ScummVM API documentation
Draci Namespace Reference


class  Animation
class  AnimationManager
struct  BAFile
class  BArchive
struct  Dialogue
struct  Displacement
class  DraciConsole
class  DraciEngine
struct  DraciSavegameHeader
class  Drawable
class  Font
class  Game
struct  GameInfo
class  GameItem
class  GameObject
struct  GPL2Command
struct  GPL2Function
struct  GPL2Operator
struct  GPL2Program
class  LegacySoundArchive
class  Mouse
class  MusicPlayer
struct  Person
class  Room
class  Screen
class  Script
struct  SndHandle
class  Sound
class  SoundArchive
struct  SoundSample
class  Sprite
class  Surface
class  Text
class  WalkingMap
class  WalkingState
class  ZipSoundArchive


typedef void(Script::* GPLHandler) (const Common::Array< int > &)
typedef int(Script::* GPLOperatorHandler) (int, int) const
typedef int(Script::* GPLFunctionHandler) (int) const
typedef Common::Array< Common::PointWalkingPath


enum  {
  kOverlayImage = -1, kWalkingMapOverlay = -2, kWalkingShortestPathOverlay = -3, kWalkingObliquePathOverlay = -4,
  kTitleText = -5, kSpeechText = -6, kInventorySprite = -7, kDialogueLinesID = -8,
  kUnused = -12, kInventoryItemsID = -13
enum  { kIgnoreIndex = -2 }
enum  {
  kDraciGeneralDebugLevel = 1 << 0, kDraciBytecodeDebugLevel = 1 << 1, kDraciArchiverDebugLevel = 1 << 2, kDraciLogicDebugLevel = 1 << 3,
  kDraciAnimationDebugLevel = 1 << 4, kDraciSoundDebugLevel = 1 << 5, kDraciWalkingDebugLevel = 1 << 6
enum  {
  kFontColor1 = 2, kFontColor2 = 0, kFontColor3 = 3, kFontColor4 = 4,
  kOverFontColor = 255, kTitleColor = 255, kLineActiveColor = 254, kLineInactiveColor = 255
enum  { kDragonObject = 0 }
enum  { kDialogueLines = 4 }
enum  { kBlackPalette = -1 }
enum  { kMouseEnableSwitching = -1, kMouseDoNotSwitch = -2 }
enum  SpeechConstants { kBaseSpeechDuration = 12000, kSpeechTimeUnit = 2640, kStandardSpeed = 60 }
enum  FadeConstants { kFadingTimeUnit = 50, kBlackFadingIterations = 15, kBlackFadingTimeUnit = 7 }
enum  AnimationConstants { kTimeUnit = 20 }
enum  InventoryConstants {
  kInventoryItemWidth = 25, kInventoryItemHeight = 25, kInventoryColumns = 7, kInventoryLines = 5,
  kInventoryX = 70, kInventoryY = 30, kInventorySlots = kInventoryLines * kInventoryColumns, kStatusChangeTimeout = 500
enum  LoopStatus { kStatusOrdinary, kStatusGate, kStatusInventory, kStatusDialogue }
enum  LoopSubstatus {
  kOuterLoop, kInnerWhileTalk, kInnerWhileFade, kInnerDuringDialogue,
enum  CursorType {
  kNormalCursor, kArrowCursor1, kArrowCursor2, kArrowCursor3,
  kArrowCursor4, kDialogueCursor, kHighlightedCursor, kMainMenuCursor,
  kUninitializedCursor = 100, kItemCursor
enum  ScreenParameters { kScreenWidth = 320, kScreenHeight = 200, kNumColors = 256, kDefaultTransparent = 255 }
enum  { kMaxParams = 3, kNumCommands = 55 }
enum  GPL2ParameterType { kGPL2Num = 1, kGPL2Str = 2, kGPL2Ident = 3, kGPL2Math = 4 }
enum  SoundFormat {
  RAW, RAW80, MP3, OGG,
enum  sndHandleType { kFreeHandle, kEffectHandle, kVoiceHandle }
enum  DrawableType { kDrawableText, kDrawableSprite }
enum  SightDirection {
  kDirectionLast, kDirectionMouse, kDirectionUnknown, kDirectionRight,
  kDirectionLeft, kDirectionIntelligent
enum  Movement {
  kMoveUndefined = -1, kMoveDown, kMoveUp, kMoveRight,
  kMoveLeft, kFirstTurning, kMoveRightDown = kFirstTurning, kMoveRightUp,
  kMoveLeftDown, kMoveLeftUp, kMoveDownRight, kMoveUpRight,
  kMoveDownLeft, kMoveUpLeft, kMoveLeftRight, kMoveRightLeft,
  kMoveUpStopLeft, kMoveUpStopRight, kLastTurning = kMoveUpStopRight, kSpeakRight,
  kSpeakLeft, kStopRight, kStopLeft, kFirstTemporaryAnimation


WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool readSavegameHeader (Common::InSaveFile *in, DraciSavegameHeader &header, bool skipThumbnail=true)
void writeSavegameHeader (Common::OutSaveFile *out, const DraciSavegameHeader &header)
Common::Error saveSavegameData (int saveGameIdx, const Common::String &saveName, DraciEngine &vm)
Common::Error loadSavegameData (int saveGameIdx, DraciEngine *vm)


const char *const kFontSmall
const char *const kFontBig
const Displacement kNoDisplacement

Detailed Description

This is the namespace of the Draci engine.

Status of this engine: Complete

Games using this engine:

  • Dragon History

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Animation IDs for those animations that don't have their IDs specified in the data files.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Used by overlays as a neutral index that won't get released with the GPL Release command.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Default font colors. They all seem to remain constant except for the first one which varies depending on the character speaking. kOverFontColor is set to transparent.

◆ InventoryConstants

Inventory related magical constants


Used for positioning of the inventory sprite on the X axis.


Used for positioning of the inventory sprite on the Y axis.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

The maximum number of parameters for a GPL command

◆ GPL2ParameterType

Represents a single command in the GPL scripting language bytecode. Each command is represented in the bytecode by a command number and a subnumber.

◆ Movement

Enumerates the animations for the dragon's movement.