ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cLight3DPoint Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for hpl::cLight3DPoint:
hpl::iLight3D hpl::iLight hpl::iRenderable hpl::iEntity3D hpl::iEntity hpl::iSaveObject

Public Member Functions

 cLight3DPoint (tString asName, cResources *apResources)
virtual iSaveDataCreateSaveData ()
virtual void SaveToSaveData (iSaveData *apSaveData)
virtual void LoadFromSaveData (iSaveData *apSaveData)
virtual void SaveDataSetup (cSaveObjectHandler *apSaveObjectHandler, cGame *apGame)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iLight3D
 iLight3D (tString asName, cResources *apResources)
void UpdateLogic (float afTimeStep)
virtual void SetFarAttenuation (float afX)
virtual void SetNearAttenuation (float afX)
cVector3f GetLightPosition ()
virtual bool BeginDraw (cRenderSettings *apRenderSettings, iLowLevelGraphics *apLowLevelGraphics)
virtual void EndDraw (cRenderSettings *apRenderSettings, iLowLevelGraphics *apLowLevelGraphics)
bool CheckObjectIntersection (iRenderable *apObject)
void AddShadowCaster (iRenderable *apObject, cFrustum *apFrustum, bool abStatic, cRenderList *apRenderList)
bool HasStaticCasters ()
void ClearCasters (bool abClearStatic)
void SetAllStaticCastersAdded (bool abX)
bool AllStaticCastersAdded ()
eLight3DType GetLightType ()
tString GetEntityType ()
bool IsVisible ()
void SetVisible (bool abVisible)
iTextureGetFalloffMap ()
void SetFalloffMap (iTexture *apTexture)
iMaterialGetMaterial ()
iVertexBufferGetVertexBuffer ()
bool IsShadowCaster ()
eRenderableType GetRenderType ()
cBoundingVolumeGetBoundingVolume ()
int GetMatrixUpdateCount ()
cMatrixfGetModelMatrix (cCamera3D *apCamera)
void RenderShadow (iRenderable *apObject, cRenderSettings *apRenderSettings, iLowLevelGraphics *apLowLevelGraphics)
void LoadXMLProperties (const tString asFile)
void AttachBillboard (cBillboard *apBillboard)
void RemoveBillboard (cBillboard *apBillboard)
Common::Array< cBillboard * > * GetBillboardVec ()
iTextureGetTempTexture (size_t alIdx)
void SetTempTexture (size_t alIdx, iTexture *apTex)
void SetOnlyAffectInSector (bool abX)
bool GetOnlyAffectInSector ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iLight
void FadeTo (const cColor &aCol, float afRadius, float afTime)
bool IsFading ()
cColor GetDestColor ()
float GetDestRadius ()
void SetFlickerActive (bool abX)
bool GetFlickerActive ()
void SetFlicker (const cColor &aOffCol, float afOffRadius, float afOnMinLength, float afOnMaxLength, const tString &asOnSound, const tString &asOnPS, float afOffMinLength, float afOffMaxLength, const tString &asOffSound, const tString &asOffPS, bool abFade, float afOnFadeLength, float afOffFadeLength)
tString GetFlickerOffSound ()
tString GetFlickerOnSound ()
tString GetFlickerOffPS ()
tString GetFlickerOnPS ()
float GetFlickerOnMinLength ()
float GetFlickerOffMinLength ()
float GetFlickerOnMaxLength ()
float GetFlickerOffMaxLength ()
cColor GetFlickerOffColor ()
float GetFlickerOffRadius ()
bool GetFlickerFade ()
float GetFlickerOnFadeLength ()
float GetFlickerOffFadeLength ()
cColor GetFlickerOnColor ()
float GetFlickerOnRadius ()
const cColorGetDiffuseColor ()
void SetDiffuseColor (cColor aColor)
const cColorGetSpecularColor ()
void SetSpecularColor (cColor aColor)
float GetIntensity ()
void SetIntensity (float afX)
bool GetCastShadows ()
void SetCastShadows (bool afX)
bool GetAffectMaterial ()
void SetAffectMaterial (bool afX)
float GetFarAttenuation ()
float GetNearAttenuation ()
float GetSourceRadius ()
void SetSourceRadius (float afX)
void UpdateLight (float afTimeStep)
void SetWorld3D (cWorld3D *apWorld)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iRenderable
 iRenderable (const tString &asName)
bool IsRendered ()
virtual void SetRendered (bool abX)
virtual bool CollidesWithBV (cBoundingVolume *apBV)
virtual bool CollidesWithFrustum (cFrustum *apFrustum)
virtual void UpdateGraphics (cCamera3D *apCamera, float afFrameTime, cRenderList *apRenderList)
float GetZ ()
void SetZ (float afZ)
cMatrixfGetInvModelMatrix ()
void SetPrevMatrix (const cMatrixf &a_mtxPrev)
cMatrixfGetPrevMatrix ()
const cVector3fGetCalcScale ()
void SetStatic (bool abX)
bool IsStatic () const
int GetRenderCount () const
void SetRenderCount (const int alCount)
int GetPrevRenderCount () const
void SetPrevRenderCount (const int alCount)
void SetForceShadow (bool abX)
bool GetForceShadow ()
bool GetIsOneSided ()
const cVector3fGetOneSidedNormal ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iEntity3D
 iEntity3D (tString asName)
cVector3f GetLocalPosition ()
cMatrixfGetLocalMatrix ()
cVector3f GetWorldPosition ()
cMatrixfGetWorldMatrix ()
void SetPosition (const cVector3f &avPos)
void SetMatrix (const cMatrixf &a_mtxTransform)
void SetWorldPosition (const cVector3f &avWorldPos)
void SetWorldMatrix (const cMatrixf &a_mtxWorldTransform)
void SetTransformUpdated (bool abUpdateCallbacks=true)
bool GetTransformUpdated ()
int GetTransformUpdateCount ()
void AddCallback (iEntityCallback *apCallback)
void RemoveCallback (iEntityCallback *apCallback)
void SetSourceFile (const tString &asFile)
const tStringGetSourceFile ()
void AddChild (iEntity3D *apEntity)
void RemoveChild (iEntity3D *apEntity)
bool IsChild (iEntity3D *apEntity)
iEntity3DGetEntityParent ()
virtual tRenderContainerDataListGetRenderContainerDataList ()
int GetIteratorCount ()
void SetIteratorCount (const int alX)
void SetCurrentSector (cSector *apSetor)
virtual cSectorGetCurrentSector () const
bool IsInSector (cSector *apSector)
int GetGlobalRenderCount ()
void SetGlobalRenderCount (int alX)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iEntity
 iEntity (tString asName)
tStringGetName ()
void SetName (const tString &asName)
iNodeGetParent ()
void SetParent (iNode *apNode)
bool HasParent ()
bool IsActive ()
void SetActive (bool abActive)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hpl::iSaveObject
int GetSaveObjectId ()
void SetIsSaved (bool abX)
bool IsSaved ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from hpl::iLight3D
void OnFlickerOff ()
void OnFlickerOn ()
void OnSetDiffuse ()
virtual void ExtraXMLProperties (TiXmlElement *apMainElem)
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iLight3D
eLight3DType mLightType
iTexturemvTempTextures [3]
Common::Array< cBillboard * > mvBillboards
cMatrixf mtxTemp
tCasterCacheSet m_setStaticCasters
tCasterCacheSet m_setDynamicCasters
bool mbStaticCasterAdded
bool mbOnlyAffectInInSector
int mlSectorVisibilityCount
unsigned int * mpIndexArray
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iLight
cColor mDiffuseColor
cColor mSpecularColor
float mfIntensity
float mfFarAttenuation
float mfNearAttenuation
float mfSourceRadius
bool mbCastShadows
bool mbAffectMaterial
cColor mColAdd
float mfRadiusAdd
cColor mDestCol
float mfDestRadius
float mfFadeTime
bool mbFlickering
tString msFlickerOffSound
tString msFlickerOnSound
tString msFlickerOffPS
tString msFlickerOnPS
float mfFlickerOnMinLength
float mfFlickerOffMinLength
float mfFlickerOnMaxLength
float mfFlickerOffMaxLength
cColor mFlickerOffColor
float mfFlickerOffRadius
bool mbFlickerFade
float mfFlickerOnFadeLength
float mfFlickerOffFadeLength
cColor mFlickerOnColor
float mfFlickerOnRadius
bool mbFlickerOn
float mfFlickerTime
float mfFlickerStateLength
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iRenderable
cMatrixf m_mtxInvModel
cMatrixf m_mtxPrevious
bool mbIsOneSided
cVector3f mvOneSidedNormal
int mlLastMatrixCount
bool mbStatic
bool mbForceShadow
int mlRenderCount
int mlPrevRenderCount
int mlCalcScaleMatrixCount
cVector3f mvCalcScale
bool mbRendered
float mfZ
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iEntity3D
cMatrixf m_mtxLocalTransform
cMatrixf m_mtxWorldTransform
cBoundingVolume mBoundingVolume
bool mbUpdateBoundingVolume
bool mbApplyTransformToBV
bool mbTransformUpdated
int mlGlobalRenderCount
int mlCount
tString msSourceFile
tEntityCallbackList mlstCallbacks
tRenderContainerDataList mlstRenderContainerData
tEntity3DList mlstChildren
int mlIteratorCount
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iEntity
tString msName
bool mbIsVisible
bool mbIsActive
- Protected Attributes inherited from hpl::iSaveObject

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateSaveData()

virtual iSaveData* hpl::cLight3DPoint::CreateSaveData ( )

Creates the SaveData that this class uses.

Reimplemented from hpl::iLight3D.

◆ SaveToSaveData()

virtual void hpl::cLight3DPoint::SaveToSaveData ( iSaveData apSaveData)

Save it's data to a SaveData

Reimplemented from hpl::iLight3D.

◆ LoadFromSaveData()

virtual void hpl::cLight3DPoint::LoadFromSaveData ( iSaveData apSaveData)

Load it's data from a SaveData

Reimplemented from hpl::iLight3D.

◆ SaveDataSetup()

virtual void hpl::cLight3DPoint::SaveDataSetup ( cSaveObjectHandler apSaveObjectHandler,
cGame apGame 

After all objects have been created, this function is called to enable setup.

Reimplemented from hpl::iLight3D.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: