeed aType)
void SetMinMoveSpeed (float afX)
void SetMinMoveFreq (float afX)
void SetMinMoveFreqSpeed (float afX)
void SetMinMoveVolume (float afX)
void SetMaxMoveFreq (float afX)
void SetMaxMoveVolume (float afX)
void SetMaxMoveFreqSpeed (float afX)
void SetMiddleMoveSpeed (float afX)
void SetMiddleMoveVolume (float afX)
void SetCallback (iPhysicsJointCallback *apCallback, bool abAutoDelete)
iPhysicsJointCallbackGetCallback ()
bool CheckBreakage ()
void SetBreakable (bool abX)
bool IsBreakable ()
void SetBreakForce (float afForce)
float GetBreakForce ()
void SetBreakSound (const tString &asSound)
void SetLimitAutoSleep (bool abX)
void SetLimitAutoSleepDist (float afX)
void SetLimitAutoSleepNumSteps (int alX)
bool GetLimitAutoSleep ()
float GetLimitAutoSleepDist ()
int GetLimitAutoSleepNumSteps ()
void SetStickyMinDistance (float afX)
void SetStickyMaxDistance (float afX)
float GetStickyMinDistance ()
float GetStickyMaxDistance ()
void Break ()
bool IsBroken ()
void SetUserData (void *apUserData)
void AddController (iPhysicsController *apController)
iPhysicsControllerGetController (const tString &asName)
bool ChangeController (const tString &asName)
cPhysicsControllerIterator GetControllerIterator ()
void SetAllControllersPaused (bool abX)
void OnPhysicsUpdate ()
void SetSound (cSoundEntity *apSound)
cSoundEntityGetSound ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iSaveObject
int GetSaveObjectId ()
void SetIsSaved (bool abX)
bool IsSaved ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from hpl::iPhysicsJoint
void OnMaxLimit ()
void OnMinLimit ()
void OnNoLimit ()
void CalcSoundFreq (float afSpeed, float *apFreq, float *apVol)
void LimitEffect (cJointLimitEffect *pEffect)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from hpl::iPhysicsJoint
static void CheckLimitAutoSleep (iPhysicsJoint *apJoint, const float afMin, const float afMax, const float afDist)
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iPhysicsJointNewton< iPhysicsJointScrew >
NewtonJoint * mpNewtonJoint
NewtonWorld * mpNewtonWorld
NewtonBody * mpNewtonParentBody
NewtonBody * mpNewtonChildBody
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iPhysicsJointScrew
float mfMaxDistance
float mfMinDistance
cVector3f mvPin
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iPhysicsJoint
tString msName
cMatrixf m_mtxParentBodySetup
cMatrixf m_mtxChildBodySetup
cVector3f mvPinDir
cVector3f mvPivotPoint
cVector3f mvStartPivotPoint
cVector3f mvLocalPivot
float mfStickyMinDistance
float mfStickyMaxDistance
tPhysicsControllerMap m_mapControllers
cJointLimitEffect mMaxLimit
cJointLimitEffect mMinLimit
int mlSpeedCount
cMatrixf m_mtxPrevChild
cMatrixf m_mtxPrevParent
tString msMoveSound
float mfMinMoveSpeed
float mfMinMoveFreq
float mfMinMoveFreqSpeed
float mfMinMoveVolume
float mfMaxMoveFreq
float mfMaxMoveFreqSpeed
float mfMaxMoveVolume
float mfMiddleMoveSpeed
float mfMiddleMoveVolume
ePhysicsJointSpeed mMoveSpeedType
bool mbBreakable
float mfBreakForce
tString msBreakSound
bool mbBroken
bool mbLimitAutoSleep
float mfLimitAutoSleepDist
int mlLimitAutoSleepNumSteps
bool mbHasCollided
bool mbAutoDeleteCallback
int mlLimitStepCount
void * mpUserData
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iSaveObject

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetMaxDistance()

void hpl::cPhysicsJointScrewNewton::SetMaxDistance ( float  afX)

Set the maximum distance the bodies can be from each other, relative to the start dist between them This is true if pin points towards the child. In other words, distance increases as the distance between start pivot and current pivot increases in the opposite direction of the pin.

Implements hpl::iPhysicsJointScrew.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: