ScummVM API documentation
Wintermute::AdSceneGeometry Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Wintermute::AdSceneGeometry:
Wintermute::BaseObject Wintermute::BaseScriptHolder Wintermute::BaseScriptable Wintermute::BaseNamedObject Wintermute::BaseClass

Public Member Functions

bool dropWaypoints ()
bool setLightColor (const char *lightName, uint32 color)
uint32 getLightColor (const char *lightName)
Math::Vector3d getLightPos (const char *lightName)
bool enableNode (const char *nodeName, bool enable=true)
bool isNodeEnabled (const char *nodeName)
bool enableLight (const char *lightName, bool enable=true)
bool isLightEnabled (const char *lightName)
bool correctTargetPoint (const Math::Vector3d &source, Math::Vector3d *target)
bool createLights ()
bool enableLights (Math::Vector3d Point, BaseArray< char *> &IgnoreLights)
bool initLoop ()
float getPointsDist (Math::Vector3d p1, Math::Vector3d p2)
void pathFinderStep ()
bool getPath (Math::Vector3d source, Math::Vector3d target, AdPath3D *path, bool rerun=false)
bool convert2Dto3D (int x, int y, Math::Vector3d *pos)
bool convert2Dto3DTolerant (int x, int y, Math::Vector3d *pos)
bool convert3Dto2D (Math::Vector3d *pos, int32 *x, int32 *y)
bool directPathExists (Math::Vector3d *p1, Math::Vector3d *p2)
float getHeightAt (Math::Vector3d pos, float Ttlerance=0.0f, bool *intFound=NULL)
bool storeDrawingParams ()
bool render (bool render)
bool renderShadowGeometry ()
Math::Matrix4 * getViewMatrix ()
bool setActiveCamera (const char *camera, float fov, float nearClipPlane, float farClipPlane)
bool setActiveCamera (int camera, float fow, float nearClipPlane, float farClipPlane)
Camera3DgetActiveCamera ()
bool setActiveLight (char *light)
bool setActiveLight (int light)
void cleanup ()
 AdSceneGeometry (BaseGame *inGame)
bool loadFile (const char *filename)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wintermute::BaseObject
virtual bool afterMove ()
virtual bool isReady ()
virtual bool getExtendedFlag (const char *flagName)
virtual bool resetSoundPan ()
virtual bool updateSounds ()
bool updateOneSound (BaseSound *sound)
virtual bool handleMouseWheel (int32 delta)
virtual bool handleMouse (TMouseEvent event, TMouseButton button)
virtual bool handleKeypress (Common::Event *event, bool printable=false)
virtual int32 getHeight ()
bool setCursor (const char *filename)
bool setActiveCursor (const char *filename)
bool cleanup ()
const char * getCaption (int caseVal=1)
void setCaption (const char *caption, int caseVal=1)
virtual bool showCursor ()
bool saveAsText (BaseDynamicBuffer *buffer, int indent) override
bool listen (BaseScriptHolder *param1, uint32 param2) override
 BaseObject (BaseGame *inGame)
virtual bool update ()
virtual bool display ()
virtual bool invalidateDeviceObjects ()
virtual bool restoreDeviceObjects ()
ScValuescGetProperty (const Common::String &name) override
bool scSetProperty (const char *name, ScValue *value) override
bool scCallMethod (ScScript *script, ScStack *stack, ScStack *thisStack, const char *name) override
const char * scToString () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wintermute::BaseScriptHolder
 BaseScriptHolder (BaseGame *inGame)
ScScriptinvokeMethodThread (const char *methodName) override
virtual void makeFreezable (bool freezable)
bool canHandleEvent (const char *eventName) const
bool canHandleMethod (const char *eventMethod) const override
bool cleanup ()
bool removeScript (ScScript *script)
bool addScript (const char *filename)
bool saveAsText (BaseDynamicBuffer *buffer, int indent) override
bool applyEvent (const char *eventName, bool unbreakable=false)
void setFilename (const char *filename)
const char * getFilename ()
bool parseProperty (char *buffer, bool complete=true)
ScValuescGetProperty (const Common::String &name) override
bool scSetProperty (const char *name, ScValue *value) override
bool scCallMethod (ScScript *script, ScStack *stack, ScStack *thisStack, const char *name) override
const char * scToString () override
void scDebuggerDesc (char *buf, int bufSize) override
virtual bool sendEvent (const char *eventName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wintermute::BaseScriptable
 BaseScriptable (BaseGame *inGame, bool noValue=false, bool persistable=true)
virtual void * scToMemBuffer ()
virtual int scToInt ()
virtual double scToFloat ()
virtual bool scToBool ()
virtual void scSetString (const char *val)
virtual void scSetInt (int val)
virtual void scSetFloat (double val)
virtual void scSetBool (bool val)
virtual int scCompare (BaseScriptable *val)
virtual Common::String debuggerToString () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wintermute::BaseNamedObject
 BaseNamedObject (BaseGame *inGame)
 BaseNamedObject (TDynamicConstructor, TDynamicConstructor)
const char * getName () const
void setName (const char *name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wintermute::BaseClass
bool setEditorProp (const Common::String &propName, const Common::String &propValue)
Common::String getEditorProp (const Common::String &propName, const Common::String &initVal=Common::String())
 BaseClass (TDynamicConstructor, TDynamicConstructor)
bool parseEditorProperty (char *buffer, bool complete=true)
 BaseClass (BaseGame *GameOwner)
virtual const char * getClassName ()
virtual bool persist (BasePersistenceManager *persistMgr)

Public Attributes

bool _maxLightsWarning
bool _lastValuesInitialized
Math::Matrix4 _lastWorldMat
Math::Matrix4 _lastViewMat
Math::Matrix4 _lastProjMat
int _lastOffsetX
int _lastOffsetY
Rect32 _drawingViewport
int _lastScrollX
int _lastScrollY
float _waypointHeight
Math::Matrix4 _viewMatrix
int32 _activeCamera
int32 _activeLight
BaseArray< AdWalkplane * > _planes
BaseArray< AdBlock * > _blocks
BaseArray< AdGeneric * > _generics
BaseArray< Camera3D * > _cameras
BaseArray< Light3D * > _lights
BaseArray< AdWaypointGroup3D * > _waypointGroups
uint32 _PFMaxTime
- Public Attributes inherited from Wintermute::BaseObject
Graphics::TSpriteBlendMode _blendMode
float _scale
uint32 _alphaColor
int32 _sFXVolume
bool _editorOnly
bool _is3D
bool _sharedCursors
bool _movable
bool _zoomable
bool _shadowable
int32 _posY
int32 _posX
bool _registrable
char * _caption [7]
bool _saveState
bool _nonIntMouseEvents
- Public Attributes inherited from Wintermute::BaseScriptHolder
bool _freezable
bool _ready
BaseArray< ScScript * > _scripts
- Public Attributes inherited from Wintermute::BaseScriptable
int32 _refCount
- Public Attributes inherited from Wintermute::BaseNamedObject
char * _name
- Public Attributes inherited from Wintermute::BaseClass
bool _persistable

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Wintermute::BaseObject
bool setSFXTime (uint32 time)
bool setSFXVolume (int volume)
bool resumeSFX ()
bool pauseSFX ()
bool stopSFX (bool deleteSound=true)
bool playSFX (const char *filename, bool looping=false, bool playNow=true, const char *eventName=nullptr, uint32 loopStart=0)
void setSoundEvent (const char *eventName)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Wintermute::BaseObject
bool _autoSoundPanning
uint32 _sFXStart
TSFXType _sFXType
float _sFXParam1
float _sFXParam2
float _sFXParam3
float _sFXParam4
float _relativeRotate
bool _rotateValid
float _rotate
bool _rotatable
float _scaleX
float _scaleY
float _relativeScale
bool _editorSelected
bool _editorAlwaysRegister
bool _ready
Rect32 _rect
bool _rectSet
int32 _iD
char * _soundEvent
- Protected Attributes inherited from Wintermute::BaseClass
Common::HashMap< Common::String, Common::String_editorProps
Common::HashMap< Common::String, Common::String >::iterator _editorPropsIter

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