ScummVM API documentation
Bagel::SpaceBar::SpaceBarEngine Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Bagel::SpaceBar::SpaceBarEngine:
Bagel::BagelEngine Bagel::CBagel Engine Bagel::CBofOptions Bagel::CBofApp Bagel::CBofObject Bagel::CBofError

Public Member Functions

 SpaceBarEngine (OSystem *syst, const ADGameDescription *gameDesc)
void initializePath (const Common::FSNode &gamePath) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::BagelEngine
 BagelEngine (OSystem *syst, const ADGameDescription *gameDesc)
uint32 getFeatures () const
Common::String getGameId () const
Common::Platform getPlatform () const
bool isDemo () const
uint32 getRandomNumber (uint maxNum=0x7fffffff)
bool hasFeature (EngineFeature f) const override
bool canLoadGameStateCurrently (Common::U32String *msg=nullptr) override
bool canSaveGameStateCurrently (Common::U32String *msg=nullptr) override
Common::Error saveGameState (int slot, const Common::String &desc, bool isAutosave=false) override
Common::Error saveGameState (int slot, const Common::String &desc, bool isAutosave, StBagelSave &saveData)
Common::Error loadGameState (int slot) override
Common::Error saveGameStream (Common::WriteStream *stream, bool isAutosave=false) override
Common::Error loadGameStream (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) override
SaveStateList listSaves () const
bool savesExist () const
void pauseEngineIntern (bool pause) override
void errorDialog (const char *msg) const
void enableKeymapper (bool enabled)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Engine
MetaEnginegetMetaEngine () const
void setMetaEngine (MetaEngine *metaEngine)
PauseToken pauseEngine ()
bool isPaused () const
void openMainMenuDialog ()
uint32 getTotalPlayTime () const
void setTotalPlayTime (uint32 time=0)
Common::TimerManagergetTimerManager ()
Common::EventManagergetEventManager ()
Common::SaveFileManagergetSaveFileManager ()
bool existExtractedCDAudioFiles (uint track=1)
bool isDataAndCDAudioReadFromSameCD ()
void warnMissingExtractedCDAudio ()
void handleAutoSave ()
void saveAutosaveIfEnabled ()
virtual bool canSaveAutosaveCurrently ()
virtual int getAutosaveSlot () const
 Engine (OSystem *syst)
virtual ~Engine ()
virtual void errorString (const char *buf_input, char *buf_output, int buf_output_size)
virtual GUI::DebuggergetDebugger () final
void setDebugger (GUI::Debugger *debugger)
GUI::DebuggergetOrCreateDebugger ()
virtual void syncSoundSettings ()
virtual void applyGameSettings ()
virtual void flipMute ()
virtual Common::String getSaveStateName (int slot) const
void setGameToLoadSlot (int slot)
bool saveGameDialog ()
bool loadGameDialog ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagel
 CBagel (const BagelReg *gameReg)
void registerGame (const BagelReg *gameReg)
ErrorCode runApp () override
ErrorCode setOption (const char *section, const char *option, const char *stringValue)
ErrorCode setOption (const char *section, const char *option, int intValue)
ErrorCode getOption (const char *section, const char *option, char *stringValue, const char *defaultValue, uint32 size)
ErrorCode getOption (const char *section, const char *option, int *intValue, int defaultValue)
ErrorCode getOption (const char *section, const char *option, bool *boolValue, int defaultValue)
void setAppName (const char *newAppName) override
CBagMasterWingetMasterWnd () const
int getChromaColor ()
ErrorCode verifyCDInDrive (int diskId, const char *waveFile)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofOptions
 CBofOptions (const char *pszOptionsFile=nullptr)
 Loads specified .INI file which contains user options. More...
virtual ~CBofOptions ()
ErrorCode commit ()
ErrorCode loadOptionFile (const char *pszFile)
 Loads and builds Option list. More...
const char * getFileName () const
ErrorCode writeSetting (const char *pszSection, const char *pszOption, const char *pszValue)
ErrorCode writeSetting (const char *pszSection, const char *pszOption, int nValue)
ErrorCode readSetting (const char *section, const char *option, char *stringValue, const char *defaultValue, uint32 nSize)
ErrorCode readSetting (const char *section, const char *option, int *nValue, int defaultValue)
ErrorCode readSetting (const char *section, const char *option, bool *boolValue, bool defaultValue)
ErrorCode load ()
void release ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofApp
 CBofApp (const char *pszAppName)
ErrorCode preInit ()
void postShutDown ()
const char * getAppName () const
void setMainWindow (CBofWindow *pWnd)
CBofWindowgetMainWindow () const
CBofWindowgetActualWindow () const
void setPalette (CBofPalette *pPalette)
CBofPalettegetPalette () const
int screenWidth () const
int screenHeight () const
int screenDepth () const
CBofCursor getDefaultCursor () const
void setDefaultCursor (CBofCursor &cCursor)
void addCursor (CBofCursor &cCursor)
void delCursor (int nIndex)
CBofCursor getCursor (int nIndex)
int getNumberOfCursors () const
void setCaptureControl (CBofWindow *ctl)
CBofWindowgetCaptureControl () const
void setFocusControl (CBofWindow *ctl)
CBofWindowgetFocusControl () const
bool consolePlayVideo (const Common::Path &path)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
void reportError (ErrorCode errCode, const char *format,...)
bool errorOccurred () const
ErrorCode getErrorCode () const
void clearError ()

Public Attributes

const CBofRect viewPortRect = CBofRect(80, 10, 559, 369)
CBofRect viewRect
- Public Attributes inherited from Bagel::BagelEngine
Graphics::Screen_screen = nullptr
MusicPlayer_midi = nullptr
bool _useOriginalSaveLoad = false
CBagMasterWin_masterWin = nullptr
CBofPoint g_cInitLoc
bool g_bUseInitLoc = false
bool g_getVilVarsFl = true
- Public Attributes inherited from Engine

Protected Member Functions

Common::Error run () override
ErrorCode initialize () override
ErrorCode shutdown () override
bool shouldQuit () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Engine
virtual int runDialog (GUI::Dialog &dialog)
void defaultSyncSoundSettings ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagel
ErrorCode initLocalFilePaths ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofApp
void StartupCode ()
void ShutDownCode ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
virtual void bofMessageBox (const Common::String &content, const Common::String &title)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Engine
enum  EngineFeature {
  kSupportsSubtitleOptions, kSupportsReturnToLauncher, kSupportsLoadingDuringRuntime, kSupportsSavingDuringRuntime,
  kSupportsChangingOptionsDuringRuntime, kSupportsArbitraryResolutions, kSupportsHelp, kSupportsQuitDialogOverride
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Engine
static void quitGame ()
static bool shouldQuit ()
static bool warnUserAboutUnsupportedGame (Common::String msg=Common::String())
static void errorUnsupportedGame (Common::String extraMsg)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagel
static CBagelgetBagApp ()
static void showNextCDDialog (CBofWindow *parentWin, int diskId)
static CBofVHashTable< CBofString, 131 > * getCacheFileList ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofObject
static bool isValidObject (const CBofObject *pObject)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofApp
static uint32 getMachineSpeed ()
static CBofAppgetApp ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
static void fatalError (ErrorCode errCode, const char *format,...)
static void initialize ()
static int getErrorCount ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from Engine
const Common::String _targetName
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBagel
const BagelReg_gameReg = nullptr
int _numRetries = 20
int _installCode = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofOptions
char _szFileName [MAX_FNAME]
bool _bDirty
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofApp
char _szAppName [128] = { 0 }
CBofList< CBofCursor_cCursorList
CBofCursor _cDefaultCursor
CBofWindow_pMainWnd = nullptr
CBofPalette_pPalette = nullptr
CBofPalette_pDefPalette = nullptr
int _nScreenDX = 0
int _nScreenDY = 0
int _nColorDepth = 0
int _nIterations = 1
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofError
ErrorCode _errCode
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofApp
static CBofApp_pBofApp
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofError
static int _count

Member Function Documentation

◆ run()

Common::Error Bagel::SpaceBar::SpaceBarEngine::run ( )

Initialize the engine and start its main loop.

kNoError on success, otherwise an error code.

Implements Engine.

◆ initialize()

ErrorCode Bagel::SpaceBar::SpaceBarEngine::initialize ( )

Initializes BAGEL, checks system resources, etc...

Error return code

Reimplemented from Bagel::CBagel.

◆ shutdown()

ErrorCode Bagel::SpaceBar::SpaceBarEngine::shutdown ( )

Performs cleanup and destruction of Bagel object

Error return Code.

Reimplemented from Bagel::CBagel.

◆ initializePath()

void Bagel::SpaceBar::SpaceBarEngine::initializePath ( const Common::FSNode gamePath)

Initialize SearchMan according to the game path.

By default, this adds the directory in non-flat mode with a depth of 4 as priority 0 to SearchMan.

gamePathThe base directory of the game data.

Reimplemented from Engine.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: