ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cPhysicsBodyNewton Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for hpl::cPhysicsBodyNewton:
hpl::iPhysicsBody hpl::iEntity3D hpl::iEntity hpl::iSaveObject

Public Member Functions

 cPhysicsBodyNewton (const tString &asName, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, iCollideShape *apShape)
void SetMaterial (iPhysicsMaterial *apMaterial)
void SetLinearVelocity (const cVector3f &avVel)
cVector3f GetLinearVelocity () const
void SetAngularVelocity (const cVector3f &avVel)
cVector3f GetAngularVelocity () const
void SetLinearDamping (float afDamping)
float GetLinearDamping () const
void SetAngularDamping (float afDamping)
float GetAngularDamping () const
void SetMaxLinearSpeed (float afSpeed)
float GetMaxLinearSpeed () const
void SetMaxAngularSpeed (float afDamping)
float GetMaxAngularSpeed () const
cMatrixf GetInertiaMatrix ()
void SetMass (float afMass)
float GetMass () const
void SetMassCentre (const cVector3f &avCentre)
cVector3f GetMassCentre () const
void AddForce (const cVector3f &avForce)
void AddForceAtPosition (const cVector3f &avForce, const cVector3f &avPos)
void AddTorque (const cVector3f &avTorque)
void AddImpulse (const cVector3f &avImpulse)
void AddImpulseAtPosition (const cVector3f &avImpulse, const cVector3f &avPos)
void SetEnabled (bool abEnabled)
bool GetEnabled () const
void SetAutoDisable (bool abEnabled)
bool GetAutoDisable () const
void SetContinuousCollision (bool abOn)
bool GetContinuousCollision ()
void SetGravity (bool abEnabled)
bool GetGravity () const
void RenderDebugGeometry (iLowLevelGraphics *apLowLevel, const cColor &aColor)
NewtonBody * GetNewtonBody ()
void ClearForces ()
void DeleteLowLevel ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iPhysicsBody
 iPhysicsBody (const tString &asName, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, iCollideShape *apShape)
void Destroy ()
iPhysicsMaterialGetMaterial ()
cNode3DGetNode ()
cNode3DCreateNode ()
iCollideShapeGetShape ()
void AddJoint (iPhysicsJoint *apJoint)
iPhysicsJointGetJoint (int alIndex)
int GetJointNum ()
void RemoveJoint (iPhysicsJoint *apJoint)
cVector3f GetVelocityAtPosition (cVector3f avPos)
void UpdateBeforeSimulate (float afTimeStep)
void UpdateAfterSimulate (float afTimeStep)
cBoundingVolumeGetBV ()
void SetBlocksSound (bool abX)
bool GetBlocksSound ()
void SetBlocksLight (bool abX)
bool GetBlocksLight ()
void SetScrapeSoundEntity (cSoundEntity *apEntity)
cSoundEntityGetScrapeSoundEntity ()
void SetScrapeBody (iPhysicsBody *apBody)
iPhysicsBodyGetScrapeBody ()
const cMatrixfGetPreveScrapeMatrix ()
void SetPreveScrapeMatrix (const cMatrixf &a_mtxMtx)
void SetRollSoundEntity (cSoundEntity *apEntity)
cSoundEntityGetRollSoundEntity ()
void SetHasImpact (bool abX)
bool HasImpact ()
void SetHasSlide (bool abX)
bool HasSlide ()
bool HasCollision ()
void SetUserData (void *apUserData)
void * GetUserData ()
void AddBodyCallback (iPhysicsBodyCallback *apCallback)
void RemoveBodyCallback (iPhysicsBodyCallback *apCallback)
bool OnBeginCollision (iPhysicsBody *apBody)
void OnCollide (iPhysicsBody *apBody, cPhysicsContactData *apContactData)
void SetCollide (bool abX)
bool GetCollide ()
void SetIsCharacter (bool abX)
bool IsCharacter ()
void SetCollideCharacter (bool abX)
bool GetCollideCharacter ()
void SetCharacterBody (iCharacterBody *apCharBody)
iCharacterBodyGetCharacterBody ()
void SetIsRagDoll (bool abX)
bool IsRagDoll ()
void SetCollideRagDoll (bool abX)
bool GetCollideRagDoll ()
void SetVolatile (bool abX)
bool IsVolatile ()
void SetPushedByCharacterGravity (bool abX)
bool GetPushedByCharacterGravity ()
void SetBuoyancyId (int alX)
void SetBuoyancyActive (bool abX)
void SetBuoyancyDensity (float afX)
void SetBuoyancyLinearViscosity (float afX)
void SetBuoyancyAngularViscosity (float afX)
void SetBuoyancySurface (const cPlanef &aP)
int GetBuoyancyId ()
bool GetBuoyancyActive ()
float GetBuoyancyDensity ()
float GetBuoyancyLinearViscosity ()
float GetBuoyancyAngularViscosity ()
cPlanef SetBuoyancySurface ()
void SetCanAttachCharacter (bool abX)
bool GetCanAttachCharacter ()
void AddAttachedCharacter (iCharacterBody *apChar)
void RemoveAttachedCharacter (iCharacterBody *apChar)
iPhysicsWorldGetWorld ()
void DisableAfterSimulation ()
tString GetEntityType ()
virtual iSaveDataCreateSaveData ()
virtual void SaveToSaveData (iSaveData *apSaveData)
virtual void LoadFromSaveData (iSaveData *apSaveData)
virtual void SaveDataSetup (cSaveObjectHandler *apSaveObjectHandler, cGame *apGame)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iEntity3D
 iEntity3D (tString asName)
cVector3f GetLocalPosition ()
cMatrixfGetLocalMatrix ()
cVector3f GetWorldPosition ()
cMatrixfGetWorldMatrix ()
void SetPosition (const cVector3f &avPos)
void SetMatrix (const cMatrixf &a_mtxTransform)
void SetWorldPosition (const cVector3f &avWorldPos)
void SetWorldMatrix (const cMatrixf &a_mtxWorldTransform)
void SetTransformUpdated (bool abUpdateCallbacks=true)
bool GetTransformUpdated ()
int GetTransformUpdateCount ()
void AddCallback (iEntityCallback *apCallback)
void RemoveCallback (iEntityCallback *apCallback)
void SetSourceFile (const tString &asFile)
const tStringGetSourceFile ()
virtual cBoundingVolumeGetBoundingVolume ()
void AddChild (iEntity3D *apEntity)
void RemoveChild (iEntity3D *apEntity)
bool IsChild (iEntity3D *apEntity)
iEntity3DGetEntityParent ()
virtual tRenderContainerDataListGetRenderContainerDataList ()
int GetIteratorCount ()
void SetIteratorCount (const int alX)
void SetCurrentSector (cSector *apSetor)
virtual cSectorGetCurrentSector () const
bool IsInSector (cSector *apSector)
int GetGlobalRenderCount ()
void SetGlobalRenderCount (int alX)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iEntity
 iEntity (tString asName)
virtual void UpdateLogic (float afTimeStep)
tStringGetName ()
void SetName (const tString &asName)
iNodeGetParent ()
void SetParent (iNode *apNode)
bool HasParent ()
bool IsActive ()
void SetActive (bool abActive)
virtual bool IsVisible ()
virtual void SetVisible (bool abVisible)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iSaveObject
int GetSaveObjectId ()
void SetIsSaved (bool abX)
bool IsSaved ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetUseCallback (bool abX)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from hpl::iPhysicsBody
void CreateSaveCollideShapes (cContainerList< cSaveData_iCollideShape > *apShapeList)
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iPhysicsBody
Common::Array< iPhysicsJoint * > mvJoints
Common::List< iCharacterBody * > mlstAttachedCharacters
cMatrixf m_mtxPrevScrapeMatrix
bool mbHasImpact
bool mbHasSlide
int mlSlideCount
int mlImpactCount
bool mbPushedByCharacterGravity
bool mbBlocksSound
bool mbBlocksLight
bool mbIsCharacter
bool mbCollideCharacter
bool mbIsRagDoll
bool mbCollideRagDoll
bool mbVolatile
bool mbCanAttachCharacter
cPhysicsBody_Buoyancy mBuoyancy
int mlBuoyancyId
bool mbDisableAfterSimulation
bool mbHasCollision
tPhysicsBodyCallbackList mlstBodyCallbacks
void * mpUserData
bool mbCollide
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iEntity3D
cMatrixf m_mtxLocalTransform
cMatrixf m_mtxWorldTransform
cBoundingVolume mBoundingVolume
bool mbUpdateBoundingVolume
bool mbApplyTransformToBV
bool mbTransformUpdated
int mlGlobalRenderCount
int mlCount
tString msSourceFile
tEntityCallbackList mlstCallbacks
tRenderContainerDataList mlstRenderContainerData
tEntity3DList mlstChildren
int mlIteratorCount
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iEntity
tString msName
bool mbIsVisible
bool mbIsActive
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iSaveObject

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